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Helbrute Formation Rumors


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An interesting development on this.




Sounds pretty sweet to me, this confirms that the formation will not just be a way to take multiples outside of the FOC. There will actually be some rules and such. 



Mayhem Pack

Helfast Murderpack

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Despite, ahem the names more fitting in a saturday evening cartoon, I hope that these formation will be worthy. The cult one sounds fun when you field a brute on foot an you need some expendable fooder to provide cover, the deep strike one sounds like te one to go by if you want to clog some shooty army with several nasty brutes in deep strike, while the last one is there for one who likes to spam walkers. I hope GW will not waste this opportunity to sell the hellbrute kits with bad rules for the formations.
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Lots of potential here, from both a fluff and crunch perspective.  Imagine if the Helcult ends up being a mixed unit, with the Brute acting like an attached IC who makes his Cultist worshippers Fearless, and can also Look Out Sir! shots onto the Cultists - both useful and hilarious IMO.  Or how about if the teleporting Mayhem Pack benefits from the same City of Death Strategem available to Black Legion Terminators (only 1D6 scatter and can reroll mishaps)?


So what could go wrong?  Well, the snippets of fluff make it sound like the Mayhen Pack Brutes will be extra crazy (uh oh), "the Cultists too may feel the Helbrute's wrath" in the Helcult (also uh oh, though still hilarious) and in the Helfast Murderpack, your Brutes only stay sane while your Venerable Dread equivalent (or whatever it turns out to be) is still alive (which just seems kind of meh to me.) 


We shall see, but at least we can look forward to three rolls of the dice in the one Dataslate - hopefully at least one of the new Formations will be worth it.

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Actually, the "Helfist Murderpack" (ugh, feels like I lost IQ points just writing that) is specifically explained as being several warbands pooling their Dreads together to attack an especially juicy target with the oldest Dread taking ad hoc command over the formation. But whatever, I mean this is the same game in which you can run 2 daemon princes in an army of like 30 total guys. This isn't really isn't such a strech.

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I always assumed it was as easy as:


Fabius creates insane clone;

Dark AdMech creates shell;

Sorceror performs final 'assembly' of clone (or other 'volunteer") and shell.

Wash hands after to mantain sanitary conditions.

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Previewed fluff pages say that chaos forges mass produce helbrutes, unlike loyalist dreadnoughts which are all painstakingly created individually. Internment within a brute is a feared punishment rather than an honorable sacrifice. Each brute has a quiescent daemonic spirit that feeds on suffering, and the victim entombed within is less a pilot and more a power source.
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Previewed fluff pages say that chaos forges mass produce helbrutes, unlike loyalist dreadnoughts which are all painstakingly created individually. Internment within a brute is a feared punishment rather than an honorable sacrifice. Each brute has a quiescent daemonic spirit that feeds on suffering, and the victim entombed within is less a pilot and more a power source.

I love chaos.

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