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First game in a while.

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I finally got to play a game with my new miniatures, it was some good fun! I played a 1900 point game against another Chaos player.


I brought the following:




Daemon Prince: Mark of Nurgle, Power Armor, Wings, Gift of Mutation. 215Pts




Chaos Marine Squad 1: 9 Marines and 1 Champion w/ CCW/Bolt Pistol, 2 Flamers, Melta Bombs, Power Maul, Mark of Nurgle. 195Pts


Chaos Marine Squad 2: 9 Marines and 1 Champion w/ CCW/Bolt Pistol, 2 Meltaguns, Melta Bombs, Power Maul, Mark of Nurgle. 205Pts


Chaos Cultist Squad 1 & 2: 9 Cultists and 1 Champion w/ Mark of Nurgle. 70Pts




Chosen Squad: 5 Chosen and 1 Champion w/ 5 Plasma Guns, Combi-Plasma, Power Maul, Mark of Slaanesh, Banner of Excess, Rhino w/ Extra Armor. 300Pts


Chaos Terminator Squad: 4 Terminators and 1 Champion w/ 5 Power Fists, 5 Combi-Meltas, Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the Long War. 267Pts




Chaos Biker Squadron: 4 Bikers and 1 Champion w/ 2 Meltaguns, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Mark of Nurgle. 195Pts




Havoc Squad: 4 Havocs and 1 Champion w/ 4 Autocannons, Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the Long War. 135pts


Land Raider: Extra Armor. 240pts


My opponent brought the following:


Daemon Prince: Mark of Nurgle, Burning Brand, Mastery lvl 3, power armor, wings.


Sorcerer: Mark of Tzeentch, Terminator Armor, Combi-Bolter, Force Sword, Mastery lvl 3.


Cultist Squad: 19 Cultists and 1 Champion, Mark of Nurgle, a mix of Autoguns and Autopistols/CCWs.


Chaos Terminators: 4 Terminators and 1 Champion w/ Lightning Claws, Mark of Nurgle, Land Raider w/ Extra Armor.


Hellbrute: Plasma Cannon, Power Fist.


Thousand Sons Squad: 4 Marines and 1 Sorcerer.


Forgefiend: Hades Autocannons and Ectoplasma Cannon.


Land Raider: Extra Armor.



We didn't play any mission, pretty much just went to kill each other till the other person couldn't do anything substantial. We decided that the back story was that my Chaos Marines stole the last Cheeto from the bag, so it ended up in a battle to the death!


(I think I might be mixing turns together, so that might explain any inconsistencies)


The first turn my Land Raider moved 6" out of cover to fire at his Land Raider not holding the Terminators, but didn't hurt it, my Bikers moved up closer to his Hellbrute, some movement from Marine Squad 2, CC Cultists, Daemon Prince and Autogun Cultists in some ruins, and I managed to stun his Forgefiend with my Havocs. In his turn he blew up my Land Raider (should have just moved it up 12") and the explosion killed a Marine from Marine Squad 1 embarked in it, the Plasma Cannon missed my Bikers, Forgfiend sprayed wildly at my CC Cultists and missed, his Terminator carrying Land Raider moved 12" closer to my Havocs, Autogun Cultists, and Chosen in the Rhino. His Cultists moved up. No Psychic Powers yet.


Second turn moved my Bikers up and failed to hurt the Hellbrute, Marine Squads 2 and CC Cultists continued to move through the ruin, joined sluggishly behind by Marine Squad 1. Autogun Cultists moved up, Rhino moved up and Smoked. My Terminators arrived on que, DS in a ruin right next to the Terminator Land Raider and blew it up (should have had my Chosen disembark to shoot at the Terminators coming out, but was too careful). Daemon Prince swooped and vector striked the Forgefiend for no damage. His turn. The Hellbrute took out one of my Bikers, Cultists moved up and shot at my Cultists killing 2, the second Land Raider missed my Bikes, lots of Psychic Powers got thrown around but generally didn't do much, Forgefiend shot but failed to hit my Prince, his Terminators charged mine and slaughtered all but my Champion (because of the Challenge, but the Challenge was a stale mate).


