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necrosius and zombies

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My area of expertise!!!


Necrosius is in the servants of decay army from forge world and they are battle brothers with the chaos codex. You can take zombies from the servants codex which are awesome. Squads up to 50. S4 better movement and furious charge so you can get 100 strength 5 on the charge!!


There's also some amazing traitor guard units like plague ogryn (basically zombie ogryn )


As to necrosius' special rule effecting codex zombies I'm not sure but I would say yes. I would never take them over the servants of decay ones though.

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They have actually updated Necrosius in the new Forgeworld Apocalypse 2013 book on page 151. He gains the same plague zombie rule as Typhus AND his Master of the Dead specifically affects both zombies from CSM and from Servants of Decay. As far as Psychic powers he's Psyker Mastery Level 2 and knows Wasting Disease, Nurgle's Rot, and Gift of Contagion. Zulfor and Arkos are updated in the same book :)

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yeah there are two types of zombies


cultist upgrades


Servants of decay ones


if you want the SoD zombies they will eat your allies slot, and necrosius will be the HQ choice in an allied detachment


If you want to run necrosius in your primary detatchment then you have the upgrade cultists like typhus.


both benefit from his FC rules

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i don't believe so, he isn't a chaos lord of nurgle he is a sorcerer. 


the rules say "necrosis is an HQ choice in a codex:chaos space marines army."


I don't know what the rules are for crimson slaughter. if it says you can use the characters from codex CSM then i'd say yes. if not then no. 

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Wait - don't the Zombies in the Servants of Decay list move Slower even though they can be taken in groups of 50 and are S4 Stronger?



Shambling Gait - Always moves as if in difficult terrain. 2D6 and pick higest.

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yeah, but they can run so its a bit faster


Ah yes quite true. They don't have Slow and Purposeful - which means they can Sweeping Advance, which I suppose might be a factor if you can get all 50 of them into close combat against a smaller squad.


I only have 35 zombies - just realized I need to paint more up.

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