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Facing the "Imperial Clown Car" tomorrow.

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looks like


GK main

Coteaz, 1 OM inq, 2 Henchmen troops, paladins


Inq Detatchment: 1 OM Inq, 1 Henchment


IH allies: Storm talon/Raven, tac squad, Chapter master


Cypher dataslate


honestly, doesn't look that bad to me, just nuke his troops and run away from the paladins. Kil the fliers when they hover.

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honestly, doesn't look that bad to me, just nuke his troops and run away from the paladins. Kil the fliers when they hover.


I got two chances to shoot at hovering flyers, and the dice were unkind to me. It was the same when I assaulted the Storm Talon with krak grenades. A pair of Heldrakes definitely would have helped me out.


I was trying to move most of my guys into his main gun line area. My roadblock squad barely registered on his Paladins, and my rear guard was pinned by airborne troops. I guess it would have been better to run my left flank for a couple of turns rather than shoot so I could have got further. 3rd squad didn't stand much of a chance, since they were tasked with running right up the middle, and frankly I'm surprised they hung in as long as they did since it was such an open area. My right flank was too far from his main lines to do anything but wait for his two hard units to make their move.


I meant to make him go first so I could react to his placement, but I got carried away in the moment and started setting up before I remembered that isn't what i wanted to do.

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Thanks for the report and pics, and big props for the "quitting is for quitters". I have been in that situation all too often :) I'm glad the Plasma Relic Pred is a good unit. Looks like I should build mine.

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Thanks for the report and pics, and big props for the "quitting is for quitters". I have been in that situation all too often smile.png I'm glad the Plasma Relic Pred is a good unit. Looks like I should build mine.

What I said about the tipping point being too far from the conclusion is what I mostly hate about large games. In smaller point games the pace of the game accelerates to a quick end once one side loses too much of its key units at once. Mostly, though, I find that smaller games are often played down to the wire, with the outcome uncertain until the very end. It's much more exciting. In really big games like this one, you can have your flanked turned but have so many models on the table that it takes forever to roll them up, even though your army is effectively broken.

I definitely think quitting is bad form. I once berated a fellow who wanted to call a game against me a draw. He didn't want to risk losing, and wasn't confident he could win. It was equally bad form after I insisted that he continue, that he was condescending after he did manage to win. Tau players just lose their stuffing when the assault hits, I guess.

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Liking the damage output of the Relic Preds, I will be definitely be giving those a try - I may steal your fiend conversion idea too :)


RE big games, I am not a lover of overly large ones and prefer 2k and under (1750 the sweet spot for me) as I usually forget to do something important when I have to much going on lol


Anyways, good report, cheers :)

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plasma against 2w terminators is rather meq , unless its str8+. Fiends would have been better ,3 plasma shots ID on paladins and +5inv is better then av13 against flyers in a list that doesn't have dedicted AA.

Also against an army like this it is better to run smaller 5 man chosen units with 2-3 plasma [well melta is better against a paladin list, but you wanted to use plasma]. more units makes it easier for some to survive [unless there are a lot of split fire/LoW/knights in a formation units].

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I didn't think the Predator Executioner was legal for Chaos Space Marines? where are the rules for it?

Relic Predator from Imperial Armour: Apocalypse 2013


Sounds like a good battle against an unfun list. I think I'll get myself a predator and convert up a plasma destroyer. I'm sure it'll help with my own paladin problem.

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What do you mean by unfun ? Sure the imperial army was weak , but it is not chaos army was much better.

I mean unfun as in cheese, which was the original complaint of the OP. I've faced some cheesey lists in a supposedly friendly game before where the enemy had cherry picked the best units from several codicies and dataslates. I was merely empathizing with the OP.

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Thanks for the report and pics, and big props for the "quitting is for quitters". I have been in that situation all too often smile.png I'm glad the Plasma Relic Pred is a good unit. Looks like I should build mine.

What I said about the tipping point being too far from the conclusion is what I mostly hate about large games. In smaller point games the pace of the game accelerates to a quick end once one side loses too much of its key units at once. Mostly, though, I find that smaller games are often played down to the wire, with the outcome uncertain until the very end. It's much more exciting. In really big games like this one, you can have your flanked turned but have so many models on the table that it takes forever to roll them up, even though your army is effectively broken.

I definitely think quitting is bad form. I once berated a fellow who wanted to call a game against me a draw. He didn't want to risk losing, and wasn't confident he could win. It was equally bad form after I insisted that he continue, that he was condescending after he did manage to win. Tau players just lose their stuffing when the assault hits, I guess.

I definitely know what you mean. One of my regular opponents runs IG, but his real codex is "Codex: Roll 6's When You Want" so his first firing phases sound like "This squadron shoots your Land Raider, I'll roll the vanquisher first. Hit. Pen. Explodes. Ok, second squadron shoots your other Land Raider, vanquisher first. Hit. Pen. Explodes. Um.. Third Squadron will shoot at those plague marines in the wreckage..." I always grind it out though, because sometimes victory is just getting through to the CCS before the game ends.

