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Chaos Psychic Powers

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The rule book states: "Chaos Space Marine Psykers have access to the Biomancy, Pyromancy, and Telepathy disciplines. For each Mastery Level he has, a Psyker may  make a roll on one of the tables available to him. If  the Psyker has a Mark of Chaos, or is a Daemon of a particular Chaos God, they must roll at least one, and up to half, of their powers on the table that corresponds to their patron deity." (pg. 70)


I'm new to Chaos and 6th edition in general, and I recently played a game where the opposing Chaos player had a lvl 3 Tzeentch Sorcerer and lvl 3 Daemon Prince of Nurgle, and he rolled on the Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh table for both of them. So, I now know that he had to at least have 2 of his powers dedicated to their mark's discipline, but could he also roll on the other tables even though his Psykers didn't have the appropriate mark?


I was just wondering if they worked like all of the other disciplines, but were only available to Chaos. But I am confused because it doesn't say that a Psyker has to be of the specific mark to take those powers, just that they have to take one or two of the powers of the appropriate disciplines.

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Of what (little) i know about Psy powers, no.


If his Sorceror is tzeentch he roll on the Tzeentch powers or any other discipline he have acces from the rulebook, nothing else.

Same for the Nurgle prince.


Now the Psy rules says that he must roll at least half his powers in his Patron god chart, now nowhere it is said how you determine the half of a lvl3...


If something is halfed to the fraction up, (1.5 become 2), its usually written that way.


But since it isn't he can perfectly have 1 Tzeentch power and 2 powers from Biomancy and Telepathy.

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Of what (little) i know about Psy powers, no.


If his Sorceror is tzeentch he roll on the Tzeentch powers or any other discipline he have acces from the rulebook, nothing else.

Same for the Nurgle prince.


Now the Psy rules says that he must roll at least half his powers in his Patron god chart, now nowhere it is said how you determine the half of a lvl3...


If something is halfed to the fraction up, (1.5 become 2), its usually written that way.


But since it isn't he can perfectly have 1 Tzeentch power and 2 powers from Biomancy and Telepathy.


And in addition to what daboarder said you only have to roll one power on the patron god's chart - and can roll one more if you're lvl 3 or higher (fractions beeing rounded up as per brb).

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The rule book states: "Chaos Space Marine Psykers have access to the Biomancy, Pyromancy, and Telepathy disciplines. For each Mastery Level he has, a Psyker may  make a roll on one of the tables available to him. If  the Psyker has a Mark of Chaos, or is a Daemon of a particular Chaos God, they must roll at least one, and up to half, of their powers on the table that corresponds to their patron deity." (pg. 70)


I'm new to Chaos and 6th edition in general, and I recently played a game where the opposing Chaos player had a lvl 3 Tzeentch Sorcerer and lvl 3 Daemon Prince of Nurgle, and he rolled on the Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh table for both of them. So, I now know that he had to at least have 2 of his powers dedicated to their mark's discipline, but could he also roll on the other tables even though his Psykers didn't have the appropriate mark?


I was just wondering if they worked like all of the other disciplines, but were only available to Chaos. But I am confused because it doesn't say that a Psyker has to be of the specific mark to take those powers, just that they have to take one or two of the powers of the appropriate disciplines.


Just so everything is clear. "If the Psyker has a Mark of Chaos, or is a Daemon of a particular Chaos God, they must roll at least one, and up to half, of their powers on the table that corresponds to their patron deity."

If you have the mark of Tzeentch, the table that corresponds to that patron deity is of course the Tzeentch one. So a model can only ever have powers from one of the Gods, since you can only have the mark of one of the Gods (unless you are Abaddon, but then you are not a psycher anyway).

Lvl 3 psychers can take between one and two rolls on the table of their God, and the rest from Biomancy, Pyromancy, and/or Telepathy.

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He probably did you a favour by rolling on the Chaos Marine powers. Many Chaos players leave their sorcerers unmarked so that they can roll all rulebook powers. I certainly don't use marked sorcerers unless I need to make Thousand Sons become troops.

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