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Battle Report Huzzah RTT Round II


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Second game was against Leigh Brady and his Cron Air army. We have played before and each time it seems to be super close games, this was out third game against each other at a tourney. I was super stoked, I love playing him :P


Primary Mission was five objectives that we took turns placing, and then victory points for killing enemy units, two for killing Heavy Support units (who were also scoring this game).

Deployment was Dawn of War

I won the roll and chose to allow Leigh to go first (Cron Air's main weakness is they struggle when going second).


Warlord Trait - Hatred for Lord and his Unit (Crimson Slaughter table).

Lord's Gift - Fleet

Sorcerer's Powers - Prescience, Hallucinate, Invisibility (lawl, two games in a row).

Sorcerer's Gift - Shred

Herald of Khorne - Axe of Khorne




Chaos Lord

  **Blade of the Relentless/The Slaughterer's Horns/Daemonheart/Bike/MoN/Melta-Bombs/Blight Grenades/Gift of Mutation/Sigil


  **Balestar of Mannon/Bike/Melta-Bombs/Gift of Mutation/Sigil

Herald of Khorne

  **Juggernaught/Lesser Gift (Axe of Khorne)


Cultists x10

Cultists x10

Horrors x19

Plaguebearers x19


CSM Bikers x8

  **MoN/Champ w/Melta-Bombs/Power Axe





Flesh Hounds of Khorne x19



Oberon (spelling)

Karzah (the guy that takes away your USRs)

Destroyer Lord


x4 five man units of Warriors

x4 Night Scythes for the units of Warriors


x6 Wraiths

x6 Scarab Swarms


x3 Spyders

x2 Annihilation Barges


Skyshield Landing Pad (again)




He deployed his Pad in the middle right of his deployment zone.

Spyders and Scarabs on top

The characters all joined the Spyder squad

Wraiths were deployed behind a hill further to my right and deeper in his deployment zone.


I then deployed my Horrors in some area terrain in the middle of my deployment zone

Dogs directly in front of them

Bikers just to the left of them and behind a building

Lord/Sorcerer with the Bikers

Herald with the Dogs


I choose not to attempt to steal the initiative.



Before the game began I Scouted my Dogs forward into some terrain in the middle of the board.



Usually his shooting phase is absolutely soul crushing, but he made some recent changes to the list and brought in some Spyders and gave up a Barge+Night Scythe unit. There were some other tweeks I did not notice off hand as it had been a few months since we last played each other.


He gave birth to three Scarabs.

Shuffled around a little and moved the Wraiths just to the side of the Landing Pad as he knew I was coming for it.


He then went to his shooting phase and started with the Barges on the Hounds.

He killed two hounds with his entire shooting phase as I rolled pretty well on my saves. I cant be sad about this turn.



Buffed my Dogs with Invisibility.

Dogs moved forward and would need an 8 inch charge (they do have fleet so a fair chance).

Bikers moved around the other side of a building. This turned out to be a critical mistake and one I do not often make, I usually keep my Dogs and Bikers close enough to support each other if needed and this time I got too aggressive and I paid for it next turn.

I moved a few Horrors forward out of the difficult terrain to give me a longer firing area if needed. 


My shooting phase came and I immediately ran my Horrors forward some more creating a longer line up the middle of the table. This would give me enough range to hit just about any flyer.

I then Turbo-Boosted my Bikers around the building, making sure I had range and line of site to my Horrors. I was going for First Blood this game as it was added into the total and not just a tie breaker.


Assault Phase came and I only had one thing to do. . . Kill Scarabs! Get First Blood! Profit!

Dogs rolled a 6 and a 1 on their dice, picked up the 1 and re-rolled into a 4 for a total of 10".

Going through cover put me down to I1 so the Scarabs did their piddly attacks against my dogs. Lost a single dog.

Dogs countered and killed all but one base who has a single wound left (8 Scarabs +2 wounds for those of you counting at home). Herald did no instant death or the Swarms would have easily been wiped out.



Three of his Scythes came on and he moved them at an angle so they would all be out of range from Vector Strikes next turn :*(

The two Barges both moved next to the Landing Pad, one on each side. One was placed between the combat and the Landing Pad forcing me into a really long charge attempt the next turn if I wanted to come in and help (which I did).

Wraiths moved behind the dogs next to the front end of the Landing Pad.

