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Horus up for Preorder


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Lots of size comparison pics with other HH characters.  Definitely Horus before or at the start of the heresy, though.  I have to wonder whether the HH line will get around to doing more chaos'd up versions of these characters for the seige of Terra.  In the mean time, this is a gorgeous model, but not one I'm personally tempted by, being more of a chaos-first chaos space marine player.

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Looking at the old artwork with him standing over Sanguinius, I would say he won't get another version as he is pretty close now. Add a few spikes, skulls and maybe the odd motive and he's there.


Fantastic model though, he certainly looks 'the boss'

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Can't possibly be used as a corrupted version of Horus. He doesn't have the wire up his nose. :D


In all seriousness, though, I would absolutely love to get my grasping hands on this model and convert him up to look more like piece where he stands over Sanguinius' corpse. It wouldn't even take that much work.

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Can't possibly be used as a corrupted version of Horus. He doesn't have the wire up his nose. biggrin.png

In all seriousness, though, I would absolutely love to get my grasping hands on this model and convert him up to look more like piece where he stands over Sanguinius' corpse. It wouldn't even take that much work.

I wish I knew who made this, but there's a picture of Horus with a Chaosed up goat-like head if you Google 'Horus vs Sanguinius'. He still manages to look like he's still the same person with that brutal, authoritative pose, and it kind of gives me the impression he's been subtly and gradually corrupted but the domineering personality we all know and love is more pronounced than before.

Doesn't look like it'd be too hard to convert, you'd just have to sculpt the horns and curly hair:


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Can't possibly be used as a corrupted version of Horus. He doesn't have the wire up his nose. biggrin.png

In all seriousness, though, I would absolutely love to get my grasping hands on this model and convert him up to look more like piece where he stands over Sanguinius' corpse. It wouldn't even take that much work.

God, you don't even know how much that would have killed this model for me. I can't stand the wires he has on some of the art. It just....no. Just no.

On topic, I love this model so much. I love everything about him, and I want on. So much so that I will be getting a Sons army to join him. Can't have him getting lonely!


Don't worry. The nose wire would have killed it for me too.
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Gorgeous model! I really think FW dropped the ball by not including an alternate corrupted head though. I'd consider swapping in the chaos lord bald head maybe (not quite right I know, but more characterful for sure)... A terminator trophy rack just for flavor too? Ugh this man needs more chaos! Beautiful sculpt- just not quite coming off as the warmaster I know and love
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Gorgeous model! I really think FW dropped the ball by not including an alternate corrupted head though.


I totally agree. I think that little bit of 'extra' would of been enough to use him either way. But even without the spikes, skulls and Jane Child nose chain, he looks evil enough for me!!

In a 'stab a puppy' kind of way.


But I still stand behind my earlier post, this model is gorgeous.


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