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I thought this would be a fun thing to try.

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Chaos Lords 1 & 2: Mark of Nurgle, Power Fist, Lightning Claw, Blight Grenades, Gift of Mutation, Sigil 0of Corruption, Palanquin of Nurgle. 200Pts (each)



Chaos Terminator Squad: 4 Terminators and 1 Champion w/ 5 Power Swords, 5 Combi-Flamers, Mark of Nurgle, Chaos Land Raider w/ Extra Armor, Dirge Caster. 459Pts


Mutilator Squads 1 & 2: 3 Mutilators, Mark of Nurgle. 183Pts (each)



Chaos Marine Squad: 9 Marines and 1 Champion w/ 9 CCWs/Bolt Pistols, 2 Flamers, 1 Power Maul, Mark of Nurgle, Rhino w/ Extra Armor. 240Pts


Plague Marine Squads 1 & 2: 7 Marines and 1 Champion w/ 2 Meltaguns, Plasma Pistol, Rhino w/ Extra Armor. 272Pts (each)



Chaos Land Raiders 1 & 2: Extra Armor, Dirge Caster. 245Pts (each)


Total Models: 45


Total Points: 2499


I thought it would be interesting to have 2 Lords on Palanquins with a Mutilator Squad each in a Land Raider. So this would just be an entirely mobile assault force to move up and kill things in close combat. Games I play don't involve objectives, just killing until there's nothing left to kill.

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I like the idea! Your army might end up dieing horribly on the table, but it should be a lot of fun xD


You might want to consider cutting a few point here and there to fit this army into 2000pts, so there are less chances for units to blow up your Land Raiders before they delivered their units into the enemy's lines.

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Palanquin is going to move rather slow. So keeping the Mutilators 'stuck' in a Land Raider while waiting for the Palanquin to amble up is going to be a waste.


If you want to keep the Palanquin for fluff reasons or to soak up wounds, I'd put them in with the Plague Marines without Rhino, with Plasma (which is safer for them because they have an additional FnP 'save'), and slowly march them up-field forming a central base of fire.


In place of the Mutilators in a Land Raider, I would get 2 Maulerfields and some Spawn with MoN that can move up very fast to CC. You'd probably also have some points left to get a Giant Chaos Spawn to soak fire or maybe an Oblit or two that you could stick with the Palanquin group.


I'd be ok with keeping the Terms and regular CSM in LR and Rhino as another more mobile 'reserve' or if you want to use them to come around the flank while the Maulers and Spawns run down the middle.


Just my 10 cents.

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The Palanquin Lords can fit in the Land Raider with the Mutilators. 3 Mutilators = 6 capacity while 1 Palanquin = 3, which in total = 9, so they can be transported as a unit. Otherwise I wouldn't bother with the idea. But I did think about getting Maulerfiends, and having some Spawns would be good too. Maybe I could reduce some of the upgrades and Marines to get some of them in there.

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The Palanquin Lords can fit in the Land Raider with the Mutilators. 3 Mutilators = 6 capacity while 1 Palanquin = 3, which in total = 9, so they can be transported as a unit. Otherwise I wouldn't bother with the idea. But I did think about getting Maulerfiends, and having some Spawns would be good too. Maybe I could reduce some of the upgrades and Marines to get some of them in there.


Ahh right, for some reason my brain overlooked that 3 x 2 + 3 only = 9 which would fit in the LR.


Just to be sure though - there isn't some rule somewhere that (capacity aside) says Mutilators and Palanquins can't be transported in LRs right?


But otherwise, I can see how that might be an interesting strat. People give Mutilators a bad rep with regards to effectiveness, and this is especially true nowadays in games with lots of AP2 Plasma. But, once you get them in CC, there still isn't that much outside of MCs, PF and MeltaBomb that wil get past their 2+. And they still have 2 wounds to boot. And can kill both infantry and vehicles as effectively. If anything, it would certainly not be expected.

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The Palanquin Lords can fit in the Land Raider with the Mutilators. 3 Mutilators = 6 capacity while 1 Palanquin = 3, which in total = 9, so they can be transported as a unit. Otherwise I wouldn't bother with the idea. But I did think about getting Maulerfiends, and having some Spawns would be good too. Maybe I could reduce some of the upgrades and Marines to get some of them in there.


Ahh right, for some reason my brain overlooked that 3 x 2 + 3 only = 9 which would fit in the LR.


Just to be sure though - there isn't some rule somewhere that (capacity aside) says Mutilators and Palanquins can't be transported in LRs right?


But otherwise, I can see how that might be an interesting strat. People give Mutilators a bad rep with regards to effectiveness, and this is especially true nowadays in games with lots of AP2 Plasma. But, once you get them in CC, there still isn't that much outside of MCs, PF and MeltaBomb that wil get past their 2+. And they still have 2 wounds to boot. And can kill both infantry and vehicles as effectively. If anything, it would certainly not be expected.


I double checked in the Codex and it's only the Rhino that can't transport the Bulky, Very Bulky, and Extremely Bulky models.

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So I figured if I double the FOC I could take away the Terminator Squad and add in some Maulerfiends and some Spawn, however I'd have to split up the Marine Squad into 2 5-mans to make it work:



Chaos Lords 1 & 2: Mark of Nurgle, Power Fist, Lightning Claw, Blight Grenades, Gift of Mutation, Sigil 0of Corruption, Palanquin of Nurgle. 200Pts (each)



Mutilator Squads 1 & 2: 3 Mutilators, Mark of Nurgle. 183Pts (each)



Chaos Marine Squad 1 & 2: 4 Marines and 1 Champion w/ 4 CCWs/Bolt Pistols, 1 Flamer, Mark of Nurgle, Rhino w/ Extra Armor. 140Pts (each)


Plague Marine Squads 1 & 2: 7 Marines and 1 Champion w/ 2 Meltaguns, Plasma Pistol, Rhino w/ Extra Armor. 272Pts (each)




Chaos Spawn Squad 1 & 2: 3 Spawn w/ Mark of Nurgle. 108Pts (each)



Chaos Land Raiders 1 & 2: Extra Armor. 240Pts (each)


Maulerfiends: Power Fists, Magma Cutters. 125pts (each)


Total Models: 48


Total Points: 2506

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