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no prob.  Honestly wouldn't be shocked at this point to see them just drop force orgs & distinct codeces altogether and go with the APO style 'bring whatever you want from any book to any game' model, where the question of whether a particular combination is fluffy or balanced enough to run together, and some arbitrary bonus is given to nominally address points inequalities between the two sides.


Sadly this may yet happen. Because we wouldn't want to tell Little Timmy that he can't use that cool yellow Wraithknight with his Draigo and Bloodthrister.

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no prob.  Honestly wouldn't be shocked at this point to see them just drop force orgs & distinct codeces altogether and go with the APO style 'bring whatever you want from any book to any game' model, where the question of whether a particular combination is fluffy or balanced enough to run together, and some arbitrary bonus is given to nominally address points inequalities between the two sides.


Sadly this may yet happen. Because we wouldn't want to tell Little Timmy that he can't use that cool yellow Wraithknight with his Draigo and Bloodthrister.


urgh. you guys get how a game works right. two people get together at a table and play it. if one of them doesn't like what the other one is doing they can just stop and play someone else. I'm not a huge fan of some of the newer stuff but i'm ok with other people using it, why not, its a fun game. If it starts making boring games well fine i won't play those people. If you think armies must be fluffy then play against people who play fluffy armies. if you think armies have to conform to your notion of "balanced" (which by the way will be wrong by definition) then only play people who play those sorts of armies. If you were a chess fan and someone in your chess club always wanted to use queens instead of pawns you wouldn't play him. its that simple. 


So what if little timmy wants to bring a wraith knight and a bloodthirsty and draigo, if he can find someone to play against it then great, he's having fun playing a game and you can always choose not to play him if you don't want to. 

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no prob.  Honestly wouldn't be shocked at this point to see them just drop force orgs & distinct codeces altogether and go with the APO style 'bring whatever you want from any book to any game' model, where the question of whether a particular combination is fluffy or balanced enough to run together, and some arbitrary bonus is given to nominally address points inequalities between the two sides.


Sadly this may yet happen. Because we wouldn't want to tell Little Timmy that he can't use that cool yellow Wraithknight with his Draigo and Bloodthrister.

if they go that far, then that would be it, I'd walk away and be done

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Gonna do a Possessed-Star and take it to a tournament tongue.png

Daemons Primary


Heralds with Grimoire

Possessed x18

If they roll up their 3++ on their own you let it go, if they do not you can buff them and control the middle of the board.

Gonna be soooooooo bad, but I cant wait tongue.png

Have the Possessed be lead by a Possessed Sorcerer... or maybe a Possessed DA so the Possessed becomes Zealots. smile.png
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Just died from salt poisoning, I'm 90% sure this is a hoax, in fact I'm sure I saw this on here, but posting it out of intis hwerest anyways:



The bit that gets me is the negation of ATSKNF at night and with relics, which while really cool, would dimish the Mary Sue's so that wouldn't happen

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Just died from salt poisoning, I'm 90% sure this is a hoax, in fact I'm sure I saw this on here, but posting it out of intis hwerest anyways:



The bit that gets me is the negation of ATSKNF at night and with relics, which while really cool, would dimish the Mary Sue's so that wouldn't happen

Fun . I remember seeing the fiends for the first time and them being able to take icons. maulers and dakka fiends with a +4inv were something different.

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Gonna do a Possessed-Star and take it to a tournament tongue.png

Daemons Primary


Heralds with Grimoire

Possessed x18

If they roll up their 3++ on their own you let it go, if they do not you can buff them and control the middle of the board.

Gonna be soooooooo bad, but I cant wait tongue.png

Have the Possessed be lead by a Possessed Sorcerer... or maybe a Possessed DA so the Possessed becomes Zealots. smile.png


That sounds like a laugh

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Just died from salt poisoning, I'm 90% sure this is a hoax, in fact I'm sure I saw this on here, but posting it out of intis hwerest anyways:



The bit that gets me is the negation of ATSKNF at night and with relics, which while really cool, would dimish the Mary Sue's so that wouldn't happen

Knew these were familiar



unfortunately these are form a homebrew version posted on BOLS ages ago



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yeah, very not an actual rumor.  And, frankly, I'd be rather disappointed if those were real, to me that seems hopelessly mired in 30k thinking (which, if that's the version you want, already exists).  The only reason to do a fully fleshed out 40k legion supplement is, imo, to flesh out how the millenia have changed them, and I just don't see that change there.  A bunch of wishlisty power stuff, but no thematic evolution.

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