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Deny the Witch w/ multiple Psykers?


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So on BRB pg 68 it says the modification results for having a psyker present are not cumulative. That's clear a lvl 2 psyker denying a lvl 1 psykers power never gets better than the +2.


What if you have two psykers in the unit?


Do you get two rolls and the respective modified value for each psyker?


Does the unit get one roll at the cumulative modified value of both psykers?


Does the unit get one roll modified based off the highest psyker and the second psyker doesn't count?


So as an example unit A has a lvl 2 and lvl 1 psyker in it. Unit B casts a power on unit A with a lvl 1 psyker.


So unit A gets to deny the witch on a 4+ with a 5+ reroll or denys the witch on a 3+, or Denys the witch on a 4+ while the lvl 1 psyker reorganizes his baseball cards.


Never came up, I can think up arguments for and against all three. Anyone else here run into this?

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Unit A gets a single DtW roll, succeeding on a 4+. This is set out very clearly on the page you referenced. Each of the non-cumulative modifiers applies if the target unit contains "one or more psykers" of whatever relative level.

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Firstly, only one deny the witch roll is made.


Secondly, on page 68 of the core rule book two constrains are listed:


Constraint A: "If the target unit contains one or more Psykers of lesser or equal Mastery Level to the model manifesting the psychic power: +1"

-This tells us that no matter how many Psykers are present of equal or lower power to the manifesting Psyker, as long as we have 1 or more we gain a +1 modifier to the dice roll.


Constraint B: "If the target unit contains one or more Psykers of higher Mastery Level than the model manifesting the psychic power: +2"

-This tells us that no matter how many Psykers are present of greater power to the manifesting Psyker, so long as we have 1 or more we gain a +2 modifier to the dice roll.


Preceding this is a bracketed rule:

(these modifiers are not cumulative, simply take the best that applies)

-This tells us that we ignore the second lesser Psyker completely and only use the modifier from the greater more powerful Psyker.


Therefore you only roll a single d6 and add +2 to the result. Thereby needing a 4+ to deny the which against a level 1 Psyker with a level 2 power.


Morollan beat me to it. :)

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Thanks for the quick reply and that seems pretty straight forward.


Seems a bit silly the other psykers are ignored but on the flip side I could see how multiple psyker units could get even more powerful and game breakingly powerful.

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