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Greetings fellow members of Bolter and Chainsword! I'm new to these parts and am happy to have found a new hobby forum to call home. I've been playing Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy Battle since 2004, but I have been playing boardgames and tabletop wargames my whole life. My first introdcution to the world of largescale table top wargames was Battle Masters in the early 90's. I've been out of the hobby for the last few years, but I'm slowly making my way back into it. I'm more into the hobby and fluff side of things and have kept up to date the last two years, but didn't buy any new models or rule books. I just bought a copy of Dark Vengeance last week and am in complete awe of the minis compared to the last box set, which were awesome. Getting back into things I am focusing on the Space Wolves (got all the new stuff when it came out, right before I had to take some time away) and Chaos Space Marines. I wasn't so sure about CSM after reading through the codex, but I also go the Crimson Slaughter supplement and see a lot of positive in there. So expect incoming project logs for my Chaos Space Marine army, which will include a little bit of everything, but focusing on Crimson Slaughter and Black Legion. As well as CSM, I will be doing some project logs for my Space Wolves and Dark Eldar. I have a lot of catching up to do in regards to rules and list building, but I think I've found a good place to ask all the questions I can get away with :) Glad to be a member of Bolter and Chainsword!

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