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Battle Report Huzzah RTT Round III


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This game was against Pierre Daze and his Wave Serpent Eldar/Tau army. I universally struggle against Wave Serpent spam in this kind of mission and it has been the downfall more times than I care to count. However, we were on table one and I was going to kill as much as possible!


Primary Mission was Emperor's Will and the Secondary was The Scouring (:cussing wootness! x8 scoring units. . .). I have played this combo mission before helping folks practice for Adepticon, so I knew exactly what the deal was. He placed his objectives in his deployment zone, deep. I placed mine right on the middle line in some terrain and one deep in my deployment zone for my Cultists to sit on. The first one we place counts as our "Emperor's Will" objective. Mine was a 3 and his was the 4, this meant that I had to at least contest it at the end. This changed my view on how to approach the game.

Deployment was Hammer & Anvil. . ./wrists

I won the roll to see who would go first and elected to defer and go second.


Warlord Trait - Each enemy model takes D6 str3 ap- hits at I10 (this is actually super super good, just not vs Wave Serpents and such).

Warlord's Gift - Reroll failed armor saves (lawl)

Sorcerer's Powers - Prescience, Hallucination, Invisibility (three games in a row, cant complain about that. Though this game I should have rolled everything on Biomancy or Divination).

Sorcerer's Gift - Poison (To bad I forgot about it until turn 4. . .)

Herald's Gift - Axe of Khorne



Chaos Lord

  **Blade of the Relentless/The Slaughterer's Horns/Daemonheart/Bike/MoN/Melta-Bombs/Blight Grenades/Gift of Mutation/Sigil


  **Balestar of Mannon/Bike/Melta-Bombs/Gift of Mutation/Sigil

Herald of Khorne

  **Juggernaught/Lesser Gift (Axe of Khorne)


Cultists x10

Cultists x10

Horrors x19

Plaguebearers x19


CSM Bikers x8

  **MoN/Champ w/Melta-Bombs/Power Axe





Flesh Hounds of Khorne x19



Farseer on Jetbike

Tau Commander with all the fixxin's


Dire Avengers x5 w/Wave Serpent+Twin-Linked Scatter Laser & Ghostwalk Matrix

Dire Avengers x5 w/Wave Serpent+Twin-Linked Scatter Laser & Ghostwalk Matrix

Dire Avengers x5 w/Wave Serpent+Twin-Linked Scatter Laser & Ghostwalk Matrix

Dire Avengers x5 w/Wave Serpent+Twin-Linked Scatter Laser & Ghostwalk Matrix

Windrider Jetbike x3

Kroot x10


Riptide x1 w/Twin-Linked Fusion Blaster, Velocity Tracker, Early Warning Override, and an Ion Accelerator







He deployed first obviously and set up along the short edge in an even setting. x2 Serpents up top, x2 Serpents on bottom, Riptide/Farseer/Commander all joined and deployed in some cover in the middle of his deployment zone. Wraithknights both deployed just inside of each group of Serpents (middleish of table). Kroot stayed in reserve to outflank.


I then deployed and decided to try something different this game, I was worried cause the plan would leave my Bikers out on the table for possibly longer than I wanted.

Kept the Plaguebearers, Horrors, Double Dragons, and Doggies/Herald in reserve. Doggies/Herald were declared as outflanking, the rest was deepstriking. Brave brave Sir Robin!


The Cultists deployed in two pieces of terrain on my half of the table, Bikers/Lord/Sorcerer were all behind a hill though not too hard for some of his stuff to get line of site. I knew it was night fight first turn so I would have high cover saves vs the things that allowed it (not a lot). 


I choose not to attempt a steal of the initiative.



He buffed his two Wraithknights with some rerolls to hit and then started his move.


He first pre-measured to all of my units and moved his Serpents 12" forward to make sure they were within the 36" range of the Scatter Lasers. He then moved his Wraithknights a bit forward and toward the board edges a bit to get some better site on my Bikers. His Riptide and company moved a bit up a hill back on his board edge to get some good line of site on my Bikers. 


