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Not So Plague Marines


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Hello all. I've been eyeing up Calas Typhon and Grave Wardens from forgeworld with a view to painting them up as Death Guard that have joined the Black Legion. My question is how much/little nurgle mutation would be ok for a squad of DG terminators?

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The standard answer is of course "it's your army model it as you want" but if you want to stick to fluff, quite a bit honestly. Joining the Black Legion does not remove the mark of Chaos God, especially Nurgle as his mark is by far the most physically transformative. I suppose you could get away with just making them really rusty and dirty, perhaps even in the white Death Guard style that people like to do, basically the original off-white DG legion colors just with rust and pus on it. That said, I personally prefer the post-heresy Death Guard terminator models myself anyway, and those come Nurgley looking right off the bat but to each their own.

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I had originally looked at the DG nurgley terminator conversion kit but I've truely fallen in love with HH Death Guard models.


I suppose I drill small holes and cut some splits in the armour. Then I could paint them all puss leaking with rust around the edges and sore flesh. Maybe I could leave a couple unhelmeted and model them with deformed, rotten heads.


EDIT: Why are 40k DG commonly represented as a dark, dirty green? Is it a concious repainting by the DG themselves or is it a result of the gifts of Nurgle?

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When it comes to Grandfather Nurgle, the more disgusting, vile and sickly they are, the more complimentary you make them :)


Usually we represent a sickly person with pale colours (blood drained pale face), gangrenous green (snot and ooze), a dirty person with brown (mud and ..) etc...  There is a snippet in one of the wiki's (source I have no idea of) ...


He is known also as Grandfather Nurgle, the Lord of Flies and the Lord of Decay.
Nurgle's number is seven. He is represented by the colours of green and
brown, generally the putrid variations of each; the colours of rot and
ruin, waste and vomit, mucus and pus.


Which sort of goes a way to detail why.


As for how nurgley in my view, the FW HH models are wonderful designs for the Death Guard, I don't wish to change them, but if you want them in the 40k environment, you could either use paint weathering and ooze effects to represent their nurgling, or add some swollen bellies with the triple pus biles in random places, as well as some bolter holes.  This would allow you not to go 'too far' and keep their original looks.

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