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Speculation on future supplements


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A Purge supplement would actually be kind of neat, they had an apocalypse formation--somewhere--I don't remember where anymore but basically it focused on Terminators with chemical weapons which are apparently their calling card. Would be neat, AP3 chem flamers and stuff like that, it has potential. Oh and I don't know what happened in Daemon World, but old (like, 2002 old) 13th Black Crusade fluff had them attacking an Imperial Prison and recruiting the most vicious criminals into their ranks (I guess implanting them with gene seed), besides even if a retcon were required not like anyone would notice with such an obscure chapter.

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Where were the Violators wiped out? All I recall is they lost 400 on a daemonworld but then made a comeback in the 13th Black crusade.

Me and Jeske had a discussion about this a while ago.  It's kind of one of those lost features, burried in the 13th crusade material.  Basically there was no actual set time for Demon World, so you can have up to 400 dead Violators before or after the Crusade. 


As for their prison raids, they were noted in the records for taking recruits from Imperial Prisons, but the Imperium managed to take out the planet they were raidng.    It's vague, but that detail never surfaced past it and the obvious novel.  So in essence, they weren't wiped out, but it's basically a show and tell chapter that got roped into detail picking. 

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40 Euro for a different name on a codex and some minor things changed. May i ask how smart some of you are if you wish GW to bring out yet another halfbaked supplement?

And new fluff. Unless writing positives are a bad thing?

If i wanted more lore i wouldnt want to pay 40 euros for it, heck even the most expansiv reading books dont even break the 20 euro limit, and those have near 400 pages of reading.


Gw is pulling legs, and some dont even realise it.

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Where were the Violators wiped out? All I recall is they lost 400 on a daemonworld but then made a comeback in the 13th Black crusade.

Me and Jeske had a discussion about this a while ago. It's kind of one of those lost features, burried in the 13th crusade material. Basically there was no actual set time for Demon World, so you can have up to 400 dead Violators before or after the Crusade.

As for their prison raids, they were noted in the records for taking recruits from Imperial Prisons, but the Imperium managed to take out the planet they were raidng. It's vague, but that detail never surfaced past it and the obvious novel. So in essence, they weren't wiped out, but it's basically a show and tell chapter that got roped into detail picking.

So in other words, they are Schrodinger's Renegades?

So Supplement is doable then. msn-wink.gif

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What would I expect from a hypothetical "Word Bearers: A Chaos Space Marine Supplement"?


*Lorgar is now a mortal Primarch who wanders the Great Eye trying to convince people and daemons to be atheist, in between suplexing Great Unclean Ones to death.


*The Legion disdains those who make heavy use of daemons and cultists as weaklings, instead relying on highly trained Tactical Squads as the bulk of their forces.


*Dark Apostle is now a title given to especially skilled Sergea..Aspiring Champions, Hosts are led by Coryphaus-Captains.


*Rules for Special Character Coryphaus-Captain Stanbarth Aun, the acknowledged leader of the XVII Legion who carries a D-strength heavy flamer, makes any models with flamers or baleflamers scoring (RAW that does mean Baledrakes) and exiled Erebus and Kor Phaeron from Sicarus, and was named Coryphaus of Coryphaus's for his many accomplishments.

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I'd just like official Dedicated transport Drop pods, and being able to assault out of Rhinos and drop pods, but maybe only D6 inches out of a chaos drop pod.  I don't really care which Supplement, legion or warband does it.


"That would make us different from Loyalists" TM

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Looks like I'm going to be making the FW Space Sharks rules count as World Eaters.

why? there chapter tactics are a worse mark of khorne, and being able to take a close combat weapon just as csm can do.
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I don't expect Legion supplement anytime soon and here is one simple reason why:


GW probably want to make Legions more distinctive from basic CSM codex an perhaps even release some new models along supplements. So I wouldn't expect Legion supplement of appear until supplements with distinctive rules and new units start to show up.


So I think renegades being released before Legions is reasonable guess.


Edit: Even if Violators are wiped out in M 49.999, there is really no obstacle for them having a supplement. Remember that 40k is a setting.

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I would like to see maybe a supplement that combines demons and csm together for once. or at least something like icons that summon demons for csm. They're battle brothers and GW has done nothing for any battle brothers when it comes to wargear helping for one another. Now that they are making Codices don't count toward allies why not make it happen or how about a supplement of nothing but chaos wargear and add the icons to it.

