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The Stormlord is Ready to Roll! (Pics)


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I spent a week working on this thing before I finished the first two colors, the base gray and highlight, and the silver metal. After that things got a lot easier and more fun, it was great adding little details all over this baby and I'm very happy with how it turned out. The only thing I'm not 100% about is the figurehead, for such a stand out piece of customization the dark blue marbled/stippled look I went for blended with the dark blue/gray of the hull more than I thought it would. I considered doing it dark green like I did a statue from the honored Imperium or red but I really wanted a darker blue sea serpent look. Still I think it is physically striking enough to draw the eye despite not being a starkly contrasting color.


Anyway that's enough gab, here's the pics, lemme know what you guys think!















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Duuude, that's awesome. All i can hear in my head right now is Amon Amarth's "Guardians of Asgaard".


Yep, definitely an Amon Amarth vibe emanating from this metal beast- though I don't know how well a stormlord would be in a guardian role, imo something that menacing cresting over a hill on a battlefield is more akin to an ancient sign of coming storm. ;)

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Excellent work on the conversion, but why weren't the heavy stubbers replaced with heavy bolters? Space Marines don't use stubbers, meaning it'll be difficult to acquire spare parts for maintenance or repairs, replacement weapons, or ammo- unless it's compatible with assault cannon ammo?


Well the Space Marines might not but I expect the Skaerls do, every Space Marine chapter, including the Space Wolves, maintain serfs and some, including the Space Wolves, arm them. As serfs can't heft Heavy Bolters, Lascannons or Bolters like Space Marines more appropriate tripod mounted heavy weapons and light armaments such as stubbers, autoguns, scatterguns and lasguns would be necessary, thus since those weapons already arm the Skaerls why not stick a few on a big tank? After all from a practical standpoint the equivalent of a heavy stubber would be the storm bolter, but the stubber gets an additional shot each turn, more dakka is reason enough no?

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Very nice detail, sadly I think that much detail takes away from the overall model ... still very nice.


I'm of the opposite mind when it comes to details, nothing disappoints me more than massive, ancient warmachines devoid of custom markings. Many vehicles in 40k are ancient machines that will have served for centuries, even millennia, and should have fought through scores, if not hundreds of campaigns, thousands of battles and should have a long list of honors and achievements to their names in the same way as the warriors that fight within or around them. So I've not covered every inch of empty armor on my tanks but a good smattering of custom markings helps give each vehicle some character and history to make it stand out from the rest, just as my infantry all bear their own markings. But anyway, that's just how I like to do it.

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