He then started shooting. Riptide first, hit with a reroll, wounded 5 Bikers. Took a few on the Lord till he failed one and then look out sir! the rest onto regular dudes. He then felt as if he had me in a bad spot and started in with the Wraithknights on the Bikers knowing he had a chance for instant death shots on rolls to wound of 6. The first one hit with both cause of Prescience and got two instant death shots off of my Lord, I look out sir! these and failed one but made my 3+ cover, the Biker lived as well. Second one did the same thing cept only one instant death wound, I took the normal one on the Lord and made my save, the second one was saved by a Biker cause of cover/night fight. 


Next was the Wave Serpents turn to throw down the gauntlet. The first one fired at my Bikers (he got a quick wound on the Lord and smelled blood, this was a poor idea on his part as he knew I had a 2+ rerollable armor save), he hit with a bunch and wounded with a bunch but the Lord held strong with his 2+ reroll. He did a second one and had the same results. He did a third one with nothing good coming out of it. The fourth one he decided to shoot at one of my unit of Cultists, a few died and they of course failed their Leadership Check miserably, though they did not run very far. 



Started my turn by casting Invisibility on the Bikers, was gonna go for a long charge one of the Wraithknights so didn't use the second charge as I wanted to ID it for First Blood which gave a full VP this game.


Moved the Bikers forward to one side of the hill blocking line of site to half his army. Cultists rallied and consolidated back into a little bit of cover, the other Cultists shuffled around in the building and got on some higher levels in case they ran it would slow them down a bit.


Skipped the shooting phase cause it is against my religion. 


Went to assault his Wraithknight and I needed a 10 and failed horribly. Nothing happened on overwatch so no harm done really.


Lord rolled a 5 for his IWND and got his wound back :P


I wanted to talk about this on the side because it showed in the game. He (like most of these higher level players in the area) have not seen or play against lists like mine, so he was honestly confused as to what I was doing. He kept asking over and over why I had no shooting, what do I usually do to win games, how do I usually win vs people (my replies were usually something like "I charge and win close combat"). He was honestly at a loss as to how to approach my army. We have seen each other up there on top tables quiet often but never played each other before. The inexperience against a pure CC army really showed this game, not understanding my goals was a major factor in his decision making.



He rolled for his single Kroot unit in reserve and it came on, he got it onto the edge with the Cultists :(

He then buffed his Wraithknights with rerolls.


The Serpents all moved forward a bit along each long board edge, the Wraithknights both parked themselves an inch away from my Bikers, Riptide squad shuffled around to make sure they had range to buff at least one of them next turn. Kroot moved on next a unit of Cultists.


Shooting phase came and was brutal. One unit of Cultists was wiped out for First Blood his way (described below), Kroot killed a couple from the other unit, Riptide launched a shot into the Biker squad and scattered a few inches where he would only pick up two, he decided to reroll and scattered 11" so ended up with nothing (greed kills), Wraithknights fired but did no damage due to a 2+ cover, two of the Serpents shot at Bikers to no effect, Serpent finished off the damage Cultist squad, and the other put a few wounds on the other.


I then took my leadership on the second Cultist unit and they apparently liked the abuse (down to 4 manz). 


He launched an assault with the Wraithknights on my Bikers, both went through cover so I had first dibs on attacks. Lord swung and actually inflicted a single wound with a melta-bomb. Base Bikers then threw some grenades but he made his few armor saves. He then did his attacks and killed a few Bikers. My Champ responded with nothing as usual, my Sorcerer did much better and landed a 6 to wound, activated his Force Axe and killed the wounded one outright (forgot about poison 4+ on him, so was looking for 6s). 