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Don't need a supplement for better integration, just a white dwarf rules article for "icons of the gods", later made available as a dataslate, granting CSM access to a handful of new chaos icons, including an 'icon of summoning' for 20 to 30 points which would serve as a homing beacon, in addition to the usual +1 combat res for icons.  Toss in a couple extra generic icons (generic icon 5 pts for the +1 combat res on its own, 'icon of chaos glory' re-roll leadership for 15 points, 'icon of the daemonforge' 1/game re-roll to hit and wound with all shooting attacks, but the unit's ranged weapons have gets hot that turn, 30-40pts), etc.


maybe some alternative aligned icons, particularly for slaanesh (which could use a cheaper option), Nurgle, & Tzeentch (the latter two could use icons that weren't so lousy).  Maybe 'scented icon' for slaanesh 10-15 pts - enemy units can't use counter attack or defensive grenades when charged by the unit; 'banner of sorcery' 20-30 pts for tzeentch - psykers w/ MoT that start the turn in the unit have an extra warp charge that turn, 'icon of pestilence' for Nurgle 10-20 pts - enemy units w/in 6" of the icon at the start of the chaos turn take d6 S2 Poisoned 4+ ap- ignores cover hits.


Couple it with a chop shop article about converting fancy icons, using daemon & fantasy banners, etc.



Anyway, a homing beacon available for purchase by chaos marine units would, by itself, dramatically improve the synergy and exciting narrative interaction between chaos marine and chaos daemon allies, even without allowing the characters of the armies to join each others' units.

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Where were the Violators wiped out? All I recall is they lost 400 on a daemonworld but then made a comeback in the 13th Black crusade.

Me and Jeske had a discussion about this a while ago. It's kind of one of those lost features, burried in the 13th crusade material. Basically there was no actual set time for Demon World, so you can have up to 400 dead Violators before or after the Crusade.

As for their prison raids, they were noted in the records for taking recruits from Imperial Prisons, but the Imperium managed to take out the planet they were raidng. It's vague, but that detail never surfaced past it and the obvious novel. So in essence, they weren't wiped out, but it's basically a show and tell chapter that got roped into detail picking.

So in other words, they are Schrodinger's Renegades?

So Supplement is doable then. msn-wink.gif

Doable, but as jeske will say and has said, at best they're nothing more than renegades with some mutation. Or just counts as EC with more modern equipment.

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Where were the Violators wiped out? All I recall is they lost 400 on a daemonworld but then made a comeback in the 13th Black crusade.

Me and Jeske had a discussion about this a while ago. It's kind of one of those lost features, burried in the 13th crusade material. Basically there was no actual set time for Demon World, so you can have up to 400 dead Violators before or after the Crusade.

As for their prison raids, they were noted in the records for taking recruits from Imperial Prisons, but the Imperium managed to take out the planet they were raidng. It's vague, but that detail never surfaced past it and the obvious novel. So in essence, they weren't wiped out, but it's basically a show and tell chapter that got roped into detail picking.

So in other words, they are Schrodinger's Renegades?

So Supplement is doable then. msn-wink.gif

Doable, but as jeske will say and has said, at best they're nothing more than renegades with some mutation. Or just counts as EC with more modern equipment.

They leak fluid from inside their armor and one of their number was a Dreadnought filled with living tentacles that allowed him to still use his "normal" senses. If that's a little then I wonder what a lot is! tongue.png
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World eaters Supp.


Beefed up Khârn even if he cost 180pts like in 3.5, or a new IC that fits a WE force.


Some new options for Zerker Squads, like power weapons, not only Plasma pistols.


Modded Rhinos to be assault vehicles or open topped OR rules for Pods/Dreadclaws as dedicated transports.


Maybe a new unit type, like Champions of Khorne on Juggers, Thunderwolf Blood God style.


A nice new rule for WE detachements.


Chaos Knights Supp...


Dataslate for Uber Helbrut Bjorn the Felhand style


13th Black Crusade or Eye of the Terror Supp...


Found a place with (nearly) all the newsletters of the EoT campaigne, really did make resurface some fond memories...






Andy Chambers: The biggest campaign in Games Workshop's
history has drawn to a close. Over forty thousand players have sent
in more than quarter of a million game results over eight weeks to decide
the fate of the Cadian Gate. We've had mare results posted in a single
day than in the entire Armageddon campaign - and we thought that was


Victory for Chaos! Not a complete victory, the forces of Order have
held the line in many places and Cadia itself still defies the Arch
Warmaster Abaddon. But nonetheless over eight weeks the forces ot Disorder
have consistently out-fought and out-manoeuvred their opponents across
the warzones of the Eye of Terror.

It's been a nail-biter from start to finish, seeing the results come
rolling in and watching the planets fall before the Chaos assault. It's
had some hugely unexpected twists of fate and circumstance as the two
opposing forces grappled with the complexities of the fiendish campaign
mechanics and twists built into the game. But it has been a mighty game
indeed, the like of which the world has, I suspect, never seen before.