Spyders and ICs all moved up preparing to assault.


His shooting killed a Biker, when he realized the Lord was going to tank all of the shots (I positioned well) he switched to shooting at Horrors who immediately went to ground as there were trees to one side of them and a building on the other giving the unit some cover for the most part (plan was to shoot at a flyer next turn).

Lost zero Horrors.

He then launched his assault.

Spyders made it in, only one in base to base however as it and the Destroyer Lord were to fat to let anyone else in line so this spared me a couple Hammer of Wrath attacks.

Wraiths hit the Dogs on the backside and now they were surrounded by Necrons :*(


Started with the Mind Shackle Scarabs and a Dog decided it was nice to hit his own unit. . .

Herald was up next and went to town Instant Deathing one Spyder and doing a wound to another.

Dogs then went as the Wraiths were I1 for terrain. They focused a fair amount of attacks at the Scarab, I wanted to make sure I had First Blood since that was the goal on the initial charge. The rest of dogs that got to choose where to attack went at Wraiths killing one, did nothing to Spyders.


He then did his attacks and really put a hurt to the Dogs, though they did have Invis so he needed 5s to hit me. He killed 6 dogs and I lost another on my Instability Check. 



Invisibility on the Doggies.

Prescience on the Horrors.


Both Heldrakes came on (booo, nothing to shoot at or Vector Strike).

One Cultist unit came on

Plaguebearers came on


Bikers moved as close as they could to the combat, but it would end up being a 10" charge for me to make it in.

Horrors were pinned so could not move.

Plaguebearers deep striked in some ruins near his landing pad on the far right of the table, there was one of the Barges between them and the combat.

Cultists moved on into some terrain on my right side.


Shooting phase was non-existant other than the Horrors. They Downed a flyer somehow! Cant complain about that.

Went to the assault phase now and declared a multi-charge wit the Bikers. Barge was primary (4" away) and the Spyders were secondary (10" away).

Failed to make it in with the Spyders so I settled for three Melta-Bomb attacks with the Bikers killing the Barge with ease (hatred yo!). 

At this point the Herald was based by one of the Wraiths so all of his attacks had to go there, amazingly he inflicted three Instant Death attacks against them, though he made two of his invulns. The doggies them inflicted a wound on a Spyder and killed a Wraith.


He then did his attacks and absolutely shallacked my poor doggies, killing 6 more of them. I rolled low on my Instability check and took no more losses due to that, but I was running on E for the Dog unit and Sarah Mclachlan wont talk to me for weeks if I let them die! I really messed this up by going around the building instead of just following the Dogs, he was making me pay for it.



His last Night Scythe did not come on saving me a little bit of damage.

He moved his Scythes now to get some shots on various units.

Barges were kinda blocked in by the huge scrum on his Landing Pad and were forced to try and go around it (too wide for them to hop over lol). They ended up staying near the combat and the pad cause they just could not get around everything.

A unit of Necrons walked on near the combat in his deployment zone that was taking up so much space.


His shooting phase consisted of laying as much fire power into the Bikers as he could manage, my dogs were on the brink of dying and if he could riddle my Bikers down to a manageable number I would be out of beef to win.

Luckily the Lord has this fancy new item that gives him a 2+ save and he can soak wounds with the best of em! Lord took a wound and I ended up losing a few Bikers to fire, nothing major, could have been a ton worse.


Assault phase came and the Dogs were still has Invisibility on them so they were having problems getting hits off, but I was a turn too late to making it in to save them. Sad times. The dogs took a few casualties and inflicted next to none as he made a large amount of 3++ saves on his Wraiths. 

I then rolled my Instability Check and got double 6s again :*(

Byebye Doggies, you did me proud boys!


He rolled pretty low on consolidation and everything was still pretty bunched up. The Wraiths tried to surround the last Barge but he rolled a 2 and they could only get the sides. The Spyders stayed on the Landing Pad next to the Warriors (deadly mistake on his part, I now had something to charge up my Lords weapon on). 




Started with Powers. Invisibility on the Bikers Prescience on the Horrors.


Cultists came on so all of my reserves were in.

Horrors moved up the middle of the table some more creating a long line to the edge of his deployment zone, and a puddle left over on my objective in my deployment zone :P

Plaguebearers smelled Annihilation Barge blood and moved three inches away from it.

