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Speculation on future supplements


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Well, I guess Andy Chambers is happy over at Blizzard, but I miss him in the 40k universe, he had great ideas!

That reminds me, I need to get his DE book. Er, I mean, so a Purge supplement, eh?


Here's a question for speculation, what about the Punishers? I mean, they're supposed to have four whole Chapters following them. What would they have done to get that? That might be cool for a supplement and who knows what you could pop out for it in rules and stuff.


And "Slaughter" is? Especially in the US with all of its freaking out over any type of weapon at the moment?

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Mal - I didn't just mean Icon I meant full Wargear options like 3.5 also. Axe of Khorne would be a nice comeback and Slaanesh drugs also. I would say reason it needs to be a supplement is bc the dataslates only add formations and new characters while a supplement could also be a codex addon which I think would be better than a whole new codex. Why not add to the current rather than just coming out with the same codex over and over.

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Because the problems with the Codex are the baseline Codex. A supplement might cover up the problems, but ultimately the problems will be there until there removed by a new publishing. The other thing is, what good is it if the Supplements fix the problems and you're a player who is still playing the baseline Codex?
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Good point Kol, I'm just running on that 'sex is worse than violence' thing that always seems to crop up.


I'd buy a Punishers supplement. Hell, wasn't a Chapter founded with the express task of hunting them down?



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True. But violating could mean a variety of things, some of which are non-sexual in nature. Like the ritual defilement of a shrine world.


From Lexicanum:


The Dark Hunters have a reputation for being particularly grim and resolute warriors. They are one of the seven chapters charged with elimination of the Punishers, a faction of Chaos Renegades.[1] They succeeded in eliminating half the Punishers at the Battle of the Black Star in 939.M41.[3]


The Dark Hunters are the only ones we see named, IIRC.

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Mal - I didn't just mean Icon I meant full Wargear options like 3.5 also. Axe of Khorne would be a nice comeback and Slaanesh drugs also. I would say reason it needs to be a supplement is bc the dataslates only add formations and new characters while a supplement could also be a codex addon which I think would be better than a whole new codex. Why not add to the current rather than just coming out with the same codex over and over.

That may be, but my main point is that adding homing beacons alone is enough to fix our integration with chaos daemons, you don't need a whole supplement for that, and furthermore the lack of such integration is a problem for the faction as a whole, and should be fixed in a manner available to the faction as a whole, rather than restricted to a particular subfaction via a supplement.


Homing Beacons, whether in icon form or otherwise, is simply an upgrade that CSMs need to have, to make their own fluffy terminator configurations functional and to make their battle brothers designation with daemons meaningful. A combined supplement, particularly along single cult or word bearer themes, would be interesting as well, but wouldn't negate the underlying need for the faction as a whole to have that option.

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Because the problems with the Codex are the baseline Codex. A supplement might cover up the problems, but ultimately the problems will be there until there removed by a new publishing. The other thing is, what good is it if the Supplements fix the problems and you're a player who is still playing the baseline Codex?

I don't think the end goal is for chaos players to use just one codex. I think what GW wants[nothing bad in it] is that chaos players buy all the supplements for chaos . One codex which could make talons/possessed/raptors good wouldn't be as good as 3 codex each one making each of the units good . This way if someone would want to use the non core units [and why wouldn't he if supplements made them viable or at least working] he would have to buy 4 codex instead of 1.

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Ok so according to Faeit 212 Veterans of the Long War Supplement is still the thing. Thoughts?


My thoughts are that it's a dead rumor, and they need to



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Ok so according to Faeit 212 Veterans of the Long War Supplement is still the thing. Thoughts?


My thoughts are that it's a dead rumor, and they need to




LMAO This made my morning better!

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Ok so according to Faeit 212 Veterans of the Long War Supplement is still the thing. Thoughts?


My thoughts are that it's a dead rumor, and they need to





Dude...i really don't thank you..;i managed to get that song out of my head...


i've been huming that song for 2 weeks straigth...

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