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Hellbrute Questions


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Hey I was just wondering something, if you give a hellbrute a power scourge or thunder hammer can it still take a combi weapon or heavy flamer? It is just how the option is written it says up to 2 powerfists may incorporate a heavy flamer or combi weapon does this mean only if it has a powerfist is it able to take them. I am finally getting back into 40k (well trying at least) and wouldn't mind adding a few to my army


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Yes. It is a little odd, but essentially you are just taking three upgrades. First the Multi-Melta must be turned into a Power First, for free. Next, a separate entry allows you to change one, or both, PF to a Combi-Bolter or Heavy Flamer, then a third entry allows you to change the one PF to the Thunder Hammer or Power Scourge.

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I believe it is meant for the hammer and scourge to replace both the fist and the attached flamer or combi-bolter - that is what the model implies.  I'm away from my book, but is the combi bolter in any way attached to the fist in its description, such as being a 'power fist with an in-built combi bolter' or anything to that effect?  If so, then replacing the fist does in deed remove the supplemental gun.

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Didn't see any mention of the sort in the FAQ, just changed the point value from 105 to 100, and they had some clarification regarding the Crazed Table.


@malisteen  My mistake, I reread the Codex entry for the Combi-Bolter and Heavy Flamer entry and it does in fact read "May upgrade up to two Power Fists to incorporate a single:"


So, while yes you can still take both the Power Scourge or Thunder Hammer with a Heavy Flamer or Combi-Bolter, you also still keep one Power Fist, which the Flamer/Bolter is attached to. But taking the Scourge/Hammer does take a Power Fist, so you cannot attach the Flamer or Bolter to that arm as it is no longer a Power Fist.

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because the question was about the helbrute codex entry, not the formation rules which, judging by other formations, probably won't affect the options selectable within that entry, and certainly won't affect the options of helbrutes chosen from an elite slot and not from a formation?

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The power fist has an inbuilt combi bolter that you upgrade to a flamer. The hammer or scourge replaces the power fist and do not have a built in combi bolter/ flamer and as the combi bolter/ flamers is in built you loose them aswell, if you replace the power fist. It's just as if you lost the fist through a weapon destroyed result, you would also loose the combi bolter/ flamer . In short the power fist and combi bolter or flamer are counted as 1 weapon
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Actually, upon viewing the book, as Razor noted, the brute does not come with a combi bolter by default, rather each fist can be upgraded to include either a combi bolter or a heavy flamer, so no, no scourge or hammer with bolter or flamer.


Otherwise, formations can mess with loadout, though thus far they generally don't, but even so, that would only for vehicles within the formation, it would not affect brutes taken outside of a formation.

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What I don't get is why you'd want to take the hammer at all. Reducing the initiative of monstrous creatures, I guess..? The power fist and heavy flamer combo seems like it'd be way more useful in almost any situation. More expensive, admittedly, but still.

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I had a question on getting an extra attack with the Helbrute's close combat weapons.


The BRB says that "if a Walker is armed with two or more Melee weapons, it gains +1 bonus Attack for each additional weapon after the first."


So my question is, since Power Fists and Thunder Hammers are Specialist Weapons and the Power Scourge is not, can the Helbrute still receive a +1 attack with a Power Fist or Thunder Hammer and a Power Scourge? Also, if it has 2 Power Fists or Thunder Hammers, since they are specialist weapons, does he get a further +1 attack since he has 2 Specialist Weapons? Or does the rule in the walker section take precedence over the Specialist Weapons rule?

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