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Crimson Slaughter : Beast Form

Lord Doyok

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I can't find anything that says Beasts can't embark, only what models can embark. And nothing about disembarking. The rule actually says:



Only Infantry models can embark upon Transports (this does not include Jump or Jet Pack Infantry), unless specifically stated otherwise.
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So, by that logic, if they turn into beasts whilst in a transport they can't get out. That doesn't sound right.

I think you may have misread Gery Mage's reply.  He said they can not embark if they are beast.  BUT there is nothing saying thay can not disembark nor that they must must disembark. 


They can't go inside, but if they already are inside when they turn into beast they can stay inside or go outside if they want.

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Thankfully Disembarking has its own rules, on pg 79, and they make no mention of unit type, merely 'a unit embarked'. Thus the rules for getting the heck out function just fine, RAW.

It *might* bite you in the butt if you were trying to scoop them up again... but, well atleast its cinematic to have your crazed, more than half demon possessed marines be a little cranky about getting into the car.

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I can't find anything that says Beasts can't embark, only what models can embark. And nothing about disembarking. The rule actually says:



Only Infantry models can embark upon Transports (this does not include Jump or Jet Pack Infantry), unless specifically stated otherwise.


Reminds me of kindergarden argumentations.

: Only Infantry models can embark upon Transports

 Are beasts infantry models? Question in regards to embarkment answered.

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I can't find anything that says Beasts can't embark, only what models can embark. And nothing about disembarking. The rule actually says:



Only Infantry models can embark upon Transports (this does not include Jump or Jet Pack Infantry), unless specifically stated otherwise.


Reminds me of kindergarden argumentations.

>: Only Infantry models can embark upon Transports

 Are beasts infantry models? Question in regards to embarkment answered.



Err yeah. I think we settled that one a few days ago. Think you may have misunderstood my post.

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