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Can we run an Reign of Fire army?


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So I have been having another look at the Kharybdis and Dreadclaws and I've always felt their biggest problem is that they eat slots, namely valuable FA and HS ones.


But then I thought, with allies it is possible to run 4 HS and 4 FA slots. Would this perhaps be a viable list?




Up top 3 Kharybdis:

2 Baledrakes

1 Dreadclaw:


Ally in up to

1 dread claw: With the allies troops choice inside

1 Kharybdis: With whatever you want inside


what would you go about including in this list?


Honestly this might be something I look into, I really like the idea

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You're spending upwards of 1,500 points on fliers and transports, In any reasonably sized game, you will not have sufficient points left over for an obligatory HQ plus units to put in those transports, and don't forget that the dreadclaws are more than happy to deploy their contents straight into the mishap table's clutches.


I tested 2 claw 2 drake lists a bit back when Black Legion first came out, and I generally found walking those units, or dropping them entirely for near about anything else, was better than deploying via dreadclaw, and while I haven't tried multiple Kharybdis, I proxied one out for a couple games when its trial rules first hit and was less than pleased - it has the land raider problem of paying full points for a bunch of weapons & transport abilities that cannot be effctively used together, and it pays for several rules (assault transport, frag launchers) that are all but completely wasted on it.


Taking huron as your warlord gets the same big unit up close for far less points & effort.


Maybe you could make something work with multiples of them, but proxy it before buying any models or spending the time on those conversions, is all I could say on the matter, because the kharybdis didn't strike me as the kind of bad that gets less bad the more of them you take.

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