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The Stormblade Great Company (Very Pic Heavy!)


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So after more than five years of buying, building, converting and painting I've finally FINISHED... for now at least, my Lost Company of Space Wolves, the Stormblade Great Company and decided to take some whole army pics.


In total this is what about 6800 points of Space Wolves looks like in boxes:



And this is what it looks like out of the boxes:











Wolf Lord Silvar Stormblade before his command tank and surrounded by his Wolf Guard:





My Blood Angels ally detachment including Chaplain counts-as Wolf Priest leading Death Company counts-as Wulfen:





A panel from the Dreadnought Drop Pod:



Lord Silvar up close:



Rune Priest in Terminator Armor:



Wolf Guard Battle Leader whose sword is a little keepsake from a defeated Dress Wear... I mean Dark Angel:



And I like to add some freehand custom icons to each tank representing it's name and identity, first up Thunder Stalker:





An old campaign badge on the sponson of the Howling Wolf representing the Nimbosa V Campaign:



The Company badge of the Stormblade Great Company:



Silvar Stormblade's personal heraldry mounted on the side of his command Stormlord:



The Stormlord's own image:



Another part of my Blood Angels allied detachment, a Furioso Dreadnought. Why? Because I love the FRAG CANNON!



Always gotta love adding some custom weaponry:



And some mediocre pics of the other tank icons, Steel Wolf:



Winter Wolf:



Pack Runner:



And surprisingly Blood Paw came out pretty well:



The icon of the Howling Wolf:



My two variants of custom gun servitors for my Iron Priests:



One of my favorite weapons in the army is this Iron Priests hammer made mostly from green stuff, I'm really proud of how this came out:



The Stormraven is the last part of my Blood Angels ally detachment and this is it's icon, representing Naglafar a norse mythological ship of the dead:



So there we have it, now I'm sure there will be other additions. I want to replace those terrible old goblin wolves with the new Fenresian Wolves, some of the older packs need some touch-ups, especially on their company badges and I'm really growing on the Thunderwolves, might have to add a good pack of them and there's always those snazzy new Knight Titans... but those are for another day, for now this is the Stormblade Great Company, whatcha guys think?

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But ....where's the Stompa?

Sitting on a shelf with its xenos ilk, not being posted on a board that is solely about power armour and the forces of the imperium, that's where. 


Vash, having seen your army grow over the years- it is an inspiration to see it all done and posted here for our enjoyment; and to encourage the rest of us to continue plugging away on our armies.  


Which of your forces are getting your undivided attention next? Imperial Fists? Blood Angels? Raven Guard? 

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But ....where's the Stompa?

Sitting on a shelf with its xenos ilk, not being posted on a board that is solely about power armour and the forces of the imperium, that's where. 


Vash, having seen your army grow over the years- it is an inspiration to see it all done and posted here for our enjoyment; and to encourage the rest of us to continue plugging away on our armies.  


Which of your forces are getting your undivided attention next? Imperial Fists? Blood Angels? Raven Guard? 


Well the IF need a LOT of work, they need washes and some fixing work but I think the next project will be to finish the refurb of my Raven Guard. The unhighlighted black and simple scheme is not fantastic but it works and rather than strip and repaint these guys I think I'm just going to touch up their paint jobs and get that force finished and out of the way, should only take a few days. After that? Probably the Dark Vengeance Dark Angels for the same reason, just to get the small force finished and off of my to-do list. Then I'll be able to put my time into the Imperial Fists while finishing acquiring the models for my Sanguinary Guard force.

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