I lost a few Bikers but killed a Wraithknight, seemed like a good exchange. At this point I thought the game was over cause if I got my Dogs on I would have pinned half of his army in its own deployment zone. Oh how the Chaos Gods love to :cuss with us. . .



Started off by buffed my Biker unit with Invisibility and saved a warp charge in case I landed a wound on the Wraithknight.

Rolled for reserves and got the Plaguebearers, Horrors, one Heldrake, and that was it :*(

Oh well, I could last one more turn pretty easily right?


Dropped the Plaguebearers in a path about 6" away from one of his forward Serpents to block their way from going any further (had a small scatter, but nothing bad), my Horrors then dropped down and scattered a pretty large amount, but not enough to knock them out of range from shooting the Kroot and saving my Cultists (Horrors were about a third of the way up the board with their scatter).


Drake moved on and was able to clip one of the forward Serpents with his wing. There was a bit of debate about this and he said that I had to pass over with my base, he called a judge over and they clarified for him that any part of the model needs to be over or pass over for the Vector Strike to happen. He was upset about this ruling and it caused him to be a bit defensive the rest of the game and sorta put a damper on everything. :cuss happens.

The Vector Strike stunned the transport and inflicted two HPs.


Well, I guess that ends my movement phase. . . Lets go to shooting now!

I shot something. Cultists shot a few pistols at the Kroot killing one, Horrors shot their stuff at the Kroot and killed 5.

End of shooting he rolled his Tcheck and failed it killing 2 more, then failed his leadership, then at end of turn they were on Soul Blazed and he lost another one :P

Drake shot at that Serpent it had hurt and failed to glance it.


Assault phase came and the Lord did no damage to the Wraithknight, it then stepped on the last of the Bikers and put a wound on the Lord.

Sorcerer did his attacks but I failed to wound (still was forgetting about poison, so was he apparently or he would not have charged in lol)


Feeling not so good about that turn, but knowing it would have been so much more pressure if I had managed to get the Doggies on, but oh well.



He started off his turn by casting his powers but no one was in range anymore. I killed the only Wraithknight in range of a buff.

He instead Misfortuned my Lord/Sorcerer (bad times as I do not count the Sorcerer for Deny the Witch), failed my DtW and it went off.

Windrider Jetbikers came on this time and moved next to his 4pt objective.


He moved his Serpents away from my Plaguebearers as best he could, but he still wanted to press forward so he did not just go the fill 12" away (mistake). 

He moved the other Serpents on the other side behind my Drake to shoot it in the butt.

Riptide unit moved forward a bit to get the Wraithknight in range of the buff for next turn. 


Riptide shot at Plaguebearers who were money on their saves and I only lost 7 to the large blast.

Horrors soaked a few hits and only lost a couple.

He shot two of the Serpents at the Plaguebearers but they refused to die, I was down to 10 by the time shooting was done.

The stunned Serpent and another Serpent both shot at my Drake and inflicted 2 HPs. One pen but it was a stun and I ignored due to Possessed.


Assault came and my Lord inflicted one wound on the Wraithknight with a Melta-Bomb!

It attacked and inflicted two wounds, lord saved one and failed the other (misfortune sucks!). 

Sorcerer then attacked looking for a 6 to wound but got none (lol still forgetting about poison).


His turn ended with basically doing a wound to my Lord and killing 2 Horrors and 9 Plaguebearers. I am happy with that.




I started with reserves since I really felt this would be the time for the Hounds to show up. Alas, the time was apparently not right, though I did get the second Drake in.

Buffed Lord/Sorcerer with Invisibility.


Drake moved over the damaged Serpent.

Injured Drake moved over a Serpent.

Horrors moved onto my Emperor's Will objective in the middle of the table near my long edge.

Plaguebearer moved and parked themselves about 6" away from a Serpent. 

Cultists climbed the building again. 


The Damaged Serpent was wrecked.

Other Serpent was stunned and lost two HPs to the injured Drake.


The Drake that blew up the Serpent then used the Daemonforge and eliminated the unit that had just gotten out.

