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Using the Crimson Slaughter Supplement


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So was going over everything again and noticed that GWs facebook page it was brought up that they used CSM ally matrix by one of their people.

Then going over to Warseer someone brought up a really good and defining point.

At the top of the Warbands of the Crimson Slaughter rules page it says

"A CS army is chosen using th earmy list presented in Codex: CSM. It also has a series of supplemental rules (presented below) that can be used IN ADDITION to those found in Codex: CSMs."

The allies statement is below this so it is just in addition to CSM. I was wrong and admit my defeat tongue.png

Also, I am super happy.

So my 2+/2++ T6 IWDN biker Lord can happen afterall? great! :)

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yes, krannon is packing 3

No, I meant was it pointed out that the only way to get Kranon is take a normal Chaos Lord and then to upgrade him with the relics the Supplement says to?
Okay, I wasn't sure because a Chaos Lord with Slaughterhorn, Daemonheart and Prophet of the Voices sounds awesome to me.
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yes, krannon is packing 3

No, I meant was it pointed out that the only way to get Kranon is take a normal Chaos Lord and then to upgrade him with the relics the Supplement says to?
Okay, I wasn't sure because a Chaos Lord with Slaughterhorn, Daemonheart and Prophet of the Voices sounds awesome to me.


lol it does. I would still totally give him MoN and throw him on a bike with their Blade that gets better the more he kills. He cant really join a unit but he sure as hell can ride around and be a murder missile. . .

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I just made my first Crimson Slaughter-list, and when I looked at my tooled up Chaos Lord, I nearly got a tear in my eye - it felt so 3.5. woot.gif

Blade of the Relentless, Daemonheart, Prophet of the Voice, Slaughter's Horn's, Mark of Nurgle, Palaquin of Nurgle, Gift of Mutation, Blight Grenades (240 pts.)

T5, W5, 2+/5++

His list of special rules can fill a piece of paper; Furious Charge, Rage, Hammer of Wrath, It Will Not Die, Defensive Grenades, +1 Attack (Palaquin), Whatever he gets from his Mutation, Daemon (Fear and the 5++), Fearless, Fleet, and on top of this he has the new possessed-table and the sword which will alter his stats during the course of the game.

Bring it on!

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Well you could argue that he should have Mark of Nurgle, since he hate's Txan'lantar, who is a Lord of Change, and since he cause Fear.


You can probably argue that he should have Mark of Slaanesh (Khorne tricked/cursed him in the first place afaik), or that he should have Mark of Khorne since it kinda fit's what he and his warband is doing (slaughter).


Due to his heavy mutations you could argue that he should have Mark of Tzeentch.


Basically you could argue one way or the other for all 4 marks fluffwise, but he seems to be unmarked/undivided for a reason. 

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No, if you had to give him one thematically, it would be khorne - for the whole mindless slaugher to appease the voices angle. Plus, khorne isn't high on tzeentch, either. Mechanically, nurgle, to avoid instant death from fists & hammers.

I wish the note on 'only plague marines, noise marines, and berzerkers can take veterans of the long war' were more clear. I can't tell if thousand sons are allowed, and just aren't mentioned because they come with vets automatically instead of purchasing it, or if they aren't mentioned because krannon hates tzeentch stuff and they're just not allowed. Whether characters like Huron, Abaddon, and Typhus are allowed in Crimson Slaughter detachments hinges on the distinction, and we will never get an official answer.


The more open interpretation seems the most sensical to me (if tzeentch actually were less favored, then the mark would be banned, right?), but still.

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man there is SO MUCH you can do with these relics.


Sorcerer Lords of Nurgle are back


Sorc, MoN, Daemonheart, ML3, Div, sigil/aura, Palaquin, Force axe


thats a 4 wound 2+ Sv sorcerer. NICE!


I mean that 2+ armour is priced so nicely, combo'd with the invuls you pay 5 pts more for what is basically terminator armour with IWND tagged on.