In concept the Eye of Terror campaign was created to be a monstrous
strategy game with an unguessable number of players. By posting results
from their tabletop games on the Eye of Terror website, players could
make infinitesimal moves' on the Eye of Terror map, choosing where to
make a difference in the overall piclure. For me. the big question was
always whether the players themselves could organise their efforts in
ways to make a difference to the overall map. In the Armageddon campaign
the games played virtually cancelled each other out because there was
no room for strategies. The campaign was fought at a tactical level
and across the thousands of games played overall army balance (thank
god) meant that there was seldom more than a 10% swing in either direction.
Interestingly the Imperial fleet was (he real star of that campaign,
consistently outperforming the Orks.


So, the idea for Eye of Terror was to draw up a map and rules where
tactical games allowed strategic moves. Because the individual moves
would be tiny on such a vast scale (whole worlds at war. millions fighting)
it would mean that the overall strategy would be generated by the players'
decisions en masse. To facilitate this we created war rooms on the websites
for the two sides' players to communicate and work on their strategies.
We made up a set of event cards to distribute to individual players
to allow them to make a difference in the fighting and create narrative
ideas. We coordinated with the indefatigable GW Events and Retail Staff
members so they could create an event packed with battles all over the
globe. We met with clubs and talked about what was coming up in White
Dwarf, at gaming conventions and on the net. We finalised the mechanics
of the campaign for the website and awaited the big day.

We still had no clue as to what would actually happen.


I felt it was important to introduce some pre-programmed events into
the campaign which would give it a sense of unfolding drama and engage
the players throughout its duration. These allowed us to sketch out
a broad framework of themes for the course of the campaign in narrative
terms. So, over eight weeks the campaign moved from a period of insurrections,
raids and sabotage up to a devastating full-scale Chaos invasion, the
commitment of Imperial reinforcements, intervention of the Eldar and
on to a final, suitably apocalyptic showdown with warp storms cutting
off access to all but the key strategic areas. In addition to the programmed
events there were wild cards too. Some of these were dictated by the
turn of events within the campaign. For example we decided that the
loss of Imperial control on certain worlds might ultimately lead to
their destruction - the Imperials invoking Exterminates in order to
stop the Chaos taint spreading further.

Within this broader framework we then used the player event cards
to flesh out individual acts of bravery or infamy, random chance and
cruel fate.


Within the first day it was clear that this was going to bigger than
I'd anticipated (I'd guessed at Armageddon +50%. boy was I wrong). The
initial inroads of Chaos were disappointing to say the least. Over the
first week their efforts were rebuffed and in some sectors the forces
of Order went over to the offensive, lightening their grip on a few
out-of-the-way systems. Over the following pages you can find accounts
of the course of the campaign in all the individual warzones. but I
recall vividly the wails of dismay in the Disorder war room that first
week. Secretly I blamed myself in some measure as I'd used the planet
of Nemesis Tessera as an example of being easy to influence in several
presentations. The hordes of Chaos duly showed up there and got smacked
down in no uncertain terms. What I had dreaded - an easy victory for
the more numerous players of the forces of Order - was in the offing.

By the second week there was a change in the wind. The Impenum continued
to secure its control in some places but in the major sectors Chaos
attacks were starting to take their toll. After the virtual stasis of
the initial week the daily shifts were frightening to behold. Instead
of concentrating their results in slugging matches with their Imperial
opponents the Chaos players had begun to batter at worlds for a day
and then move on, leaving their foes to pick up the pieces. Using just
this tactic the forces of Disorder succeeded in capturing the prison
planet of St Josmane`s Hope. An Imperial counter-attack developed but
proved hopeless, the forces of Order had been caught flat-tooted and
couldn't muster the strength they needed to make progress.

On our internal Eye of Terror web group we contemplated the situation.
From a background perspective we fett the Imperium would sacrifice the
planet rather than lose it to the forces of Disorder, it would also
mark the victory of the Chaos players so that come what may they had
made a milestone mark (unplanned as it was) in the narrative of the
Eye of Terror campaign. So it was one Friday night that I gave the order
to destroy St Josmane's Hope, a fictional world in a giant fictional
game with no actual pieces. It was a weird feeling.




When i read this, i remember how it was awesome to play at the time, and i was proud to be a CSM player.

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One thing occurred to me: We had a tiny hint of CS supplement in Index Chaotica, so maybe we should look for a hints of future supplements in the new fluff.

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Where were the Violators wiped out? All I recall is they lost 400 on a daemonworld but then made a comeback in the 13th Black crusade.

There had to be different violators or GW forgot it killed them off , because 4 companies is what was left of them when they escaped in to the strom . Thunder Barons had 5companies , but they all went crazy and started to randomly attack other marine forces and in the end were wiped out by the WB , but it was in the times where WB were still a legion .

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One thing occurred to me: We had a tiny hint of CS supplement in Index Chaotica, so maybe we should look for a hints of future supplements in the new fluff.

Maybe. IIRC, all the other Index Chaotica featuring troops are for PMs and NMs.


Jeske: Could you throw up a quote please?

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