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Returning to the fight

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Salutations brethren!  I first signed-up at the B&C about 10 years ago as a loyalist who could never quite manage to get an army painted.  Couple that lack of resolve with a tendency to embark upon over-ambitious modeling projects, and you get... kinda nothing.


Since then, life has happened.  I've gained a wife, kid, and desk job.  There have been several stretches when I wasn't on the B&C for years at a time.  The desire to throw dice and push expensive toy soldiers around never left me, though.  It's just been challenging sometimes to find time or people to game with.


I used to think getting a painted army was unattainable, but at some point I realized it just required more butt-in-chair time and less flitting from project-to-project than I was bringing.  Fixing those issues led me to cranking out a small but fully-painted Word Bearers army.  More recently, those Word Bearers have been getting expanded, and seeing more games.  That led me back to lurking at the B&C.


But it's hard to lurk for too long without wanting to rejoin this community...

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Hail and welcome back brother! As you can see B&C has changed somewhat in recent months and I fully encourage you to ask any questions you may have should you need to. ^_^

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