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Codex: Crimson Slaughter Fluff Summary(Spoilers ahead)

Kol Saresk

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Or they happen in such a way that you wonder if it was by accident or you wonder just how far the prophecy is being stretched in order to be true.

Sounds like pretty much anything to do with Nostradamus.


Actually, funnily enough I was thinking of the Bible.

Touche. I'm pretty sure you could say that with a fair number of things actually.

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Damn, after getting this book for relic/ally purposes and reading through the fluff I have to say I'm starting to really like the Crimson Slaughter. I never thought "modern" renegades (Astral Claws aside) would be this appealing or interesting. It's nicely written stuff.


The last thing I need is more red CSMs, though. I'm gonna go re-read Know No Fear and touch base with my legion.

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Damn, after getting this book for relic/ally purposes and reading through the fluff I have to say I'm starting to really like the Crimson Slaughter. I never thought "modern" renegades (Astral Claws aside) would be this appealing or interesting. It's nicely written stuff.



That's what most "modern" renegades tend to suffer from.
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Just finished reading the Codex. I am pretty amazed at how much I enjoyed the read. It really kept me enthralled all the way through. I haven't gotten that from any other Codex in a long time.


Well done.

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Damn, they actually sound pretty cool. Though I dislike the 'fall to chaos because chaos did it' approach to fallen marines (like Fulgrim not really turning to chaos, but just becoming possessed), in this case it sorta works. smile.png

I actually kinda like it. You know, the real mark of a good person is that you manage to keep on doing good things, even when stuff gets totally weird. If you hear voices and end up killing people... well, it turns out that you weren't a very good person, after all. I think that this theme would be stronger if we had more examples of characters afflicted by Chaos but saying "screw that!" and staying on the straight and narrow... but I'm not a GW writer, so who cares what I think.

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Claiming a character can be afflicted by Chaos and a good guy is like saying they can fall in the ocean without getting wet.

Nah, its more like throwing a man who claims he can't swim into the ocean and him finding out that he knew all along.

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Just finished reading the Codex. I am pretty amazed at how much I enjoyed the read. It really kept me enthralled all the way through. I haven't gotten that from any other Codex in a long time.


Well done.

I felt the same way when reading it. Made reviewing it hard as I normally skim the lore and try and get and impression of it, instead I kept ending up just reading it normally...

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There are some fantastic twists and tensions in the Crimson slaughter's fall from grace (or rise to glory, depending on your perspective). For one thing, they are quite sympathetic from the get go; damned more by a series of unfortunate circumstances (and the pig headed, myopia of the Dark Angels) more than anything. I like the fact that, even after their excommunication and flight to the Warp, they attempt to warn their brethren back on their homeworld of impending destruction and ontinue to fight in the Emperor's name even when they are clearly, overtly being corrupted by Chaos. But most of all, I love the tension between these guys and the Dark Angels; how telling is it of the state of the Imperium that I came out of reading the codex hating the Dark Angels more than the Crimson Slaughter themselves? And Kranon makes an excellent point upon learning of their grimy little secret: his entire Chapter were condemned for what, in the grand scheme of things, amounts to little more than an excess of zeal that many, many Imperialist forces and servants demonstrate with regularity whereas the Dark Angels are lauded and revered as one of the First Founding when HALF OF THEIR DAMN LEGION fell to Chaos and treachery during the latter days of the Horus Heresy. The fact that HE KNOWS about them adds a nice layer of tension to the renegades and Dark Angels both; how desperate must the Dark Angels be to kill these guys? It's an excellent read with some very, very nice additional rules and war gear; exactly what the doctor ordered. If the rumblings concerning the up and coming Helbrute data slates prove true, it looks like this year could be a good one for the forces of ruin.

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Or Soul Drinkers. Or Sons of Malice. Or Mantis Warriors. Or the other victims of the Badab War. I think the Black templars might be the most PO'ed since they had an entire Crusade disappear after fighting alongside and almost fighting against the Dark Angels.
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Krannon didn't make Chapter Master for his math skills, did he?

