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If Abbaddon Succeeds


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Agreed with the above. malisteen, you're the main influence behind my taking up the cause of the Black Legion and a fantastic source on the background.

Both a source of modeling and fluff inspiration. I'd say don't get a big head, but if anyone does then you deserve it. tongue.png

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If abaddon succeeds why would the gods have no use for him, I feel he would ascend to immortal deamonhood and be more powerful then any deamon primarch.

I can imagine Goto writing how Abbadon becomes a spawn for taking Terra ahead of schedule.

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I wonder what would happen to the Black Legion if Abaddon bit it. Would they splinter, or gather around a new leader?


After all, just because you have a destiny, doesn't mean you can't die from a plasma blast to the face. Take Daenerys' son in A Game of Thrones. He was fated to be a great conqueror. Didn't save him.


I wonder how non-Imperial factions could impact Abaddon's plans. For example, the Crimson Path is going to be problematic if a Hive Fleet attacking the galaxy from beneath emerges between him and Terra. Or what if some Necron Overlord looks at the warp spilling out of the Eye, says This Simply Will Not Do, and sends a hundred Deathmarks after the Despoiler?

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After all, just because you have a destiny, doesn't mean you can't die from a plasma blast to the face. Take Daenerys' son in A Game of Thrones. He was fated to be a great conqueror. Didn't save him.


For this to be a valid example, we'd need proof that the Dothraki Crones have any sort of accurate prophetic powers whatsoever.


It's more likely this was a case of "Yes, oh mighty short tempered Lord of the beat Monsters! Your son will be all kinds of awesome and stuff! Doesn't that make you happy, and therefore less inclined to beat and murder all of us?"

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So let's assume the thirteenth black crusade breaks through the cadian gate, ploughs into terra and Abbaddon casts the Emperor from his throne. The Imperium as we know it is ruins and Abbaddon becomes a new Emperor of a darker Imperium. What next? Is this the end of humanity with daemons running amock or does Abbaddon rule and turns his back against the Gods now he has achieved his goal? Also the tyranids are still coming and necrons are waking up. Would the loyalists and Chaos be stuck in a revolving cycle of civil war or would many chapters fall to chaos with the increased warp influence throughout the galaxy? What would all of this mean to the average Joe of the Imperium?


I realise this is a pretty open ended thing to ask and we'll never know the answer but its just for fun.


I would say that the Gods would never let this happen. The Chaos Gods don't want victory. They wish only for eternal strife and conflict, so they will use everything in their power to stop Abaddon from winning. However the problem is that while Horus feel so blindly into the powers of Chaos, Abaddon did not and he still keeps them at arms length., thus the Gods don't have nearly as strong of a hold on him, making things more difficult for them.

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After all, just because you have a destiny, doesn't mean you can't die from a plasma blast to the face. Take Daenerys' son in A Game of Thrones. He was fated to be a great conqueror. Didn't save him.

For this to be a valid example, we'd need proof that the Dothraki Crones have any sort of accurate prophetic powers whatsoever.


It's more likely this was a case of "Yes, oh mighty short tempered Lord of the beat Monsters! Your son will be all kinds of awesome and stuff! Doesn't that make you happy, and therefore less inclined to beat and murder all of us?"

It was the first example I could think of. In Guy Gavriel Kay's River of Stars, there's a boy that whom the narrator explicitly states has a grand destiny in front of him and would go on to bring his tribe glory...if not for the arrow he just got through the throat.


I think there's plenty of examples in fiction of Dramatic Prophecies being sunk because the Chosen One got himself killed, a la Screw Destiny: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScrewDestiny

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After all, just because you have a destiny, doesn't mean you can't die from a plasma blast to the face. Take Daenerys' son in A Game of Thrones. He was fated to be a great conqueror. Didn't save him.


For this to be a valid example, we'd need proof that the Dothraki Crones have any sort of accurate prophetic powers whatsoever.


It's more likely this was a case of "Yes, oh mighty short tempered Lord of the beat Monsters! Your son will be all kinds of awesome and stuff! Doesn't that make you happy, and therefore less inclined to beat and murder all of us?"

I have a valid example. That Grey Knights Chapter Master who preceded Kaldor Draigo was destined to defeat Mortarion. But then he got killed because he forgot his helmet.
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After all, just because you have a destiny, doesn't mean you can't die from a plasma blast to the face. Take Daenerys' son in A Game of Thrones. He was fated to be a great conqueror. Didn't save him.


For this to be a valid example, we'd need proof that the Dothraki Crones have any sort of accurate prophetic powers whatsoever.


It's more likely this was a case of "Yes, oh mighty short tempered Lord of the beat Monsters! Your son will be all kinds of awesome and stuff! Doesn't that make you happy, and therefore less inclined to beat and murder all of us?"

