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Fortifications and Chaos.


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I'm currently working on Red Corsairs at the moment and I've recently had Stronghold Assault brought to my attention.  After looking through the book I'm thinking of getting a Aquila Strongpoint with the macro cannon.  


Two questions come to mind.  What would you ideally place in there and what counter measures are there for it that I should worry about? At AV15 there are many things other then D weapons but I don't I want to make sure that I've missed anything.  

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Still vulnerable to the likes of Drop Pod Melta (like 5 Sternguard with all Combi-Melta, etc.).


May want to include something with Interceptor nearby.

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The list would contain mostly marines, chosen and terminators.  Thinking of running hellbrutes and maybe some other things.  The list is intended to be 1500pts to begin with but will grow in size with time.  


The army will also have dual roles in that it will be used as a Chaos list in my local store but with friends will be a "Sons of Horus" list since it better invokes the ideas of Huron building a legion of old.  I'd just avoid any of the things that are specific to the heresy such as volkite weapons.  

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