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Forgeworld Myrmidon Secutors


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Not all that much bigger than the regular warpsmith, actually.  Honestly, while the ax is cool, I'm not as big a fan of these guys as I am of the other myrmidons.  The arms holding the ax are kind of awkward, and don't look like they could swing it effectively, the over the shoulder guns don't seem to fit right with the shoulderpads, and it's a bit disappointing that they use the same torso pieces as the previous set.  Honestly, it looks like the bodies were designed completely with the previous set in mind, and this alternative melee unit is an afterthought, re-using existing bits solely for the sake of getting more use out of them, even if the result is awkward.

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Well, the re-use of parts that I like doesn't bother me so much because I'm not doing a Mechanicum army any time soon. That said, I 100% see what you mean.


I think that I'm more enamored with the boxy shoulder guns than I am disappointed with the secondary arms. Plus, any awkwardness with the second arms swinging the axe is represented by a Warpsmith having a lower WS than a Lord.

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they're on terminator bases.  Though, honestly, the warpsmith should be on a terminator base too, going purely by the model.  You can hardly even see his base under all those cables, let alone put anything in base contact with him.  I put mine on a larger base, as I don't like models that overhang their bases that flagrantly.

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