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Formations, How many?

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So I have the Stormwing dataslate formation, but the question is equally valid for any formation type.


How many can I use? Am I limited to 1 specific formation each, but can have many different ones as I like? Am I only allowed 1 formation at all? Or can I spam as many as I can fit in the points?



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I've bumped this over to Official Rules, so hopefully you'll get an answer here.


I'll even take a stab at answering the questions, too. If you have the iBook version of the Stormwing Dataslate, on page 2, in the first paragraph of the Formations section, the rules indicate that "[unless] otherwise stated, you can take any number of Formations in your army" hope that helps! :)

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Taken from one of my Dataslates:


A Formation presents a collection of two or more units that fight alongside one another in a particular way. When you choose an army, you can take a Formation as a special form of Detachment. Unless otherwise stated, you can take any number of Formations in your army, and each is considered to be a completely separate Detachment, regardless of how many units make it up.


So there is no limit, save that you must be able to fit a primary detachment in somewhere.

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Yep... that darn points total problem will kick in pretty quick, as most of the formations are over 400pts base.


There is one exception- characters, such as Cypher. They are 'unique' and you can only have one of them.

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