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Why I Love Chaos


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Yeah, the Berossus part got to me as well. To my mind even 40k marines should be somewhat wary to wasting their own, whatever they might think of betraying or killing members of other warbands when safe or necessary to do so. Marines are so hard to replace that killing eachother in training seems immensely wasteful.


For me, I could go along with the Warsmith becoming the dominant Trident member if he has a dominant personality, but Forrix's descent into apathy before the Heresy ended bothered me. I'd rather it happened in some indeterminate time between Angel Exterminatus and Storm of Iron. Otherwise it seems like nothings changed in that time. How Forrix went from first captain to willingly serving under the Warsmith would make for good speculation. The whole thing with the Storm of Iron characters being the primarch's bestest and closest advisors seemed a but unneeded as well, although I can't complain with how there were handled.


Agreed on general characterization of the IW and Perturabo in particular. He got some good fleshing out. I might not have added the sudden rages as it seems too Ferrus Manus to me (and a more balanced view of Perturabo against some loyalist primarchs would have been interesting, as he's one with a lot of wiggle room compared to the 4 cult legions). All that said, Angel Exterminatus is a book that always gets me excited for the IVth legion.

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I agree with all you guys the endless possibilities are why I was drawn to chaos. Plus after reading Red Angel and the other stories with Khârn etc. I've learned that a part of me feels seriously bad for these guys. Made to be the best of the best blah blah blah. Counted on by humanity and then something usually pushes them over the edge. Or they just recognize that the Emperor is a shmo who's just as bad as any enemy sitting on a Throne as a Skeleton eating a Thousand Souls daily. Not exactly an organizational leader I would like to follow. Plus as has been stated in numerous posts and articles how awesome is the Imperium? Live in cattle like conditions work til you die and then get next to nothing to show for it. Sign me UP!


Now don't get me wrong I don't think Khorne Bezerkers are fluffy bunny types however I really see this as the ultimate Shakesperean Tragedy. Look at the Crimson Slaughter. Supposed to be good guys go on some planet. Get tricked now can't get away from voices in their head and go crazy unless they murder other people. Talk about the ultimate suck.

Then there's the guys who wanted the ability to tell one someone tells a lie and end up hearing them all? Khârn and the World Eaters desperately wanting Angron's approval but he can't/wont give it so they all try and understand their Primarch and get nails driven into their melons.


I can go on for each legion. I know the old heads here are upset the new Supplement isn't about Legions and Legion rules and I can empathize. I never experienced the 3.5 codex so I can't relate what that was like. However from someone who recently got interested in Chaos the Crimson Slaughter being given a Supplement is exciting to me. They've got a cool story (I think) they have some great models in DV that if you use them as regular squads look awesome and hopefully they will get some good rules.


And for the love of god some Plastic Havocs please!


Sorry Khorne took over there for a sec. Anyway I hope you guys get something close to what you want and I hope you get a bit better with accepting the Crimson Slaughter book. I think it's a cool addition and will post some very not so great painted Models up when I get them done.


Good luck and Death to the false Emperor!

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Pretty simple for me, I love to hate. When I play against an Imperial army, I try to table them. I do my best to make sure my opponent has as little fun as possible within the game (not personality wise I am always fun to play with, I just try to crush his army).


I will sacrifice everything to wipe him off of the board, I target his best painted models first to make sure he feels the sting of removing them after only being out of their case for five minutes, I then target the units with the most special rules so he has less options to play with and it makes the game more boring for him, after that I work my way to kill his scoring units so he knows he no longer has a chance to win, then I slowly chase down the stragglers and finish them off, I spit in his cereal, I dip his toothbrush in the toilet, I shave one of his eyebows so he has to shave the other so he matches!!!


I love the story behind the CSM, when I first started playing toward the begining of second edition I read a small blurb about Word Bearers being the only Legion whos Chaplains survived the purging and in fact led their Legion to the Chaos Gods. I was smitten immediately, 18 years later of being rejected for more content for Imperial books, 18 years of getting less than Imperials, 18 years later of getting what little I did have passed over to the Space Marines, 18 years is a long time to build up your hatred for a particular faction. I no longer just want to win vs an Imperial army, I want to make it miserable for them. I want to breath fire!

/end rant!

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Chaos is just so much more dynamic than the Imperium. In the Imperium everyone is essentially the bestest of friends. Yeah, there is mistrust and misunderstandings, but outright armed conflict is rare, especially among the loyal Astartes. Not so Chaos. It's enough to read Ben Counter's Daemonworld. That single planet had just as many stories to tell as the entirety of the Imperium.

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Part of it is that I like playing the Bad Guy. Of course in 40k everybody is pretty horrible in one way or another, but Chaos Marines are as unambiguous as you can get without just being a daemon (which I didn't find relate-able enough to collect.) They aren't just getting by or surviving, they are actively tearing down everything around them.


The story of once-heroes who walked beside the Emperor Himself in a mythic past who have returned to an unsuspecting world as nightmares come to life is also appealing to me. They built the Imperium that their victims live in, usually through acts of uncompromising genocide on a scale far greater than what they've managed to do in the 10,000 years since. I appreciate the irony of purpose-built maniacs turning on ambitious creators.


The wide open possibilities for creating my own warband was a heavy draw, as well. At the time, I figured that loyalist forces were more recreating established groups and provided less opportunity for creative input. I have since learned that isn't necessarily the case, and that CSM warbands from the fluff are just as often painstakingly and lovingly recreated by hobbyists, but when I was first drawn into the game I really wanted no limits on what I could carve out for myself.


Further, the only faction more free to perpetrate crazy conversions is Orks, and I since I am not a filthy xenos lover, I spend my time at the forge making evil war engines to win the Long War.

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Ive always loved siding with the Adversary, never fun to be the "good guy", good guys need to be put in their place tongue.png And also, as Im making my way through the HH novels Im realising what a total jerk-off the Emperor is. The events surrounding the fall to Chaos is also incredible and tragic, which only make Chaos that much more appealing to me.

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