Well even if the DA do kill him, if he lets that slip before then (or if his men know) at least the DA are hosed in the long run.


So that's one chapter potentially dead.

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I was actually referring to the fact that the I Legionaries who joined Luther in rebelling didn't constitute anything like half the Legion.


Unless the Dark Angels are so awesome that they managed to be at the forefront of the Great Crusade AND thrash the Night Lords at Thramas while leaving 50, 000 or so of their Astartes back on Caliban.

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I was actually referring to the fact that the I Legionaries who joined Luther in rebelling didn't constitute anything like half the Legion.


Unless the Dark Angels are so awesome that they managed to be at the forefront of the Great Crusade AND thrash the Night Lords at Thramas while leaving 50, 000 or so of their Astartes back on Caliban.

Wouldn't exactly be impossible since the Night Lords were playing cat and mouse and were only crushed after being ambushed. But the thing you're forgetting is that most of the Dark Angels at Caliban would have been recruits who were indoctrinated by Luther, not Legionnaires who were veterans of the Great Crusade.


And remember, his "math" is based on the numbers one of the Fallen who was at Caliban told him.

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I recall even some of the old fluff saying it was half the legion, but even so it's a nice bit and yet nothing happened to the Dark Angels, but the Crimson Sabres got tricked on one, maybe two planets by Chaos and kill some random people, and it's "Oh yeah you're excommunicated".  


Now all he'd have to do is have some kind of killswitch that will broadcast the Dark Angels' secret all across the Imperium if he dies.  Or just do it to troll them, either works.

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I recall even some of the old fluff saying it was half the legion, but even so it's a nice bit and yet nothing happened to the Dark Angels, but the Crimson Sabres got tricked on one, maybe two planets by Chaos and kill some random people, and it's "Oh yeah you're excommunicated".  


Now all he'd have to do is have some kind of killswitch that will broadcast the Dark Angels' secret all across the Imperium if he dies.  Or just do it to troll them, either works.

Loyalists wouldn't believe him though. He'd be better off telling the CSM while somehow setting it up so it looks like the DA were working with him the entire time. That might get the Loyalists trusting the DA less, or not at all and trigger some looking into the DA's activities a little deeper...

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  • 1 month later...
This is the first fall to chaos I actually buy. The EC's own should have been more like this (I mainly see parallels in their over eagerness to prove themselves through perfection)- a certain amount of self awareness of the situation and a struggle against it that only pushes them closer to chaos rather than further away. I was more enthralled reading the CS summary on the wiki than any fall in the novels. I really liked how the fall spanned generations of the chapter and not just a few years.
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Loving the Crimson Slaughter Codex to bits.


Personally the rules and warlord traits etc were second for me next to the opportunity to have another codex for the baddies! :D


Good solid artwork, inspiring background that is really well thought out and in keeping with the current trends. Loving the layout and the timelines too. I can understand why so many people are looking at it and being inspired to use it for Word Bearers etc as it make great sense!


Loving these "bolt on" codecies, have a number of them now, Xenos etc.



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Meh, I thought it was uninspiring in its entirety.  Granted it has a few good bits, but like BL I haven't justified using it for an army list... Mainly because I'm cheap and I don't feel like making Possessed, a Div Sorc, and personally I don't use Counts As for playing a Warband or a Legion.  That's my narrow perspective though, there are a lot of better people who do and make great things with them.


I just don't care about them, their intro into 6th as our new poster boy was relatively rushed like they used some teenage metal fan to start writing for them.  Granted I've changed my opinion on them reading over the supplement, but these last two editions in general have largely been a dissapointment if you aren't reading the handful of decent BL books or cherry picking art or fluff. 

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After reading the dex I only have one question: Do the CS's new recruits also hear thr voices?

Honestly, I'd say yes. Reason being is that the Haunting permeates the entirety of the Crimson Slaughter. Their hulk, their spaceships, even the very air around them. I mean heck, they just show up in orbit and it starts stretching around the cities they're about to attack and it only grows stronger as they draw closer. Its like a diseased fog that never leaves their side.
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