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Magnetising Terminator Arms: Now with pic

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  Hello all brothers and sisters on the B&C!


  As you may notice, I have only recently registered. Therefore, feel free to notify me of any mistakes in this post/topic.

Now to the subject:

I've been doing a lot of wrist magnetisation recently, and had the following idea for magnetising TDA arms:




  You probably get the picture (the red lines represent cuts). The pin could be replaced with another set of magnets, but I suppose that would be overkill, thinking of the work and resources spent on doing so.


  I find this idea appealing as I can see it working for both normal Storm Bolter/Power Sword/Thunder Hammer arms, as well as Power Fists/Lightning Claws without the need for arm magnetisation, saving the trouble of getting extra pauldrons. I am aware that using this on Assault Cannons/Heavy Flamers will require more work, but nevertheless...


  Please note that I am probably not going to use this technique in the foreseeable future due to having to redo my entire army... being a perfectionist sucks.


  Anyway... thoughts?



+++ Edit: Typos (D'oh!) +++

+++Edit 2: trying to rectify the pic +++


Thought for the Day:

  - I have recognised my failing and (hopefully) been sure to correct it. - 



  The thought is to cut right below the elbow, where the PF/ thickened wrist thingie starts, magnetising the elbow- and wrist ends. Aditionally pinning the pipe under the arm into the PF/LC/wrist prevents it from rotating. 


I also need to find a guide as to how to post pics...


+++ Edit: Dem Typos! +++


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