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Battle Company project.


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Hello everyone. Only recently did I come back from a very long hiatus from the hobby/gaming side 40k, and I wanted to restart my Imperial Fists 2nd Company project...Well, I recently discovered that no matter what I do yellow just seems to be impossible for me to do right...That, and I just suck at painting in general (I can even manage to screw up spraying on primer tongue.png)

So, I've shelved it again, and am taking up a new full company project: The Salamanders 2nd company! At the moment I've no pictures, so, this will primarily be just an outline of what I intend to do for the time being.

Pellas Mir'San (Just gotta find the right bits to kitbash him together)



Standard Bearer

7 Tactical squads with special and heavy weaponry magnetized 0/70

2 Assault squads with jump-packs and regular backpacks magnetized 14/20

3 Devastator squads that will be magnetized in some way 0/30



Not going to worry about Bikes and Speeders.

Also, Vulkan and maybe a squad of TH/SS Termies, because...Y'know...Salamanders biggrin.png

Updates and progress will be sparse on this project as it is going to take a long, long time to come together, and even longer to paint... I've got some green paints coming to me, since I somehow had NO greens amongst all the paints I own, and will get some photos up of my Magnetizing efforts. Hopefully I can keep my fire burning and actually make progress on this project.

EDIT: I also intend to do something a bit different in regards to bases. It seems a lot of times with Sallies you see them on Lava bases. I feel like going in the opposite direction and having them on snowy bases.

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I screw up spraying on primer as well.


I've always liked Salamanders, and a whole company colors me very interested. Especially if it's magnetized.


Will you post a picture of whatever progress you have on the fourteen assault marines out of twenty or are you waiting of completing more work?

Herein lies my progress thus far:



Torsos and Regular Backpacks have 1/8 x 1/32 Magnets


Jump Packs have 1/8 x 3/32 Magnets in them


The Sergeant uses 1/16 x 1/32 Magnets for arms and weaponry.


EDIT: Is there another way for me to get my pictures onto here without linking to my gallery all the time?


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