Lord left the Bikers and put himself an inch away from the Necron Warrior squad on the Pad.

Bikers w/Sorcerer parked an inch away from the Spyders though the Sorcerer was about 9" away total (wanted him out of range to be challenged this turn). 

I got aggressive with the Drakes and decided to Vector Strike two flyers but if they did not die I would leave my buttox exposed to them the next turn. Neither died to Vector Strikes, though I did put a HP on one and two on the other.




Horrors shot at a Scythe and dropped one that had a single HP left.



Lord assaulted the Warriors, overwatch was a joke.

Bikers assaulted the Wraiths AND the Spyder squad with the ICs (just had to live two rounds of CC).

Plaguebearers assaulted the Barge.


Lord one rounded the Warriors ensuring that they could not get back up, he then consolidated just under the Landing Pad to lessen any fire that might come his way. He was now at +1str, AP2 and a few kills away from another +1str.

Plaguebearers wrecked the Barge with their Touch of Rust (I recently dropped x2 Maulerfiends, combined my two small squads of Horrors into a single big one, x20 Plaguebearers, x3 Hounds, and a few extra points for wargear). These guys seem to leave their mark on every game I play, unless they mishap or some other nonsense :P

Bikers then did their attacks and I killed a Wraith and that was about it. He countered and killed all but two Bikers and the Sorcerer :*(



The last Night Scythe came on and a Warrior squad walked on from reserves. 

He moved his Scythes around to get some shots on the rear of my Drakes.


Shooting was pretty good for him considering the amount of dead things on the table.

Both Drakes died.

Warriors shot my Lord to no effect. 

Lost a few Cultists to fire. 


Assault phase came and he was pissed. Champ accepted a Challenge and was promptly dispatched, Sorcerer killed a Spyder with some Instant Death love but took a wound himself. Other Biker guy died. The Invis was really negating what his Spyders could do with their single smash attacks each. All I needed to do was live through that CC and I knew I had this.




Sorcerer cast Prescience on the Horrors again.

Invisibility on himself.


Cultists moved up to the middle of the table with an objective in a building.

Other Cultists moved behind them, though not in range of the objective yet.

Horrors moved further up the table into his deployment zone, my line now stretched about 30 total inches back into my deployment zone on an objective.

Plaguebearers did not care if the Sorcerer was about to die, they moved off toward an objective and the Warriors that just came on and were now sitting on it shooting at the Chaos Lord.


Horrors shot at a Scythe but he managed to Deny the Witch :*(


Assault phase came and the Lord charged into the Spyders.

Plaguebearers charged those Warriors.

Fight subphase came and I attempted a Glorious Intervention with my Lord against his Destroyer Lord. Success! 


Plaguebearers destroyed the Warriors and consolidated onto the objective.

Lord passed his leadership against the Mindshackle Scarabs and then proceeded to destroy the poor Destroyer Lord (don't worry, he comes back. . .)

Sorcerer lives through the attacks and kills the last Spyder with his axe (not Instant Death, but inflicted two precision wounds).




He does not have much left but he lands a squad of Warriors near my Cultists.

He shoots the Cultists and eight of them are killed (refused to go to ground).


Combat goes my way again. Lord issues a challenge to which he declines.

Lord passes his Mindshackle Scarabs and drops the Destroyer Lord again (don't worry, he comes back!).

Sorcerer kills one of the ICs with a Force Attack (don't worry, he comes back!).




Cast Invis on himself.


Cultists group up and las-pistol the Warriors killing two.

Horrors shoot one squad of Warriors to death and move onto his objective in his deployment zone (I can now choose which one to claim or contest).

Plaguebearers move into the combat (about 3" away from the objective), but I spread out so I would have some guys back far enough to ensure I would keep the objective once I cleared combat.


Lord challenged and he accepted with the Destroyer Lord.

Destroyer Lord gets owned.

Plaguebearers finish the combat by weight of attacks. Everyone consolidates back onto the objective.

Cultists both assault the Warriors killing them entirely (he failed his fear check and I won easily with hitting on 3s =x).

Both ICs get back up. . ./cry


Game ended however with me controlling three objectives to his none.

I had Linebreaker, First Blood.

I also had 14 bonus VPs from killing units to his 3. Was a clear victory and left him a bit demoralized I think, he has lost to me the last three times but never this badly. We usually play a last turn to win type of game.


