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List of 3.5 Chaos Legion characteristics


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Was wondering what the fuss was all about, so I bought an old copy of 3.5. Thought I'd summarize the 3.5 Legion characteristics below in case anyone wanted to reference them.


I haven't included points, nor have I included in-depth descriptions, so I'm assuming this list is ok and not an IP violation (otherwise, sorry - Mods please delete).


Alpha Legion:
1. Can take Chaos Cultists as Scouts, Assassins or Saboteurs
2. Only Cultists can carry Icons for Daemons
3. Only Mark of Chaos Undivided; CSM in PA on foot can take Infiltration skill


Iron Warriors:
1. Only Mark of Chaos Undivided
2. Cannot take Daemons except DP and Possessed
3. Every model has Siege Specialist
4. No limit to Oblit squads
5. Get an extra Heavy slot in exchange for two Fast
6. Can get one Basilisk and one Vindicator as Heavy
7. May use Servo Arms


Night Lords:
1. Only Mark of Chaos Undivided
2. Cannot take Daemons except Furies, DP and Possessed
3. Night Vision
4. Get an extra Fast slot in exchange for two Heavy
5. No limit to Raptor squads
6. Stealth bonus to Cover Save


Word Bearers:
1. Only Mark of Chaos Undivided
2. Can use any Daemon
3. Can include Chaplains
4. Can exchange any Elite, Fast, Heavy for a Troop


World Eaters:
1. All units must have MoK – providing Blood Frenzy and some units have options around Armory of Khorne (e.g. Chain Axes)
2. Only Khorne Daemons
3. Only Khorne or undedicated vehicles
4. Favored unit may upgrade one model to Aspiring CChampion for free (*thx Minsc)
5. Favored Daemons improve Summoning roll
6. Khârn IC


Death Guard:
1. All units must have MoN – providing True Grit and some units have options around Gifts of Nurgle (e.g. Blight Grenades)
2. Only Nurgle Daemons
3. Only Nurgle or undedicated vehicles
4. Only 2 Rhinos as Dedicated Troop, rest are Fast
5. Favored unit may upgrade one model to Aspiring CChampion for free (*thx Minsc)
6. Favored Daemons improve Summoning roll
7. Typhus IC


Emperor’s Children:
1. All units must have MoS – providing Warp Scream and some units have options around Armory of Slaanesh (e.g. Combat Drugs)
2. Only Slaanesh Daemons
3. Only Slaanesh or undedicated vehicles
4. Favored unit may upgrade one model to Aspiring Champion for free (*thx Minsc)
5. Favored Daemons improve Summoning roll
6. Dreads and Preds can replace some weapons with Blastmaster or Sonic Blaster
7. Lucius IC


Thousand Sons:
1. All units must have MoT – providing Sorcerer ability for some units and models, and some units have options around Armory of Tzeentch (e.g. Inferno Bolts)
2. Only Tzeentch Daemons
3. Only Tzeentch or undedicated vehicles
4. Favored unit may upgrade one model to Aspiring Champion for free (*thx Minsc)
5. Favored Daemons improve Summoning roll
6. Slow and Purposeful and Bolters only for Rubric Marines (can be upgraded to Rubric Termis - *thx dab)
7. Ahriman IC



Other Vet Skills:
Furious Charge
Move Through Cover
Night Vision
Siege Specialists
Skilled Riders
Tank Hunters


Edit - * corrections

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Just for the record when it comes to World Eaters/Thousand Sons/Death Guard/Emperor's Children - it's not "favoured units may upgrade one model to a Aspiring Champion.", it's "favoured units may upgrade one model to a Aspiring Champion for free." msn-wink.gif

It can also be worth mentioning that MoTz doesn't give rubric marines and terminators a 5++, but +1 W (!).

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Cult specific wargear:



Axe of Khorne

Banner of Rage

Beserker Glaive (Daemon weap)

Collar of Khorne

Feel no Pain

Juggernaut of Khorne

Rage of Khorne

Talisman of Burning Blood



Blight Grenades

Manreaper (Daemon weap)

Minor Psychic Power

Nurgle's Rot

Nurgling Infestation

Pandemic Staff (Daemon weap)

Plague Banner

Plague Sword



Allure of Slaanesh

Aura of Acquiescence

Combat Drugs

Doom Siren

Lash of Torment (Daemon weap)

Minor Psychic Power

Needle of Desire (Daemon weap)

Rapturous Standard

Sonic Blaster

Steed of Slaanesh


Bedlam Staff (Daemon weap)

Blasted Standard

Bolt of Change

Disc of Tzeentch

Eye of Tzeentch

Inferno Bolts

Minor Psychic Power

Talisman of Tzeentch

Thrall Wizard

Twisting Path

Warp Blade

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also note: There are no cult units, they we're just regular CSM units with the appropriate mark (Though thousand sons lists had shenanigans with sorcerer champions)


personally a lot of this stuff could be reperesented if the codex didn't restirct itself.


If I could take icon of excess (excessive rot hur hur) then I could do a good job of representing a deathguard legion

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also note: There are no cult units, they we're just regular CSM units with the appropriate mark (Though thousand sons lists had shenanigans with sorcerer champions)


My old thousand sons-terminators would like to have a word with you.

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