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Quixus, painting the armor would not take long at all. 3 or 4 people can paint nearly one entire side of a modern destroyer with only brushes and rollers in about 5 hours. a chapter serf could throw some tape over the amrors decorations and what not, put the suit on a rack, grab a 40k paint-gun and have the armor painted in no time. the longest part of the process would be the taping and the drying, and when you are trying to honor and show respect to what is essentially a dead man walking i doubt the space marines would half arse anything.

even in the modern military, and culture a lot of simple things are done to show respect to deploying troops, troops overseas already about to go outside the wire, troops returning from a combat patrol, or troops returning from a deployment, the dead are taken care of in even better ways. to get an idea of the respect for the dead that the military has, and the culutre that goes with it, watch the movie 'taking chance'.


any ways back to astorath, the idea that he continously beheads Rage gripped marines (regardless of how strong a hold it has on them) seems far-fetched. i imagine after battle very few will have any modicum of sanity left, so most would probably fight him. if any do have a modicum of sanity left i would have no problem with a story where one kneels before astorath to accept his fate as the images in his head get stronger and stronger.



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As heavy as honoring a dead-but-walking hero might be, there's also the matter of nigh religious respect for his sacred wargear. Repainting it is going to involve a lot of praying to the armor's machine spirit, there's probably a rite for sanctifying the paint, and so on. That would add some time. That's the big reason we don't see DC Terminators -- the TDA itself is a relic holy enough that preserving the rare number of them you have trumps the soldier within. DC are suicide squads anyways, why would you give them the finest protection you have?


But now I'm just thinking to myself out loud, sorry. Everyone carry on.

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you're right TDA is nearly irreplacable, and can't be wasted, but even with the rites and incantations, and blessings, it still wouldn't be a long process, especially if they did a whole can of paint all at once and did all of the suits of armor at once. why send them into battle with the armor at all? because while they might be suicide squads they will have a much harder time achieving any sort of goal at all if they're naked fighting tooth and nail. yes yes, space marines mighty, mighty, powerful 1=gazillion other men yadda yadda, but no one is going to send anyone into battle with out the basics and for marines thats power armor, which isn't terribly difficult to create.






by the way, is it my internet on the ship here, or is there something i have to do on here now to seperate paragraphs?

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Unceremoniously dumping the suits of armor in paint does not fit with how reverently any form of technology usually is handled. I get that on the table top you somehow have to differentiate two different units that can have the same wargear (unupgraded tac squad/Bolter DC), but from a fluff point they could have done something less elaborate like tying a black ribbon to their arms or giving them special tabards. IMHO this would run a lot less risk of angering the machine spirit of the armor. Remember how not all of the armor should be repainted if a marine joins the Deathwath, lest you anger the machine spirit. How is that different from what happens to the armor when the marine goes nuts?


Additionally if you compare the DC box to the tactical box (especially the old one) the DC is a lot more ornate. So chances are that a lot more than slapping on a bit of paint needs to be done to get the armor from normal to DC.

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This thread has a lot of excellent ideas bouncing about, and I like the thoughts of yes, perhaps the red X's the represent our Primarch's wounds are the original armor's color beneath, which could be symbolic on it's own; and, that they would take time to make the armor right with blessings and care. I imagine that the priests have ways to sedate the marines just long enough for them to "awaken" adorned in the blackened armor. 


It's really too bad we have no stories to detail this process out, as it's quite a crucial and deep aspect of the Chapter and I'm sure would be appreciated if done and well. 

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