Great Opponent and a great guy. Love playing Leigh.


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Nice read. I had the idea he misplayed quite a bit here and there though, but maybe that's due to not having pictures. Was it really necessary for all the warriors and the Barges to die (so fast)?


Also, what are your thoughts on running Powerfist + Lightning Claw instead of the Relentless blade now that you played with the blade? Now that we have acces to furious charge on the Nurgle Bike Lord the powerfist is rather deadly, the more with Rage. (6 S10 Ap2 attacks and the defensive profile to back it up.)

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Nice read. I had the idea he misplayed quite a bit here and there though, but maybe that's due to not having pictures. Was it really necessary for all the warriors and the Barges to die (so fast)?


Also, what are your thoughts on running Powerfist + Lightning Claw instead of the Relentless blade now that you played with the blade? Now that we have acces to furious charge on the Nurgle Bike Lord the powerfist is rather deadly, the more with Rage. (6 S10 Ap2 attacks and the defensive profile to back it up.)


This is one of my favorite guys to play against and he is usually a very very on point type of player. I think I am in his head a little bit, he looked a bit dissaponited that he was matched up with me in round 2 and combine that with playing a brand new list he did not have as much practice with. He basically put all of his ground forces on the Landing Pad and I surrounded the Pad and then rushed into CC where I wore him down. He was looking for a way out but my units are pretty big and I really worked on clogging the area to prevent him from getting away. I also had planned on taking pictures but I forgot to charge my phone the day before so it was dead :*(

The big thing was my Horrors being so good at taking out his Scythes, dont think he really knew what to do about them.


I dont think the str doubles from Furious Charge, it just adds +1 after it doubles, so it would be str9 on the charge.

My personal preference with weapons and such is if two are close and I am trying to decide between them, I will go with cheaper setup. PF+LC = 40pts, Blade = 30pts. The Blade gets killer once you get three kills, which should not be that hard to be honest. Though in my last game he only got one kill =x

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I think he at least misplayed the Barges then. There is no reason to put them so close to the rest of his forces around/on the skyshield pad, as you have literally nothing to take them out at range. He should have kept shooting at the Horrors and later Cultists in my opinion. But oh well, not important, doesn't matter at all anyways haha, well played either way ;)


And no, it's S10 on the charge. Doubling the Strenght and then adding the +1S from Furious Charge is 5th edition. I looked it up again yesterday in the rulebook to be sure, so unless it's magicly been FAQ'ed, it's S10 :)

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I think he at least misplayed the Barges then. There is no reason to put them so close to the rest of his forces around/on the skyshield pad, as you have literally nothing to take them out at range. He should have kept shooting at the Horrors and later Cultists in my opinion. But oh well, not important, doesn't matter at all anyways haha, well played either way msn-wink.gif

And no, it's S10 on the charge. Doubling the Strenght and then adding the +1S from Furious Charge is 5th edition. I looked it up again yesterday in the rulebook to be sure, so unless it's magicly been FAQ'ed, it's S10 smile.png

Yeah, he had them all near his pad which was definitely disasterous for him as it let me pin him in. I think I was in his head a bit and he was a little more worried about my Dogs than he should have been.

base S4 goes to 8, then +1 from Furious Charge right? Or am I missing something?

I am 90% sure that you add your bonuses AFTER you double, but your conviction has me wondering :P

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I think he at least misplayed the Barges then. There is no reason to put them so close to the rest of his forces around/on the skyshield pad, as you have literally nothing to take them out at range. He should have kept shooting at the Horrors and later Cultists in my opinion. But oh well, not important, doesn't matter at all anyways haha, well played either way msn-wink.gif

And no, it's S10 on the charge. Doubling the Strenght and then adding the +1S from Furious Charge is 5th edition. I looked it up again yesterday in the rulebook to be sure, so unless it's magicly been FAQ'ed, it's S10 smile.png

Yeah, he had them all near his pad which was definitely disasterous for him as it let me pin him in. I think I was in his head a bit and he was a little more worried about my Dogs than he should have been.

base S4 goes to 8, then +1 from Furious Charge right? Or am I missing something?