Second Drake shot at his Warlord/Riptide and did nada (had nothing else in range). 

Horrors ran and surrounded the objective with their 17 bodies (they would have shot at the guys who got out the wrecked Serpent but the Drake got them all).


Plaguebearers assaulted a Serpent near them and glanced it to death with Touch of Rust (so good). The Dire Avengers failed their pinned check and were going to be pinned next turn.

Lord inflicted no wounds. My Lord was a bit hurt and had misfortune on him so was worried this would be it. I started making my saves one at a time to see if he would drop down to one wound so then I would start Look Out Sir! them and sacrifice my Sorcerer, he took offense to this and made a fuss about that not being possible, judge promptly ruled in my favor. I took this moment to look at my note cards to see what I had and realized now that I had poison (I use a note card for my Gifts and Warlord Traits to keep track, I r dumb). Sorcerer then promptly killed the Wraithknight as he should have done two combats ago :P


Consolidated next to the hill we were fighting on.

All in all that was a game winning turn. He lost two Serpents, a Wraithknight, a Dire Avenger Squad, another Serpent was down to one HP and stunned. Great turn for me, now I just needed my Doggies to finish up.



He started his turn by casting Misfortune on my Lord/Sorcerer and it went off.


Moved his one Serpent that was able to move away from the Plaguebearers.

Riptide unit moved in front of his 4pt Emperor's Will objective and the Jetbikers moved behind them.

He did not have much left at this point and knew the walls were closing in around him, I had 455pts worth of hate coming on the board the next turn and he had little he could do to stop it once it arrived.


He started to shoot stuff at my Lord/Sorcerer and I made the first few saves. His last Serpent then did a few wounds with each of its weapons and I failed a bunch of saves to lose both my Lord and Sorcerer :*( First time all day!

Though they did soak the Riptide/Stunned Serpent, and a normal Serpent, so wasnt a terrible loss. The rest of my stuff was untouched this turn.



I started my turn by bringing my Doggies on. They moved on to a long table edge and went right at his Riptide squad with the ICs and that 4pt Emperor's Will objective they were sitting on.


Plaguebearers moved within 2" of the unit that came out of the Serpent they destroyed.

Horrors circled the 3pt Emperor's Will objective ensuring he could not turbo-boost the Jetbikers and get within 3" of it (in case they lived through the Drake).

One Drake moved over a wounded Serpent

Wounded Drake moved over the Riptide


Killed the Serpent

Riptide unit was unhurt


Drake Flamed the Biker unit killing one.

Drake flamed the unit that got out of the Serpent he just blew up killing all but one.

Horrors ran a bit to make a larger circle around that objective.

Dogs ran to get closer to everything.


Assaulted the 5 man unit of Avengers and lost two due to overwatch (rolled two 1s). 

I then lost a few more before I was able to attack and then killed two in return. Lost a few more due to Instability.



He started his turn by trying to debuff the Doggies with Misfortune but they resisted with their Collars!

He moved his Warlord away from the Riptide unit but near the Doggies

Riptide/Commander both moved toward the doggies

He positioned himself so that I would not be able to make it to the Emperor's Will objective unless I went through him. So be it. 


He took a shot with the Riptide at the Dogs and killed a few.

A few other small shooting things happened but I cant remember if anything died, he really did not have much left.


Assault phase came and my Plaguebearers drew combat with the Avengers. 

Nothing else of note happened, he was trying to hang on to his Emperor's Will 4pt objective with a single model. Meanwhile my Cultists had a 1pt objective way back in my deployment zone, the Horrors were on my 3pt Emperor's Will objective. He did have First Blood and Warlord, I had Linebreaker at this point. 



Doggies moved within an inch of both the Riptide unit and the Farseer Warlord (this was basically a free Warlord for me, not sure what he was thinking). I moved my Herald to the side where the Commander/Riptide were to avoid the Farseer and her Deadly force weapon, figured the Doggies could handle her with ease.


