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Codex: Crimson Slaughter Fluff Summary(Spoilers ahead)

Kol Saresk

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And this is where begging for scraps takes you.

I dunno, for me it's a lot more realistic to stick with my painted CSM than to ride the wave of 40K's meta power shifts.


But the meta is there, and CSM have shortcomings, and I find it hard to argue with a red-marine-friendly supplement that could mitigate some of them.

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Abadon feeling anything other then rage . I was confused .Also  happy that someone ,who is not not of your guys, runs something in an efficient way seems kind of a strange too.

I think it is more like: You lead these 1000 marines so efficiently? Awww that's cute.

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Hey Kol,


Since you've got the book (or anyone else who has it) I know its been asked before but the answer wasn't very clear to me. Kran pretty much hates tzeentch because well he helped trick him. Does he hate Khorne as well? I'd imagine he's not overly thrilled with him since he was going insane because of the Skull Throne. So I figure of all the gods Nurgle would probably be the one they turn to the most for "help"?


I see it as those who totally embrace these "gifts" of Khorne would obviously follow Khorne (i.e. MoK for CSM) while another group would be more looking to "break the curse" or just get back at Khorne so they start worshipping another god. The ultimate middle finger would be Slaanesh of course but I doubt they would get a lot of power from that and since Nurgle seems to be the only one Khorne is "ok with" they would go to Nurgle to seek help yet not get totally hosed.

Keep in mind I don't have the book and wont be able to get it until after Easter does this sound about right? I started slowly collecting CSM with picking CS about a year ago so I'm really excited and want to get this right "fluff" wise. Also since no VoTLW it makes sense to have very few Cult troops. They use lots of Cutlists then? Do they use a lot of different units like Daemon Engines or just the one or two Helbrutes? Obviously they have Possessed and the Ravagers Chosen. Any other notable units?


Appreciate al the annoying help.


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Well, technically he doesn't hate Tzeentch, he just hates the specific daemon.


An I don't think they hate Khorne. Reason why is


“A warband of Khorne Berzerkers had joined – they tired of the petty raids of other renegade warbands and were eager to take part in the epic bloodbaths that had already made the Crimson Slaughter infamous. To maintain control, Kranon needed a new war.”


Excerpt From: Workshop, Games. “Crimson Slaughter - A Codex: Chaos Space Marines Supplement (eBook Edition).” Games Workshop Ltd, 2014-03-04. iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright.


So any enmity is probably no more than the usual enmity that exists within any given Chaos faction.


But all in all, with the inclusion of the Cult Units and the lack of mark restrictions, it'd seem you can do whatever you want as for factions, as the Crimson Slaughter is a collection of warbands, much like any other Renegade Chapter probably is.


There is a picture titled "The Reaping of Pallaxar" that shows some of the various factions, but the picture is so small on my phone that I can't read it and I don't have anything bigger that can read the ebook(Thank you iTunes!). So someone who didn't get it through iTunes and can post a picture of that could help a great deal.


They are noted to rely quite a bit on the warp-auguries of their Sorcerers to choose targets and when they were looting the gene-seed from the Dark angels, there was mention how their Sorcerers and Dark Apostles(plural on both) were collecting the gene-seed.


They have been seen having multiples of Defilers, Fiends, Helbrutes and Heldrakes, so no shortage there. It's just that the most notable Helbrute was Mortis Metalikus, who was made from Kranon's blood brother and died in the Battle for Bane's Landing.


The CS are meant to be a "blank slate army". You can do anything with them and are meant to be able represent quite a bit. Like somewhere I mentioned that I can easily make a Night Lords list. A few alternatives have popped up for the Punishers and the Black Psalms as well, even though there isn't much on either Chapter.

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Sweet so take what I want and call it CS I guess. Appreciate the help. From what you said that makes Krannon seem like he would be Marked Khorne then. Since they've got multiple of the Sorcerers maybe an even split of Tzeentch and Nurgle. Think I will just paint them all CS and try the different marks and Sorcerer types and see what works for me unless some more comes out about the way they play/fluff on who they are aligned more with.


