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Huron's underperformed for me for the last time fellas.

Trevak Dal

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What to do with this Hunk of pewter?  I dropped this POS while trying to paint him and it came apart (that damn little thumb bit too) i'd pinned it but I guess it wasn't enough.  I don't use him often, the STC axelord taking prescidence over my created characters, and I can't proxy him as a captain with my Space Sharks Red Corsairs.  His rules are random and frankly...he's circling the drain with me and on a one way trip to the anvil and sledge where I take All Things That Fail me.


I could atleast turn abaddon into a Obliterator.


Uses for this POS?

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STC axelord? But without restrictive legion rules you get to be so CREATIVE. No, but really, I would say keep him around for aesthetic value, like I do with a lot of my CSMs but as he's broken, eh. I mean his rules are mostly not the point, it's just that he gives guaranteed infiltrate trait which is nifty, I guess. Other than that, not much use, I guess you could cut him in half, mount his upper body on a pair of biker legs and run him as a second axelord. Actually, stupid as that would be from a fluff stadpoint, I think I'd be amused playing an army of 2 axelords each escorted by a blob of spawn, a helldrake, and the rest of the points soaked up by cultists. Hilarious.


Edit: wow brainfart, that's obviously illegal since axes are unique. Nevermind, just hit it with a hammer

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Hey, our creativity is random (whats up Boons!!).


And I love my Jugger Lord so much I'm rebuilding it...


That said, keep Huron, he's a decent enough model/rules set. Its the rest of the tools in the toolkit that are a bit wanting.

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My (counts-as) huron is a big honking bottom-heavy pewter brick of a model with a few plastic bits pinned on, and as such is far less prone to tipping or breaking than the regular model, and easier to fix if it does happen.  Gameplay-wise, though, Huron's less there for himself and more there to perform the transport function of a kharybdis assault claw without eating a heavy slot and for a hundred less points.  If you play against inquisition and their servo-skulls a lot, I could see being disenchanted with him, but otherwise, if he's not doing much for you, I'd recommend putting more weight into a single powerful squad (large terminator blob, max CSMs, etc) to infiltrate.  Anything Huron himself does is just a bonus at that point.  You could also pair him with a beefy but slow melee character (typhus, maybe abby via ally shenanigans to keep him from being your warlord), though depending on your groups interpretation of the infiltrate / IC / deployment issue that might mean banking on a 2-3, and getting stuck sol if you roll a 1 on MoD.


Like, huron warlord, typhus, 2x30 zombies, couple smallish units of plagues in rhinos, maybe a couple backfield camping msu reserved cultists, plus the usual drakes/oblits with any remaining points you can muster.  Use huron to infiltrate one of the zombie squads, plus typhus if you get a 2 (else he's in the other squad), plus the other zombie squad if you get a 3, put huron in one of the plague squads for some minor extra melee ability, maybe take a couple msu reserved cultists for backfield objectives, see if the zombies can get Typhus into wherever the opponent doesn't want him early, move plagues in to support, run the rest as per the STC printed tactical manuals.


Or maybe huron + max squad of terminators armed with a couple heavy flamers (for overwatch) plus 6 to 8 combi plas (to make a serious turn one impression).  Scoring might be an issue, but I'd imagine there are forces out there that would have a bad time with that.



I mean, I've personally tried him out with a handful of small chosen special weapon squads, and while it wasn't really good (I lost more than I won), it was enjoyable enough and made the BL troop chosen thing interesting enough to motivate a physical conversion.  Haven't run him since the test games, though, as I've been waiting for those longed for and oft rumored plastic chosen to finally show up for use as those special weaponeers, and I wouldn't recommend huron + chosen outside of the black legion at all, so... yeah.

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