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Advice on new army

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Hi guys, I have a bucket load of parts leftover from a previous project. Between commissions, I was thinking about trying to build up a working space marine army with the intention of selling it on as a fully painted.


I have enough parts for 30 power armoured marines and 6 assault terminators, i also have a rhino, dreadnought (assault cannon, heavy flamer) and predator (lascannon turret and sponsons).


I have plenty of bolters, bolt pistols, chainswords, plasma pistols,power swords, power axes, power fists and flamers but the heavy and special weapons are more limited.


I have 1 meltagun, 2 plasma guns, 1 missile launcher, 1 multimelta, 1 heavy bolter, 2 lascannons and 2 plasma cannons and a razorback turret assembly for lascannon or heavy bolters and 7 jump packs.


My initial list was


Captain - Terminator Armour, thunder hammer, storm shield


5 Assault Terminators (2 lightning claws, 3 thunder hammer, stormshield)


Dreadnought (assault cannon, heavy flamer)


10 Man Tac squad (powersword,flamer, heavy bolter)

10 Man Tac Squad (powerfist, meltagun, multimelta)



5 Man Assault Squad (powerfist, flamer)


5 Man Devastator Squad (2 lascannon)


Predator (lascannon turret and sponsons)


Now, as this will be a work style project and I'd like to turn it around fairly quickly, i was planning to use army painter skeleton bone spray as the base colour for the armour.


I can only find a few armies with a bone base coat, Imperial Castellans, storm giants, mortifactors, angels of redemption and angels of absolution. The other option was a bone base coat with a secondary contrasting colour and use one of the skull decals from the transfer sheet as chapter symbol.


What do you think of my initial list? Is it playable? What do i need to add?


What chapter should i paint them as? Should i use one of the official chapters or make up my own?


I'm a competent painter and plan to paint these to a good gaming standard but I am quite slow so would prefer to use decals for symbols and squad markings where possible. Partly for speed and also to keep markings consistent across the whole army. I'd also like to keep additional costs to a minimum where possible.


Just wondering if i'm aiming in the right direction or if you can offer any advice?



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