Thanks Kol.

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Meh, maybe I'm tired but I swear this was written to personally offend me.


Some nobodies thumb their noses at First Founding Chapters.

Berzerkers flock to their banner because they are just sooo good and organized, while looking for something better.



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Don't forget that they literally stumble over the secret of the Fallen, something which has eluded every other Imperial organization and faction.


So much for all the effort Azrael and co. put into that little cover up.

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Don't forget that they literally stumble over the secret of the Fallen, something which has eluded every other Imperial organization and faction.


So much for all the effort Azrael and co. put into that little cover up.


Tzeentch'ian just as planned.

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It's got great potential as a khorne/world eaters book too. If you think about it, the slaughters horns turn a lord into a bezerker equilvalent, and the daemonheart and the blade of the relentless on a juggerlord could potentially out-perform a a standard axe lord.
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Don't forget that they literally stumble over the secret of the Fallen, something which has eluded every other Imperial organization and faction.


I was kind of expecting there to be more to their feud with the dark angels, tbh.

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Meh, maybe I'm tired but I swear this was written to personally offend me.


Some nobodies thumb their noses at First Founding Chapters.

Berzerkers flock to their banner because they are just sooo good and organized, while looking for something better.



First, Khorne Berzerkers=/=World Eaters.


Second, Berzerkers flocked to them because of the fact that even the smallest of their warbands had the standard MO of wiping out entire worlds, just to silence the voices.


These guys had the rapid assault, terror tactics of the Night Lords combined with the bloodlust of the World Eaters with the efficiency of Word Bearers combat doctrine.


And all CSMs stick their noses up at the First Founding Chapters so I fail to see the deal there?

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Don't forget that they literally stumble over the secret of the Fallen, something which has eluded every other Imperial organization and faction.


So much for all the effort Azrael and co. put into that little cover up.

Well I always thought that stumbling upon a Fallen while being in the Eye was matter of time.


I like their fluff, but I think it would be much logical if they stumbled upon Fallen first, then they would get angry about how imperium tolerates DA, just because they are first founding chapter and then chapter would decide to turn the chaosy way.

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Meh, maybe I'm tired but I swear this was written to personally offend me.


Some nobodies thumb their noses at First Founding Chapters.

Berzerkers flock to their banner because they are just sooo good and organized, while looking for something better.



First, Khorne Berzerkers=/=World Eaters.


Second, Berzerkers flocked to them because of the fact that even the smallest of their warbands had the standard MO of wiping out entire worlds, just to silence the voices.


These guys had the rapid assault, terror tactics of the Night Lords combined with the bloodlust of the World Eaters with the efficiency of Word Bearers combat doctrine.


And all CSMs stick their noses up at the First Founding Chapters so I fail to see the deal there?


Your not helping me here. :p


Lets just chalk this one up to me being bitter and twisted, as befits my faction, satisfaction is hard to find.

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Them backsassing a First Founding Chapter isn't that noteworthy, look at the Black Templars/Marines Malevolent and Salamanders, the Minotaurs and the Ultramarines, the Red Hunters/Grey Knights and the Space Wolves...
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Don't forget that they literally stumble over the secret of the Fallen, something which has eluded every other Imperial organization and faction.


So much for all the effort Azrael and co. put into that little cover up.

Well I always thought that stumbling upon a Fallen while being in the Eye was matter of time.


It didn't happen in the Eye. This happened out in the galaxy. Their search for the Hellfire Stone led them to a Fallen who knew about the Hellfire stone.


EDIT: This was another part that I had glossed over unintentionally.


Basically, while the Crimson Slaughter were looking for the Stone, it was noticed that many of their victims had welts and other marks associated with corruption and mutation across their bodies. Nothing was thought of it until Mannon pointed out that these welts only appeared after the crimson Slaughter had attacked. And so, they stripped the bodies of their flesh, did some jigsaw puzzling and discovered they had a star map. This is what led them to the first Fallen.


Another side note for the more conspiracy-oriented is that during his interrogation, all the Fallen would say of the robed figure with twin pistols, was that he[Cypher] had come to warn the Fallen that he had visions of tragedy concerning the now captured Fallen.

