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Vraksian Renegade Militia as Allies?


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Do any of you guys know whether new rules have been put in place for the Siege of Vraks units to be used in 40k? The IA6 that I have was done in 2008, but just want to know whether any of you know of updates to the rules to tie them into current edition...been looking all over.


I saw that FW published a update to the IA Allies matrix in July 2012, which show the Renegades & Heretics in there, but Im unsure whether the 2008 rules for them would suffice?



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I play Vrak's Renegades.


Renegades and Heretics lists in IA5, IA6, IA7 basically have:


Imperial Guard units - of which 6th Ed vehicle specs are in IA:Vol 1 - Second Edition

Chaos units - of which 6th Ed specs are in GW's Chaos Marines Codex, Chaos Daemons Codex and downloadable Errata on GW's site

Chaos Flyers - Hell Blade / Hell Talon - of which 6th Ed specs are in IA:Aeronautica (2013)

Some other unique Chaos units like Blight Drone, Giant Chaos Spawn - of which 6th Ed specs are in IA:Apoc (2013)

Characters like Zhufor, Necrosius - of which 6th Ed specs are on a FAQ on FW's website under downloads


Yeah its all over the place.

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Most current rules for hell blade, hell talon, zhufor, and necrosius are all in IA:Apocalypse(2013 edition).  Iirc the blade and talon are the same as in aeronautica (don't have that one to double check), but the characters are different, so you'll want the current version.

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