I am 90% sure that you add your bonuses AFTER you double, but your conviction has me wondering tongue.png

Yes, it's just GKs that add before the double on their hammerhand... tongue.png (ref. page 2 in the BRB)

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I think he at least misplayed the Barges then. There is no reason to put them so close to the rest of his forces around/on the skyshield pad, as you have literally nothing to take them out at range. He should have kept shooting at the Horrors and later Cultists in my opinion. But oh well, not important, doesn't matter at all anyways haha, well played either way msn-wink.gif

And no, it's S10 on the charge. Doubling the Strenght and then adding the +1S from Furious Charge is 5th edition. I looked it up again yesterday in the rulebook to be sure, so unless it's magicly been FAQ'ed, it's S10 smile.png

Actually, I remember why he ended up being cornered.

I sent my Bikers/Sorcerer/Lord around the far side of the building and he knew I was carrying x3 Melta-Bombs so he backed away from them as they pretty much auto destroy his Barges in CC. Basically I pinched him in but sacrificed my Dogs to do it.

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Oh, I'm a dumbass. Somehow it has stuck with me for the whole 6th edition that it had changed. I literally never read page 2 of the rulebook sad.png

I simply figured "it adds +1 to its Strenght characteristic until the end of that phase" (pg. 37, furious charge), means that he is S5 before any weapon modifiers tick in (and I couldn't find anything in the weapons section or close combat section which contradicts this). Basicly, the word 'characteristic' tricked me tongue.png

Well, that's a bummer.

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Oh, I'm a dumbass. Somehow it has stuck with me for the whole 6th edition that it had changed. I literally never read page 2 of the rulebook sad.png

I simply figured "it adds +1 to its Strenght characteristic until the end of that phase" (pg. 37, furious charge), means that he is S5 before any weapon modifiers tick in (and I couldn't find anything in the weapons section or close combat section which contradicts this). Basicly, the word 'characteristic' tricked me tongue.png

Well, that's a bummer.

Yeah, unless you are a Grey Knight. Obviously they cheat and get to add before multiplying according to their codex... :P

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Oh, I'm a dumbass. Somehow it has stuck with me for the whole 6th edition that it had changed. I literally never read page 2 of the rulebook sad.png

I simply figured "it adds +1 to its Strenght characteristic until the end of that phase" (pg. 37, furious charge), means that he is S5 before any weapon modifiers tick in (and I couldn't find anything in the weapons section or close combat section which contradicts this). Basicly, the word 'characteristic' tricked me tongue.png

Well, that's a bummer.

Ehh, it is still good. Str9 is nothing to sneeze at.

I prefer the new Blade to that setup though, getting three kills is not hard and then you are str5/ap2 standing still.

Oh, I'm a dumbass. Somehow it has stuck with me for the whole 6th edition that it had changed. I literally never read page 2 of the rulebook sad.png

I simply figured "it adds +1 to its Strenght characteristic until the end of that phase" (pg. 37, furious charge), means that he is S5 before any weapon modifiers tick in (and I couldn't find anything in the weapons section or close combat section which contradicts this). Basicly, the word 'characteristic' tricked me tongue.png

Well, that's a bummer.

Yeah, unless you are a Grey Knight. Obviously they cheat and get to add before multiplying according to their codex... tongue.png

GK OP!!!

Inquisition does the same thing as well.

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Yeah sure, but S10 does instakill T5 (Necron characters, Daemon Princes etc) which is a pretty big deal in my opinion. It also makes it way easier to do damage to Imperial Knights and Wraithknights for example. Basicly, S8 or S9 doesn't matter much. Well this gives me a reason to give the Relentless Blade some trial runs at least.

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After 10 kills the blade gets ID on it's attacks as well, at S6, and if you take the horns he gets FC as well for S7 attacks on the charge on initiative...

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The downside to the Knights issue is that their explosion is absolutely devastating to killing it in CC. You end up losing most of the unit that you used to kill it.

At this event there was a fella with x3 Knights as his primary and I had nothing that could handle him, lucky for me he ran into a Flying Circus list in round two and got hit buttox stomped.


Relentless Blade is better than it sounds. Five games with it so far and it works one of two ways each time, either I charge up super quick and become a murder machine or I charge up none but I do not really need it (vs a vehicle heavy army and such). Not a whole lot of Terminators and such in games these days and that plays to its favor heavily.

After 10 kills the blade gets ID on it's attacks as well, at S6, and if you take the horns he gets FC as well for S7 attacks on the charge on initiative...


All ya really need are three kills and it is a much better option than any other CSM weapon other than the Axe.

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