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The last sensible GW designer?

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"Forgeworld counts?" Robin asked, wide-eyed and afraid.

I was ok ,  till this.





"Don't be silly Wallace, nobody plays nids." Ward laughed.

and died around this.



That pic of serious warhammering . I think I know where it was taken . I started playing there .

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The idea that the 4e book was intended primarily to represent recent, non-legion-affiliated renegades, or that troop cult units would be considered evidence of such when such renegades would be unlikely to have cult marines at all, let alone as troops, feels like bitterness for its own sake rather than reasonable satire.
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"You design rulebooks and miniatures for grown men who spend all weekend
in hobby shops playing with toy soldiers. Of course they're all
curmudgeons and blackguards online. Honestly Robin, how could you be so
thick?" Wallace asked.


I lost it over this. I think it sums up all quite well!!


End of Line

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About the only thing I think you could say that 4e represented was GW's belief that options are confusing, confusion is bad, ergo options are bad.  Given how quickly they got the hell off that particular train, one could also infer that it represented just how out of touch GW was on that score.

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