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Hellbrute Formations


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Actual positivity in this sub?? I love it!


Just downloaded the slate myself. My biggest issue at the moment is the Murderpack rules, it says your nominated helbrute leader gets Aura of Dark Majesty (see glossary for details) but only lists Aura of Dark Glory in there.


I'm assuming that's what they meant (and I'll be playing it as though the champ gets a 5++) but technically he has a rule with no explanation.


I'll definitely be deepstriking 3 of my brutes, and I think the other ( twin powerfist ) brute is getting a cult following.

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not really tempted by the murder pack, 5 brutes is a bit to much of an investment to make it work I think.


But a pair of the cultist formations (was taking cultists anyway) or the mayhem one could be pretty easy to put in lists

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OK, so I can field the cult or the mayhem pack (but not at the same time).  Wonder if I should look into a couple cheap brutes/dreads out of starter packs, as I do kind of like the murderpack, despite the 600ish points cost of it.


Oddly enough, the mayhem pack is not a squadron from what I can tell, just three brutes who all deep strike separately (albeit at the same time).  Also odd that they all share the same crazed result even if they're not the same unit, and may be nowhere near each other on the board.  I kind of wonder if they were supposed to be a squadron?  Don't really know if it makes them better or worse that they aren't.


No scatter mitigation on the mayhem pack, which is annoying but expected.  IWND is nice, but I'm not sure it'll help all that much what with how AV12 dreads tend to skip straight from uninjured to wrecked/exploded without any inbetween to regrow from, and it won't protect you from death by mishap table.  Still, it's something I'll certainly try.  God, what I wouldn't give for some sort of honest to gods homing beacon.


No aligned dread rules, which weren't really expected, but it's too bad for those who were hoping.


The helcult seems pretty decent - the cultists are still scoring, the cover save they grant the dread is actually pretty good (so long as your opponent isn't just outright ignoring cover today), and the cultists are fearless while the brute's alive, and fearless after it dies anyway on account of scoring, so that's 20+ fearless cultists without having to run typhus or necrosius or stick a character in.  Pretty decent.

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That's pretty minimal on the scoring & HQ there.  That said, I could certainly see myself running as many as 5 if I can pick up a couple more on the cheap, either in a murderfist, or, more likely, in a pair of cults plus a mayhem pack.

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Just think. You can now take 11 helbrutes under 1500points even without allies!


You can get more than that by my reckoning.


2 Troops, 10 cultists, 100 points

1 warlord 65 points


leaves you 1335 points, 2 murder packs at 500 points each


then either 3 "normal" brutes using an elite slot, or a mayhem pack of 3.


13 brutes with change


No extra costs, just take the 3? Oh man, Deep Strike incoming...


Also they roll as one reserve roll, but deep strike independantly

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In terms of loadout - what do you think is the biggest bang for points cost:


Murder Pack: Lascannon + Missile? But 5 units of that would be expensive and firing that twice at a single opposing unit (because Squadron) will probably be over kill. Unless it's like a Super-Heavy or something.


Mayhem Pack: I'm thinking Deep Strike it cheap with stock MM + Fist (and maybe Flamer)?


Helcut: 2 Fist (or Scourge) + Flamer or C-B?




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Murder Pack: AC's I was thinking, but you could even make it a little 'kill team' of walkers. lol thats awesome...

Mayhem: MM/Fist for sure.

Helcult was thinking AC's as well or Las as walking support with 'cover'.


Edit x 2: I wish that damned key relic of ours was worth it for the DS coverage!

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meyhem: multi melter & fist.  Maybe with flamer, but that's getting a bit optimistic without scatter mitigation.


cult: reaper autocannon & scourge or fist, w/ or w/o combi bolter.  Remember you're crossing ground and might get stuck shooting, so some kind of ranged weapon would be nice, the reaper seems to be the best compromise on cost vs. versatility & impact.


fist: not sure really.  dreadnought devastators with missile launchers and las or AC do strike me as the initial default, yes, but not sure if keeping some melee ability and advancing wouldn't get more out of them.

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Mayhem: I would keep it cheap and just do the default.

Helcult: Autocannon and Scourge

Murder: Probably a mix might be best. A few LC/AC depending on local meta, with scourges and the rest with LC/AC and ML. With  so many scourges a lot will be hitting you on 5+ and you on 3+.

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Downloaded it. Woo!

I will be digging out my formerly dust-collecting DV Helbrutes and get them together. I'm glad to see something like this get published.



Oh my! I just read the part about having any number of formations. Even better!

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The fluff is also really good.  I like what they came up with to distinguish helbrutes from loyalist dreads.  Legion fans may also like this dataslate.  While there aren't legion specific rules in the formations, several of the legions are mentioned in the fluff, including that night lords and alpha legion favor the use of mayhem packs (the former for the terror they cause, the latter for the distraction and disruption they provide), or that word bearers favor the helcult.  They also go into how the appearance of the brutes and the course of their mutation reflects the forces that used them, calling out death guard brutes amalgamations of corroded metal and bloated corpulent flesh, while the word bearers decorate the hulls of their brutes, turning them into 'crimson armored shrines'.


Sadly, I was expecting more mention of the iron warriors, and the only thing I could find was a single cultist painted up in iron warriors colors.

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Thinking about it more, Murder may be tricky to use.


Say there's a Knight Titan that you want to kill. But your opponent only glances one of your Brutes with a Tac Squad Missile Launcher. Now, even if you pick Fire Frenzy, your Squadron of 5 Brutes will have to fire on the Tac Squad and not the Knight.

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I was trying to find something else to replace my Defiler, now the 3 DSing dreads could be fun.


Or going overthetop and bring 5 Dreads with Plasmacanons and Missiles, the possibility of shooting 10 Plasma blasts and 10 Krak missiles..., or to wipe out a Horde 10 Frag blasts, 20 Blasts templates...omg...


I allready have 4 dreads from th 3.5 days, and i have 3-4 DV dreads throught exchanging models with DA's, kept them for conversion purposes, but i really struggle to not do it...


Man this is evil.




Thinking about it more, Murder may be tricky to use.


there's a Knight Titan that you want to kill. But your opponent only
glances one of your Brutes with a Tac Squad Missile Launcher. Now, even
if you pick Fire Frenzy, your Squadron of 5 Brutes will have to fire on
the Tac Squad and not the Knight.


i don't get it, where does it says, that you HAVE to fire frenzy at the unit that caused the loss of the HP?...

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