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Night Lords First Claw models


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Greetings all!

I've been planning to do a diorama modelling project of First Claw. I was thinking the scene at the start of Void Stalker when Talos is chained to the command throne and the rest of the squad is stood around him, cause I'd be able to do the whole squad in various poses, and rereading the book a few weeks ago it really jumped out at me.

So really my main question is has anyone else already modelled First Claw and if so are there any pictures? I have searched this forum a bit but couldn't find anything.

The reason being, a tiny bit for inspiration, but mainly so they aren't similar. Obviously because they are the same characters they are going to look the same, but I don't want to step on any toes or anything with them being too similar. Want to make sure I use different bitz for the small details etc.

Probably won't do it for a few months, starting a new job soon and there is already a bunch of stuff on my shopping list (xbox) tongue.png

Would a WIP thread belong in this forum or somewhere else...?

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A D-B had a post in his blog awhile back showing off the bad*ASS* models someone on either here or Warseer had crafted of First Claw and sent to him. Sorry I can't be more specific than that, but if you check out his blog from a little more than a year ago, they'll pop up quick enough.

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@Forte Looked at some of Insane Psychopath's stuff, that Chaos Knight model is immense. Could only find his Iron Warrior's thread and didn't have time to look through the whole thing, is that the one with First Claw?

@Tarvick that is a nice model yes.gif My modelling skills aren't bad, but I'm not so much a good painter, way jealous right now.

@Flint13 Damn I knew I remembered seeing it somewhere, just couldn't remember if it was a blog or forum laugh.png I'll have a look now.

Thanks all!

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@Forte Looked at some of Insane Psychopath's stuff, that Chaos Knight model is immense. Could only find his Iron Warrior's thread and didn't have time to look through the whole thing, is that the one with First Claw?

@Tarvick that is a nice model yes.gif My modelling skills aren't bad, but I'm not so much a good painter, way jealous right now.

@Flint13 Damn I knew I remembered seeing it somewhere, just couldn't remember if it was a blog or forum laugh.png I'll have a look now.

Thanks all!

Insane Psychopath's ones are here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/242006-iron-warriors-5th-grand-company-re-born-army-log/page-12 about halfway down the page smile.png

Even a quick google search for "night lords first claw" gives some neat results, along with some damn fine artwork. If I had the time/money I'd definitely give First Claw a go, so I'm looking forward to what you put out happy.png

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@Forte Looked at some of Insane Psychopath's stuff, that Chaos Knight model is immense. Could only find his Iron Warrior's thread and didn't have time to look through the whole thing, is that the one with First Claw?

@Tarvick that is a nice model yes.gif My modelling skills aren't bad, but I'm not so much a good painter, way jealous right now.

@Flint13 Damn I knew I remembered seeing it somewhere, just couldn't remember if it was a blog or forum laugh.png I'll have a look now.

Thanks all!

Insane Psychopath's ones are here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/242006-iron-warriors-5th-grand-company-re-born-army-log/page-12 about halfway down the page smile.png

Even a quick google search for "night lords first claw" gives some neat results, along with some damn fine artwork. If I had the time/money I'd definitely give First Claw a go, so I'm looking forward to what you put out happy.png

Thanks for the link to IPs First Claw, they're very nice. Thankfully the blue is a lot darker than any other Night Lords I've seen, as I was planning to use a very dark blue mix but was put off because no one else seemed to have gone that way so that's kind of put me at ease.

I'm ashamed to say that it's 2014 and I didn't even think of using google wallbash.gif tongue.png thanks a lot!

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