Drakes moved over some models and killed them. Mostly cleanup, think there was a unit with 1 Avenger left running around near an objective. 

Second Drake then Hovered and moved within 3" of his Emperor's Will contesting it. 

No one else needed to move.


Drakes shot at various things and the only scoring unit he had left was two Avengers in CC with two Plaguebearers (flap fight).


Doggies/Herald multi-charged the Riptide and the Farseer.

Herald inflicted an instant death wound on the Riptide but he made his 3++ that turn.

Dogs absolutely crushed the Farseer giving me First Blood (I am really not sure what he was doing here, he had to have something in mind). 

They also inflicted two wounds to the Riptide on failed armor saves. He was stubborn and did not run from combat. 


The Plaguebearers killed nothing and the Avengers killed one Plaguebearer. I passed my Instability however.


My turn was done and I offered to call it as we only had 15 minutes left. He refused and we rolled to keep going, we did.



He pretty much had nothing left but his turn took 25 minutes. Judge came over to see what the deal was and told us to speed it up.

He ended his turn and we did combat. I challenged his Commander and he accepted. Commander Died.

Riptide died, I now controlled a 3pt objective in his deployment zone.



My turn was short, maybe 4 minutes. I moved my Drakes onto objectives and called it. 


Victory for Chaos 21-2

Played up to turn 4 with 625pts off the board, those Horrors and Plaguebearers really came through and soaked some good fire from him without completely wilting. It was not my favorite game I have played but it was pulled out, I almost think that people just do not have much practice against an army list that sells out for CC and so they tend to make more mistakes than they normally would. 



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They allow the helldrake wing down trick ?


That's how the NOVA FAQ is, any part of the model, so if my wing clips ya I get to Vector.


Must have been an annoying guy to play against. The passive agressive type, while he was wrong lol.


Grats on the victory.


Yeah, it got a bit terse after the first few turns and my army didn't fold to his fire. Thanks, ended up taking the whole thing and won enough to buy me a few boxes of spawn :P


Another great report. I am intrigued and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. 


Wish I had pictures, they always help when explaining how things went. 

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Of course you measure from the hull, which wings are a part of, where does it say otherwise? The flier rules even tells you to ignore the base, except for two specific scenarios, which vector striking isn't one of.

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I'm going to bring a cc list to a tournament here in sweden, though I don't have any daemons so I'm a bit ...probably, but it's a pretty soft tournament so maybe it'll be allright, hehe :)


Naughty words = bad

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I'm going to bring a cc list to a tournament here in sweden, though I don't have any daemons so I'm a bit ...probably, but it's a pretty soft tournament so maybe it'll be allright, hehe smile.png

I just use my Hounds to soak fire, they literally do nothing else for me most games. There are things in the CSM Codex that can accomplish the same, Spawn for one.

The Daemon troops however are where the big difference is, they actually can help out a ton in game whereas CSMs are too pricey and Cultists are just bad. Though you can get by either way. Should post some reports homie!

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I'm bringing spawns, two giant spawns, two maulerfiends, bikers, marines and cultists with a MoT jetbike lord and a divi sorc.


Yeah, the troops are what I would love to have. I usually go for CSM troops because it wouldn't be much Alpha Legion without having Alpha Legionnaires in the list, haha, but other than that they are pricy indeed. I'm hoping I'll get something out of their rhino's dirge casters though...

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I'm bringing spawns, two giant spawns, two maulerfiends, bikers, marines and cultists with a MoT jetbike lord and a divi sorc.


Yeah, the troops are what I would love to have. I usually go for CSM troops because it wouldn't be much Alpha Legion without having Alpha Legionnaires in the list, haha, but other than that they are pricy indeed. I'm hoping I'll get something out of their rhino's dirge casters though...


That is a ton of rush stuff, you should be good :P

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