I have a valid example. That Grey Knights Chapter Master who preceded Kaldor Draigo was destined to defeat Mortarion. But then he got killed because he forgot his helmet.
Touche, Mr. Saresk.


On topic...while the Chaos Gods might let Abaddon take Terra, his ten thousand year fight to claim it would be just the prelude to his fight to keep it.


There are Orkz, Necrons, Nids...and the fact that his once his allies no longer need to cooperate because of the looming threat of the Imperium, they gone.


And while it's true that the Black Legion can take, say, the Red Corsairs or the Word Bearers, how would it fare against the Red Corsairs AND the Word Bearers teaming up?


Not to mention those within the ranks of Black Legion, like Zhufor and Bhe'lakor, who are just waiting for the right moment to pull their own double crosses on the Despoiler.

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Not to mention those within the ranks of Black Legion, like Zhufor and Bhe'lakor, who are just waiting for the right moment to pull their own double crosses on the Despoiler.

It's not like that kind of thing isn't happening all the time.

I think if Abaddon would've let things being subverted that easily, he would've already been overthrown.

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Everyone in the eye has their own discreet agenda, and is always waiting for the "right moment" to enact their next self-advancing betrayal.  The genius of Abaddon is ensuring that it is never the right moment to betray him.

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Abbaddon rips the emperors corpse from the throne and the terra is then over run by Daemons from the gate. The Emperor then possibly returns as a perpetual and along with the remainder of the imperial forces the long war goes on 

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In the Eye of Terror, it's always the right time for a funeral.


And Abaddon always has more and bigger guns.



I call copyright infringement! Kidding.


No, but seriously. We all know the true power behind the throne is A D-B.

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In the Eye of Terror, it's always the right time for a funeral.


And Abaddon always has more and bigger guns.

He also has Malisteen and Vesper.

No wonder he's the boss.


dont see how a vespa makes him the boss :D

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After all, just because you have a destiny, doesn't mean you can't die from a plasma blast to the face. Take Daenerys' son in A Game of Thrones. He was fated to be a great conqueror. Didn't save him.

For this to be a valid example, we'd need proof that the Dothraki Crones have any sort of accurate prophetic powers whatsoever.


It's more likely this was a case of "Yes, oh mighty short tempered Lord of the beat Monsters! Your son will be all kinds of awesome and stuff! Doesn't that make you happy, and therefore less inclined to beat and murder all of us?"

I have a valid example. That Grey Knights Chapter Master who preceded Kaldor Draigo was destined to defeat Mortarion. But then he got killed because he forgot his helmet.
Touche, Mr. Saresk.


On topic...while the Chaos Gods might let Abaddon take Terra, his ten thousand year fight to claim it would be just the prelude to his fight to keep it.


There are Orkz, Necrons, Nids...and the fact that his once his allies no longer need to cooperate because of the looming threat of the Imperium, they gone.


And while it's true that the Black Legion can take, say, the Red Corsairs or the Word Bearers, how would it fare against the Red Corsairs AND the Word Bearers teaming up?


A little like this:


"What was that speedbump?"


"All of the Red Corsairs and the Word Bearers, I think."


"Oh, right."

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After all, just because you have a destiny, doesn't mean you can't die from a plasma blast to the face. Take Daenerys' son in A Game of Thrones. He was fated to be a great conqueror. Didn't save him.

For this to be a valid example, we'd need proof that the Dothraki Crones have any sort of accurate prophetic powers whatsoever.


It's more likely this was a case of "Yes, oh mighty short tempered Lord of the beat Monsters! Your son will be all kinds of awesome and stuff! Doesn't that make you happy, and therefore less inclined to beat and murder all of us?"

I have a valid example. That Grey Knights Chapter Master who preceded Kaldor Draigo was destined to defeat Mortarion. But then he got killed because he forgot his helmet.
Touche, Mr. Saresk.


On topic...while the Chaos Gods might let Abaddon take Terra, his ten thousand year fight to claim it would be just the prelude to his fight to keep it.


There are Orkz, Necrons, Nids...and the fact that his once his allies no longer need to cooperate because of the looming threat of the Imperium, they gone.


And while it's true that the Black Legion can take, say, the Red Corsairs or the Word Bearers, how would it fare against the Red Corsairs AND the Word Bearers teaming up?

A little like this:


"What was that speedbump?"


"All of the Red Corsairs and the Word Bearers, I think."


"Oh, right."

Huh. So that's what makes the Black Legion the most powerful.


Although now I have the awesome image of the Planetkiller just bulldozing ship after ship and then blowing up Huron's star fort.

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