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Question on Non-Thousand Sons Rubric Marines

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Right, so we know the Rubric is a Legion made spell by Ahriman.  We know it's the least common Cult Marine.

How would I go writing a Warband outside of the Thousand Sons (or Black Legion) come into acquiring these double-edged Sarcophogus Soldiers?  Would a former Thousand Son Sorc go Rogue and join/form his own following?  Would a powerful sorc sell Rubric Marines in exchange for lore/artifacts/services?

I want to make my own Pyre formation following Pyromancy Sorcs and possibly Rubric Marines.  Quite honestly as cheap as I come and how I already own Plague Marines, I don't want them and would rather jump the boat to have something different.

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They wouldn't sell Rubrics, since the Rubrics are basically useless without the Sorcerer to command them... and even the most corrupt Magnusites still recognise Rubrics as their brothers, so selling them like objects would horrify them.


That said, there are plenty of rogue Thousand Sons who forsook Magnus after the burning of Prospero. Ahriman himself spent hundreds of years hiding his identity and passing himself off as a renegade Librarian because he couldn't face the shame of the Rubric. So there's plenty of opportunities for individual or mercenary Thousand Sons, even if you want to stay away from the two large factions.


There's also the possibility of fielding them as "similar but not the same" units - for example, my "Rubric Marines" are Horrors and Flamers bound into suits of Sororitas Power Armour.

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Well if you want to stick to fluff all Rubrics are indeed of the Thousand Sons Legion and under the control of sorcerers. That said, I disagree with Miko that no sorcerer would sell Rubrics along with the proper spells/incantations to control them in exchange for various artifacts/tomes etc. Brothers or not, most Chaos Marines are twisted and selfish, and regularly betray and murder their sentient brothers, so I just don't see why a sorcerer would balk at the idea of selling a few mostly mindless brothers in exchange for an especially powerful artifact that would increase his personal influence and magical ability.


So go ahead, though I would still leave them in 1k Sons colors and maybe just paint a single shoulderpad in your warband colors or something like that, to show their turned allegiance.

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My answer would be don't use Rubric Marines at all in terms of lore. In my opinion, I find their models to be rather bland and the lore that can be done with them somewhat restricting.


An idea I've been throwing around comes from the Chaos Codex mentioning the warband known as the Magma Hounds. Not too different from the way rubric works, the marines that have come to be known as Magma Hounds were throne into the warp-infused fires of the daemon forges, shambling from the depths as darkened armoured warriors of living metal and bubbling magma oozing from their vents and cracks. I think that would work perfectly for your Pyro theme.

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Except that the particular cult in Ahriman: Exile was trying to undo the rubric entirely, that's why they were looking for Ahriman. Plus it's unclear how long after the Heresy that book takes place (unless I missed something, it's been a while) but it's almost surely not super current as it occurs right around when Ahriman was still in hiding and what happens to him when he is forced out of hiding, so all of his actions as an infamous sorcerer occur after this book. So yeah, the cult in that book felt guilty about it, but that guilt was their entire schtick. Doesn't preclude other sorcerers from being more in line with the usual Chaos scheming and selfishness especially sorcerers serving the god of personal ambition and power.


I just don't see how it's so cut and dry to people, especially since the Thousand Sons are in no way united, it's just a bunch of sorcerer lords roaming about doing Tzeentchy things, some with a nominal allegiance to Magnus or Ahriman, though at present it's a bit unclear what exactly either of those fine fellas are trying to get done either, other than perhaps that Ahriman is looking for the Black Library so that he can become a god, which by the way, also doesn't square much with his character in the book A:E because that book probably happens millennia before the current time.

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I take BL with a grain of salt.



Don't. That's where the answer to your question is.


I will, the vast majority being at best filling in a minor hole, at worst being a poorly written exageration that's pushed something beyond what it needs to be.  Not to mention they're worse than the codexes in retcon shift.


Regardless my question is now being void, my financial status is shaving my options down and a very sweet deal on Ebay is shifting my army to recycle Plague Marines. 

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I take BL with a grain of salt.



Don't. That's where the answer to your question is.


I will, the vast majority being at best filling in a minor hole, at worst being a poorly written exageration that's pushed something beyond what it needs to be.  Not to mention they're worse than the codexes in retcon shift.


Regardless my question is now being void, my financial status is shaving my options down and a very sweet deal on Ebay is shifting my army to recycle Plague Marines. 


"Sick burn, bro."


Sadly for your tastes, it's still where the answer to your question is, and what you think "needs to be" is irrelevant. I didn't enjoy one particular edition of Codex: Imperial Guard a while ago. Sadly, it was where the lore for the Imperial Guard was. Me not liking it had no bearing on that fact.


Happy to help!

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Indeed, all of the information that people can provide pertaining to your question is based on what they have read in Codexes and the Black Library, with the Black library invariably containing more specific information.


Until recently, there was little to no literature on the Thousand Sons (and there is still relatively little).

I will, the vast majority being at best filling in a minor hole,

That's the idea. Each book fills a tiny gap in knowledge and provides more information about on aspect of the Heresy, 40k, a specific character or chapter or whatever.
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However, the stated nature of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe is non-canonical.


As in, there is no canon, so you are ultimately free to do what you want. Just... don't expect anyone else to conform to your AU.

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Indeed, all of the information that people can provide pertaining to your question is based on what they have read in Codexes and the Black Library, with the Black library invariably containing more specific information.


Until recently, there was little to no literature on the Thousand Sons (and there is still relatively little).

I will, the vast majority being at best filling in a minor hole,

That's the idea. Each book fills a tiny gap in knowledge and provides more information about on aspect of the Heresy, 40k, a specific character or chapter or whatever.


Except they constantly clash with each different writer, or shift drastically based upon one writer moving to another story, or another writer taking up the same character.  In fact, I find they clash or distort the timeline far worse than Codex and rulebook edition changes ever did.  I explicitly have to take BL with a grain of salt simply because it's one case of writing that changes for no worse or better than someone's back-story of an army.  Yes they're paid writers, some of them are good at it.  Most of BL isn't. 


That reminds me, I never finished Titanicus. 



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As far as Black Library changing things around worse than the Codexes, I have a Codex Space Marines 5th Edition (Either you are an Ultramarine, you try as hard as you can to be an Ultramarine, or you're a useless waste of power armor on the verge of extinction), and a Clan Raukan (The Iron Hands independent feuding Clans are now Codex compliant Companies, Ferrus Manus is now a Keeper of Secrets powered by rage) that say nope!
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