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A little help needed Brothers! - 1k list


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Hail Brothers,


I am attempting to achieve two things...

  • Firstly, improve my gaming skills, I have a pretty good win/draw/lose ration, but that is mostly down to playing the same people regularly for years.
  • Secondly, getting my models actually painted!

Some of you may or may not know I've been doing a bit of a blog over in PCA for a long while now, I tend to build stuff and then never get arround to painting it... or when I do paint it, I go back and repaint or rebuild bits...


For reference, my blog thread is here:





I'd like some help in putting together a 1k list that doesn't suck, that will also act as my focus for painting for the near future, an actual goal that is achievable seemed in order.

  • My 1st requirement is that the list has to have Tycho in it, and a Tactical Squad with Plasma Gun and Rocket Launcher, sergeant having power sword is optional (model has a sheathed sword).
In terms of what I actually have...

  • Dante
  • Tycho
  • Librarian
  • Chaplain/Reclusiarch with power fist.
  • Honour Guard with Jump packs, blood champion, standard bearer, 2 power weapons and 2 shields and priest
  • 3 units of sanguinary guard (1 has a banner, 2 have death masks, mix of axes and swords, 1 squad has 2 fists).
  • 6 Sternguard all with bolters, sergeant has melta bomb
  • 5 Priests, one with terminator armour and axe, 1 with jump pack, 1 with power axe.
  • Corbulo
  • 6 Vanguard, sergeant has shield and axe, 1 set of lightning claws, 1 fist, 1 mace
  • 3 bikers, sergeant has sword
  • 1 MM attack bike
  • 6 rhinos
  • 1 drop pod
  • 2 baal predators with assault cannons and heavy bolters
  • 1 vindicator with siege shield
  • 1 furioso dread with fists
  • 1 contemptor with blood talons
  • 1 dread with autocannon and fist
  • 1 contemptor with assault cannon and fist
  • 1 Storm Raven with lascannon and multi melta
  • 2 assault squads, 1 has sword, infernus pistol and flamer pistol, the other has two melta guns and a hammer
  • 6 tactical squads, 1 has plasma gun and rocket launcher, sergeants has sword, 1 has lascannon and plasma gun, sergeant has sword, 1 has heavy bolter and flamer, sergeant has mace, 1 has melta gun and rocket launcher, sergeant has sword, 1 has plasma cannon and plasma gun sergeant has sword and 1 has rocket launcher and flamer, sergeant has axe.
  • 7 death company marines, 1 fist, 1 axe, 1 sword.
  • I do have a Thunderhawk as well... but obviously not for 1k games!
  • 2 devastator squads, 1 with lascannon and three rockets, sergeant has combi plasma, other squad has 3 heavy bolters ans something else, sergeant hasnt been made yet.
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Right... I'll take a crack at this! If you're dead set on using Tycho, and that particular tactical squad, we'll start there :P We'll give 'em a rhino as that's the best way I've found to run them, 5 sit back with the heavy and 5 plug forward with the special, and with the plasma gun being rapid fire you'll be shooty-based, so leave the power sword off the sergeant...also means you can plug all 10 in for a ride. So that's 405 points so far. Next up, I'm not letting you leave home without that dual melta/T-hammer assault squad - I use it all the time and it's awesome. Pro-tip - combat squads are your friend here, an 'action' squad that DS's with melta, and a 'support' squad that takes objectives. Baal predators are awesome, so at least one would be quite nice - assault cannon and heavy bolters. This leaves your running total currently at 790. Tycho works best in Sternguard, as they share the special issue ammunition, so we'll take 6 of those in a rhino, with the sergeant's meltabomb. There's a few points left, so why not toss a meltabomb onto the tactical sergeant.


So this gives us:



10 Assault Marines, 2 Meltaguns, Thunder Hammer

10 Tactical Marines, Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher, Meltabomb, Rhino

6 Sternguard, Meltabomb, Rhino

Baal Predator, Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolters


Not a lot for your points, but BA are stupidly expensive. If you like you can free up points by dropping some upgrades - I might be tempted to scrap the tactical rhino in favour of a multi-melta attack bike. The biggest problem is having somewhere to put Tycho, as you're forced to either combat squad some tactical marines every game to fit in a transport, or take a squad size smaller than 10, which means tac squads lose all access to weapons not named 'boltgun'.


You have other options based around the same core:



10 Assault Marines, 2 Meltaguns, Thunder Hammer

10 Tactical Marines, Plasma Gun, Missile Launcher, Power Sword, Rhino

Baal Predator, Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolters

Baal Predator, Assault Cannon and Heavy Bolters

Multi-Melta Attack Bike

This one is a more dakka-oriented list - Tycho and 5 tactical marines go hunting in the rhino, the other 5 guard a home objective. Sternguard are costly enough that taking them out nets you a second Baal - these are likely to be your main damage-dealers. I think I like this list slightly more, but you are troop light in either instance. Another option is ditching the Baal and attack bike, which cost just shy of 200 points, in favour of a second tactical squad, with meltagun and missile launcher, but there's no points in the budget for a rhino unless you want them to footslog, or are willing to sacrifice Tycho for a cheaper HQ.


That's a couple of options I can suggest based on availability, and models in your collection - personally, I'd try and get another HQ up and running as Tycho is a lot of points at 1k, especially since he's difficult to find a home for, but that's purely personal preference. I should also state that because of cost I personally find it tricky to built BA lists at 1k or below, so someone else might be able to find you a better option. Good luck!

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Surely Tycho would go with the sternguard rather than the tacticals in the first list?


I'd been thinking something like:



10 Tacticals (plasma gun, rocket launcher, power sword)

6 Sternguard (melta bomb)

7 Death Company (axe, sword, fist)


Baal Predator (Heavy Bolter Sponsons)


Comes in at: 945.


So I could add a Rhino for Tycho and Sternguard + priest to ride in and a melta bomb to sergeant?


Biggest Issue I saw was that it doesn't really have much anti tank or ways to deal with 2+ saves, but how much heavy armour/2+ saves do you expect to see in 1k games? (I've traditionally always played 1750-2500)

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okay, how about:



10 Tacticals (plasma gun, rocket launcher, power sword)


6 Sternguard (melta bomb)

10 Assault Marines (Thunder Hammer, 2x Melta)


Baal Predator (Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Storm Bolter)


Which is (I think) bang on 1k


although the last two 2k games i've played I had just 2 scoring units in, and won both (they were objective games too).

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