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Meh, maybe I'm tired but I swear this was written to personally offend me.


Some nobodies thumb their noses at First Founding Chapters.

Berzerkers flock to their banner because they are just sooo good and organized, while looking for something better.



First, Khorne Berzerkers=/=World Eaters.


Second, Berzerkers flocked to them because of the fact that even the smallest of their warbands had the standard MO of wiping out entire worlds, just to silence the voices.


These guys had the rapid assault, terror tactics of the Night Lords combined with the bloodlust of the World Eaters with the efficiency of Word Bearers combat doctrine.


And all CSMs stick their noses up at the First Founding Chapters so I fail to see the deal there?


You'll have to remember, 4th burned us in making most Berserkers WE descended.  It's not hard to imagine that most Berserkers are still related to splinter Warbands and roving packs.


That being said, it is kind of amusing that the CS is just stumbling or being written into more favorable outcomes. 

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Meh, maybe I'm tired but I swear this was written to personally offend me.


Some nobodies thumb their noses at First Founding Chapters.

Berzerkers flock to their banner because they are just sooo good and organized, while looking for something better.



First, Khorne Berzerkers=/=World Eaters.


Second, Berzerkers flocked to them because of the fact that even the smallest of their warbands had the standard MO of wiping out entire worlds, just to silence the voices.


These guys had the rapid assault, terror tactics of the Night Lords combined with the bloodlust of the World Eaters with the efficiency of Word Bearers combat doctrine.


And all CSMs stick their noses up at the First Founding Chapters so I fail to see the deal there?

You'll have to remember, 4th burned us in making most Berserkers WE descended. It's not hard to imagine that most Berserkers are still related to splinter Warbands and roving packs.


That being said, it is kind of amusing that the CS is just stumbling or being written into more favorable outcomes.

IIRC, Fourth and Sixth both say the first Berzerkers were the World Eaters thanks to the Butcher's Nails but makes a point to say that the psycho-surgeons responsible for the implantations had been scattered to the stars while also pointing out a few, non-World Eater-related warbands that could be considered heavily Khornate. Such as the Knights of Blood.


But that may just be my impression.

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4th and 6th did say that it was the Nails (not called that at the time) which made the first Berzerkers, its in the Berzerker unit entry fluff.


It also says (of course as Vanilla CSM at the time) that Abby had been able to get a few of the Berzerker Surgeons to come to his side and so fielded as many or as close to as many Berzerkers as the World Eaters, or some such. My codex is over yonder, and I was up too early to get it now....


That said, I've got no issues with Berzerkers going all merc and killing whatever is within reach.


Not to say that only WE can be the parents of Khornate Warbands, that would be silly, as silly as someone throwing in a stuuuuuuuuuuuuuid line like 'All World Eaters are Berzerkers..." and then not giving us a way to make a Berzerker HQ, other than in 3.5.


The cycle...it continues.

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The thing is heavy Khornate factions are implied in being Berserkers.  Much like Tzeentch heavy warbands, they could just be favored CSMs with the mark of their god, not just cult marines that we spew out at will.

Now I'm not arguing who or what they are.  I'm just merely stating, in most cases Cult Marines are easily defined on their origins as opposed to heavily altered or upgraded marines. 

That being said, I'll look over the codex in more detail after work.

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What I love the most so far from the bits I've pieced together is that they decided they would follow the Codex Astartes to the letter, and then later they would basically troll other chapters by pointing out every minor thing that they did that went against the Codex.


These are my kinda guys :D

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What I love the most so far from the bits I've pieced together is that they decided they would follow the Codex Astartes to the letter, and then later they would basically troll other chapters by pointing out every minor thing that they did that went against the Codex.

These are my kinda guys biggrin.png

Sounds like "That one guy in the band".

Anyway, do the novels elaborate on what exactly happened with the "misunderstanding" on the Amalmagation? I have the CS Codex Supplement but it doesn't say too much about it. Why would the CS attack a DA C-I just because he was interrogating a prisoner?

Thanks for the insight.

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