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Sons of Malice: What happened?


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As a SoM fan, I'm open to suggestions on how to incorporate the cult troops, daemon engines and such in a SoM army msn-wink.gif

Hmmmm...with the right fluff background and some modelling work the sky is the limit.

When I was playing SoM I used Khârn and Berzerkers primarily backed up with termicide and a few other things.

I went this route as it fit some vengeful, barbaric image that I see when I think of the Sons of Malice. The thought of black and white armored behemoths, silent save for the hum of their armor and rev of their chainaxes, descending upon their prey and hacking them apart was exhilarating. They were blood-covered judges and executioners. Slaughtering the servants of the Imperium that betrayed them and dominating the slaves of the Dark Gods who stand in opposition of their patron, Malal. There were no innocents on either side as all were condemned to death in their eyes and they would carry out the sentence.

I really can't think of any ideas for Plague Marines or Thousand Sons right now. However I think I got something for Noise Marines. First off this seem difficult to use for SoM...as Noise Marine have an obvious clue of their behavior in their name but the Sons all fight in silence. I was thinking of a marine toting some weird looking speakers that only gave off high pitch sounds (like the ones either young adults or only dogs can hear) that drives the enemy insane and result in suicide. It would be the Whisper of Malal. A damnable pitch that just drives a listener to the brink and beyond. A slightly drunken idea I just thought about.

As for Daemon Engines, perhaps they were taken/enslaved from other CSM forces. Perhaps the Sons have begun making their own. Nothing like building their own automata and trapping daemons of Nurgle, Slaanesh, Khorne, or Tzeentch into them. Causing them to be bound and trapped to a machine carrying on a tortured existence. Then poked and prodded before being set loose to wreak havoc on the Sons' enemies (some even being the daemons own kin). This kind of goes with the idea/fluff I read somewhere about how the servants of Malal bind or capture daemons of the other gods and this just takes it and runs in another direction with it.

Just some fun ideas I myself wouldn't mind trying out if I dust off my Sons of Malice.

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Noise Marines: Make these guys carry weapons that create "null-noise", patches of space where sound cannot exist because they are absorbing it. They also fire pure kinect blasts created from the absorbed vibrations.


Plague Marines: Marines who have embraced the pure unrelentingness of Malice, these warriors have hardened their hearts, minds and bodies to his touch. A wave of pure malevolence spreads before them and all things crumble to ash and dust in their wake.


Thousand Sons: A well coordinated squad that has given up its individual personalities for the sake of the Chapter. These Sons have in turn given their bodies over to the will of one of Malice's sorcerers. With their armor now serving as their flesh, they march ever onward, undying, unyielding, until their homeworld is reclaimed and they can rest in peace.


Its raw, I know. I just made it up.

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I once read something while looking for  Malal fluff which said Malal's power eventually consumes some of his warriors to leave them as spectral beings.  It could have just been fanon, but it does sound like a good way to fluff 1K Sons in your SoM army.

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I've decided that Warp Talon heads on CSM bodies make a good look for Branded.  Some of those heads have a look like insects with antennae, or parts near the mouth which look like vestigial mandibles.  Not like anyone uses Warp Talons, so we might as well use the heads somehow, right? ;)

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Nice ideas Kol_Saresk and M@l!ce!


I once read something while looking for  Malal fluff which said Malal's power eventually consumes some of his warriors to leave them as spectral beings.  It could have just been fanon, but it does sound like a good way to fluff 1K Sons in your SoM army.

I remember reading about him having a parasite/leeching effect on his worshipers. It would be cool to have a warp-tainted husk continuing to serve even after being "dead", his spirit somehow still fighting while inhabiting his armor.


@M@l!ce, do you have a WIP thread?

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Nice ideas Kol_Saresk and M@l!ce!


I once read something while looking for  Malal fluff which said Malal's power eventually consumes some of his warriors to leave them as spectral beings.  It could have just been fanon, but it does sound like a good way to fluff 1K Sons in your SoM army.

I remember reading about him having a parasite/leeching effect on his worshipers. It would be cool to have a warp-tainted husk continuing to serve even after being "dead", his spirit somehow still fighting while inhabiting his armor.


@M@l!ce, do you have a WIP thread?


Not yet, waiting till I get the funds to get ahold of a decent digital camera, or smart phone.  Tried taking a pic last night with my current phone and it looked like dog crap. -.-

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