Third turn. My Bikers finally got in Melta range but both missed =[ My Marine Squad 2 and CC Cultists moved out of the ruin finally (kept getting awful rolls) and shot at his big Cultist unit, killing about 5 of them, then charged and wiped out the unit (my Cultist Champion challenged his and cut him down, but gods were fickle and he didn't get anything =[ ), then consolidated in the ruins underneath the Tzeentch Squad with the Terminator Sorcerer. My Rhino and Autogun Cultists moved up together, my Havocs shot at the Thousand Sons and Sorcerer on the opposite high ruin but didn't get anything, my Terminator Champion was cut down in the challenge, and my Prince charged the Forgefiend and destroyed it. In his turn his Daemon Prince arrived from reserves, vector striked, Burning Branded, and Breath of Chaosed the rear of the Rhino, yet didn't damage it! So he moved his Terminators up and wrecked the Rhino, the Chosen escaped successfully in a nice position for some future shooting! He shot at my Daemon Prince with his Land Raider and scored 2 wounds. His Hellbrute killed 3 Bikers with his Plasma Cannon, the Tzeentch Sorcerer, Aspiring Sorcerer, and Thousand Sons killed a few of my Marines in Squad 2 and left only 2 CC Cultists left.


Forth turn I moved my Marine Squad 2 and the last 2 CC Cultists up, shot at the Tzeentch on the top ruin and killed 3 Thousand Sons, my Marines failed to charge but my Cultists were in enough to get the last Marine and the Aspiring Sorcerer. My Champion challenged the Sorcerer, got killed, (here's the fun part) the Sorcerer rolled on the Boon Table and was blessed with Spawndom =D My last Biker shot the Meltagun at the Hellbrute and missed, charged it and missed with his Krak grenade (because why not?!) and then promptly got stomped. My Autogun Cultists moved into the river, we decided to roll to see what kind of river it was and (don't remember the name of it) it let them re-roll their armor saves (woot 6+ !). The Chosen moved up and killed all but 1 of the Terminators (one Chosen died to Gets Hot). I completely forgot to move my Daemon Prince, but I made him run behind a ruin to get cover from the Land Raider. In his turn he moved his Hellbrute to support his Tzeentch Sorcerer in the ruins. His Land Raider, Sorcerer, and Daemon Prince all attacked my Daemon Prince with shooting, vector strike, and Psychic powers but all failed to hurt it! His lone Terminator charged my Chosen and killed 3 of them and my Chosen failed to kill him. He also moved his newly formed Spawn on base level.


Turn 5/6: I moved my Prince up to charge the Land Raider (which I meant to do last turn) and destroyed it in close-combat. My Chaos Squad 1 finally moved out of the ruin and killed the last Thousand Son in the unit. The unit died to the Sorcerer's Psychic powers and the Helbrute's Plasma Cannon. My last 2 Chosen killed the final Terminator and my Havocs did nothing against the Sorcerer. The Hellbrute, Daemon Prince, and Spawn all charged my Daemon Prince, but didn't hurt it, and my Prince took his Prince down a wound with a smash attack. The next close-combat saw his Prince take a wound off of mine and the Spawn got the final wound on him! Looks like the former Aspiring Sorcerer did manage to get some glory after all =]


Since his Prince had 3 wounds, he had an untouched Spawn, Terminator Sorcerer, and Hellbrute, and I only had less than 6 Autogun Cultists, 2 Chosen, and 4 Havocs left, I gave him the win.


I believe it could have gone a little more in my favor if I placed my Land Raider closer to his other Land Raider with the Terminators, turbo boosted my Bikers toward the Helbrute, and focused my Daemon Prince on the other Land Raider and the Sorcerer, I probably could have come closer to winning.


For my first game in about 3 or 4 years, it was a good one!

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