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plasma against 2w terminators is rather meq , unless its str8+. Fiends would have been better ,3 plasma shots ID on paladins and +5inv is better then av13 against flyers in a list that doesn't have dedicted AA.

Also against an army like this it is better to run smaller 5 man chosen units with 2-3 plasma [well melta is better against a paladin list, but you wanted to use plasma]. more units makes it easier for some to survive [unless there are a lot of split fire/LoW/knights in a formation units].


As far as the plasma goes, in retrospect melta would have definitely been better. I thought about MSU, but also thought that having the bodies to keep the special weapons guys alive longer might be better. I guess I'm not really that good at weighing the maths.


Also, you implied that his army was weak? In what respect? I never worried much about the henchmen+Coteaz aspect of it, and I can normally disrupt the psyker conclave earlier, but I don't think of them as weak necessarily. I honestly have no idea how to counter his Paladin squad. Those stupid psycannons make them hard to be around for shooting, especially with Prescience and Rending, and they murder anything they can catch in assault. Running from them doesn't always work for me, either, since he deepstrikes better than I do and can manipulate his Reserves. The only thing that makes them not so bad is when we play smaller games and he has to sacrifice a much larger portion of his points to use them.

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What do you mean by unfun ? Sure the imperial army was weak , but it is not chaos army was much better.

I mean unfun as in cheese, which was the original complaint of the OP. I've faced some cheesey lists in a supposedly friendly game before where the enemy had cherry picked the best units from several codicies and dataslates. I was merely empathizing with the OP.

But the imperial list is a very week one ermm.gif

Also, you implied that his army was weak? In what respect? I never

worried much about the henchmen+Coteaz aspect of it, and I can normally

disrupt the psyker conclave earlier, but I don't think of them as weak

necessarily. I honestly have no idea how to counter his Paladin squad.

Those stupid psycannons make them hard to be around for shooting,

especially with Prescience and Rending, and they murder anything they

can catch in assault.

Has the same problems with troops as we do[they die fast] . aegis doesn't help much when there are so many ways to ignore cover. And unlike us they don't have tough units that can weather turn 1 shoting , unless they start with paladins on the board .

As to how to deal without tailoring [aside for ignoring a non scoring death star] using chaos , the best way is to use an emplacment with a D weapon.

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plasma against 2w terminators is rather meq , unless its str8+. Fiends would have been better ,3 plasma shots ID on paladins and +5inv is better then av13 against flyers in a list that doesn't have dedicted AA.

Also against an army like this it is better to run smaller 5 man chosen units with 2-3 plasma [well melta is better against a paladin list, but you wanted to use plasma]. more units makes it easier for some to survive [unless there are a lot of split fire/LoW/knights in a formation units].

As far as the plasma goes, in retrospect melta would have definitely been better. I thought about MSU, but also thought that having the bodies to keep the special weapons guys alive longer might be better. I guess I'm not really that good at weighing the maths.


Also, you implied that his army was weak? In what respect? I never worried much about the henchmen+Coteaz aspect of it, and I can normally disrupt the psyker conclave earlier, but I don't think of them as weak necessarily. I honestly have no idea how to counter his Paladin squad. Those stupid psycannons make them hard to be around for shooting, especially with Prescience and Rending, and they murder anything they can catch in assault. Running from them doesn't always work for me, either, since he deepstrikes better than I do and can manipulate his Reserves. The only thing that makes them not so bad is when we play smaller games and he has to sacrifice a much larger portion of his points to use them.

My dual butcher cannon contemptor dead has done well against paladins. It's only ap4 but the s8 means that its instakill and denies his feel no pain save if he's taken an apothecary too. Multi melta obliterators work better but fewer shots.


Then there's always a vindicator which now has the dubious honour of being a bullet magnet, so much so that it either shoots or the rest of my army is ignored from fear of it shooting.

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Sucks that you lost man, then again I probably couldn't have done much better so kudos for grinding it out. As for points in a game I've found I love to play anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 points. At 1,500 you really get to explore some tactical variety and build a solid all around list, at 1,000 there's never any way to cover all eventualities so it really adds a fun element of risk to play where single bad dice rolls or one wrong tactical move can cost you the game. I hate high points games as 1. they take for freaking ever, and 2. Armies get broken... fast, especially with the ability to included a circus tent full of allies.


Edit: like Clone said, I too am a fan of butcher cannon contemptors, especially if you can double up on them, 8 str8 ap4 shots is hilarious at killing multi-wound space marine characters. The mosts satisfying moment of my last game against my buddy's grey knights was turning his vindicare into pink mist on turn 1.

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Sucks that you lost man, then again I probably couldn't have done much better so kudos for grinding it out.


Thank you very much for turning me on to Relic Predators. They were really the best part of the game, especially since I got some very good scatter rolls.

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