Such a shame Dark apostles cannot take steads, I'd consider dropping my lord for a palaquin Dark apostle

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Khorne is the closest to how he operates, but even then, his helmet gives him rage, so that's 1/2 the khorne bonus, and the part you really want. So there's no need to give him the mark. Tzeentch could be interesting, at a 2+/3++ on him with the sigil.


At the top of the Warbands of the Crimson Slaughter rules page it says

"A CS army is chosen using th earmy list presented in Codex: CSM. It
also has a series of supplemental rules (presented below) that can be
used IN ADDITION to those found in Codex: CSMs."

You can take models with VotLW just fine. The only limit is for that models that do not have it innate, only the cult troops can purchase it.


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I just wish the wording had been more overt about it, or that it had included the specific notes the Black Legion supplement did about allowing parent book special characters or sharing the parent book's allies matrix.  The fact that one supplement overtly allowed those things while the other refuses to mention them leaves space for annoying table variation.

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Shame it's limited to one dude per army.  Also a shame that having to take a nurgle power eats into the benefits of the divination relic.

 Not entirely the big reason to get a Div roll is prescience, the additionals are good, but I wouldn't cry at having T5 and a single Nurgle roll, not with 2 Div rolls to back it up anyway.

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"A CS army is chosen using th earmy list presented in Codex: CSM. It


also has a series of supplemental rules (presented below) that can be


used IN ADDITION to those found in Codex: CSMs."

Sigh GW doesn't understand the implication of such wording . 1 interweb on that some dude says that becuse of this CS can use stuff like csm dex relics etc , because it doesn't specify which rules you can't use .

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For my lord I'm thinking mark of khorne, slaves to the voices, relentless sword and sigil of corruption, for 190

Or the same but MON, and slaughterers horns for 210 points :/

Also thinking of converting a demon prince from a doom bull :/


How would people run possessed?

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How would people run possessed?


Either 10 with Mark of Nurgle or 10 with Mark of Slaanesh + Icon.


I'd stay away from Rhinos altogheter and probably footslog them. Maybe a Land Raider if I had the points.

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"A CS army is chosen using th earmy list presented in Codex: CSM. It


also has a series of supplemental rules (presented below) that can be


used IN ADDITION to those found in Codex: CSMs."

Sigh GW doesn't understand the implication of such wording . 1 interweb on that some dude says that becuse of this CS can use stuff like csm dex relics etc , because it doesn't specify which rules you can't use .



That strikes me as a little hard to pull off when the CS have a rule that specifically says they can't use C:CSM Relics.

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So, as a Word Bearers player I'm definitely running Possessed as troops.


Question is how are people thinking of running Possessed CSMs? My first thought was Mark of Slaanesh and Aura of Excess, but that makes them really expensive (325 points for a 10 man unit), it does, however, give you quite a tough unit.


Basic saves of 3+ 5++ 5+FNP or 3++ 5+FNP


A 3++ with a 5+FNP is almost as good as a 2++ (0.77 v. 0.83)


If you get the shrouded & are in 4+ cover then you're looking at 2+ cover and a 5+FNP which is (0.88)


MoS is mathematical better than MoN. In fact against the likes of weapons that don't really care about T5 (plasma etc) or AP3 it makes them quite a bit tougher.


Also, I5 in combat can be quite a nice boon since it means they'll be hitting before a lot of likewise units (that is unless they've charged through/into cover which sadly beasts still hit at I1 for (why?).


Down side of Icon of Excess is it can be sniped and it is pricey on an already over-costed unit.


I'm also thinking of how a ML3 Divination/Telepathy/Slaanesh Sorcerer could boost this unit.


Anyone else put any thought into this?



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Too pricey for my taste. If taking some possessed for fluff, I'd leave them unmarked, myself.

I agree they're too pricey, I would have preferred them to come in at 250-270 points, but I can still grab Cultists for cheap backfield campers. I think I'll need to experiment with them.


I'm also pretty torn on whether to bother with Rhinos.


I suppose one advantage of MoN is you get greater resilience against T3/T4/T5 weapons while keeping individual models under 30 points.

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