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The Many (or Any) uses of the Mighty Lord Krannon


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Hey guys,


I don't have a lot of time to post this but I have a quick question....


As I read through the Crimson Slaughter Codex (still lovin' it) and go through the sections with a little bit of a microscope I came to realize all the gear Krannon really has. And I came to wonder if he could be the HQ that I finally enjoy in the chaos codex (generally speaking).


However he does get expensive with the sword, and other gear (sorry don't have codex with me). It comes across that without actually saying it, he is marked with Khorne (in effect) and thus would probably fit in with a suitably marked unit.?


What say you? Would you stuff him in a Landraider? Perhaps just a rhino with Khornate possessed? Or do you keep him with Draznicht's finest? That could be a nasty, nasty squad... but pricey as heck.


What do you guys think Krannon's most effective load out/squad combo could be?

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I've been looking at MoN and a regular bike just to make him a bit sturdier to incoming wounds (throwing him in with a bunch of bikers with Nurgle seems to be an effective plan too). Not as good as Fisticlaws on a bike, but still not bad.

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I haven't given it too much thought being a newbie, but I'd likely keep him unmarked (marks go against the fluff IMO) and probably put him with Draznicht's boys or a unit of Possessed (if he can join them?  Like I said newbie here so maybe not?).

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I'm more concerned with uses for his model, so a bike is out of the question, though I suppose he could be mounted on a disc easily enough. Right now I'm leaning towards mark of nurgle on foot, at least as something to try out.


As for using him as the book describes him - on foot, with no mark? Too vulnerable to fists and hammers, I'd imagine. He'd be squished by the first chapter master to peg him in a challenge, regardless of whether he powered up his sword first.

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I guess the bike option works for pure efficiency but I also love the model.... so most of what I'm looking at puts him on foot. Not sure if it's realistic or not but I've always had this severe hate for daemon weapons because I am notorious in my gaming group for rolling a 1, and completely wiffing at the worst possible moment. Krannon's sword is very attractive to me. Getting the best use out of it is a different deal.... I mean ideally you'd like to throw him at some junk, let a champ take the role of challenger, so he can whoop some butt and get that kill count up for two rounds of combat. Then he can go after real meat.


I love the feel/idea of that but again I personally want to figure out a way to use him with the current model.

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I think you're wrong that mark's go against the fluff. Marks denote favour not worship, the individual doesn't have a choice in the matter

Krannon does not have a mark. His loadout is specifically given. You can give the model a mark, you can make a character with tbe same equipment plus a mark and bike, but if you want to represent specifically krannon himself, he has no mark.

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I'm gonna mage a magnetized disc and a magnetized nurgling-base so I can choose freely between fielding him;


- On a Palaquin with MoN and the possessed-relic. (+1T, +2W, +1A)

- On a Disc with MoTz. (+1 T, +1 A, 3++.)


Fielding him on foot and unmarked is out of the question for me. Slow, and without Eternal Warrior he wont last long.


Fluffwise you can argue that he could be marked by either and all of the 4 chaos gods as well, or just make up your own character with similar wargear and call him Kranon. 

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Right now, fluff wise, there's exactly one dude favored by multiple gods that way, and that's abby. Other lords that attempt to balance the patronage of the gods, like Huron for instance, end up with no mark at all. Post Be'lakor, the gods simply do not go 'all in' on shared champions unless it's a major, everchosen kind of situation (horus, abby).
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If you like the model you can put him on a disc of tzeentch, which gives him +1A as well as the toughness and speed.


That's a good idea... but not sure how to pull this off aesthetically wise, as well as what he would gel with squad wise....


I guess part of the problem is I'm old school and just see him pouring out of a Landraider with Draznicht's dudes and in my mind that looks cool... lol

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tested in the last game a Khornelord on Jugger, with the Blade, deamonheart and Prophet of the voices with Gift of mutation, in a squad of 8 possesed of Khorne.


i wasn't dissapointed with his killyness, first squad he rammed into, 5 deaths, giving him +2S and AP2, gone after Groovytron centurions, made 5 wounds, to complet the set of the Blade, and also got poisened from the Gift, so yeah, anything that standed against him, din't last long.


just a shame that it sin't a Demon weapon, love the extra D6 attacks, but at least he doesn't strike himself and he doesn't suffer from the malus to WS and BS from the Axe of Fury, while been just as killy and even more.

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I know for a character specifically he's considered unmarked but I can see him devoting a bit to nurgle. I see it more as a kind of deal. In my mind the Crimson Sabres obviously didn't want to follow Khorne initially so they go into the eye and blah blah blah but I can see after finally "giving up" he or they would still want to get rid of the voices. I don't know just a part of me would be more inclined to give Khorne the finger and go to another chaos god and say help me get rid of these voices and I'll give you some "love."


We know Krannon hates that one particular Tzeentch demon but I would think he probably extended that to all of Tzeentch (personal opinion only) and with slaanesh I figure you don't want MORE sensory perception when you are already overloaded with it and it's driving you nuts (however I bet there is probably a squad or two that has given in to the excess) so to me the natural fit seems Nurgle. Plus the slow decent into madness thing is a weird form of rotting.


So yeah that is my terribly long reasoning as to why marking him as Nurgle makes sense to me. Please keep in mind I don't have the codex so if there is anything contrary to this I have no idea.



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Just a warning: MILD SPOILERS AHEAD. (I've done my best to be vague)



I just read some more of the codex.... some really great background here and I know I've said this but it feels original to this old chaos fart who sees a lot of repetition in chaos (I know we all do). But I feel there is a lot of great stuff here.


I just finished reading the Dark Angel part and really enjoyed the unique twist on Kranon finding out about 'the meeting' and some serious Dark Angel history. Since I play DA this was of special interest to me.... and I found it very unique (the outcome).


I really don't want to get into a 'fluff debate' on marking him, but a good comment above was about how a mark can show favour, not worship. Personally I think the two more or less go hand in hand. However, in this case I think marks given to Crimson Slaughter -appear- to be dictated by Chaos and not the other way around.


I mean, again uniquely, the Chapter is haunted (literally). Chaos is forced upon them, but at the same time they willingly wield weapons of chaos, and have it infect their machinery, their people, and of course their capital ship which appears to have become some sort of chaos-death-star from hell.


So it seems to be a relationship of convenience, yet hatred.... a forced relationship perhaps that has... mutual benefits?


Short version... marking this army is probably pretty darn easy and I'm thinking very justifiable. BUT not marking it is easily just as acceptable to me.


In tihs codex specifically, Kranon seems to be unmarked literally, but in reality he practices war with the typical gifts of Khorne. Take that information and do with it as you see fit, but personally I wouldn't hold any mark on Kranon/Crimson Slaughter against my opponent, and would feel the same about non-marking.


Again... this is a pretty unique supplement..... I really like it cover to cover.

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For me the marking of Crimson Slaughter models is less to do with them being blessed by Chaos (though they do have that lovely gift from Khorne haunting them so you could argue they're all marked in a way) but more to represent their attitude and nature better. That's why my CSM are going to run the Mark of Khorne (I'm debating MoK or MoN on Kranon and his bike squad) to help give them that feeling on the table of the butchery they're capable of/prone to doing (also why they're all getting the extra CCW as well).


You could likely skip the MoK on Kranon because his wargear nearly replaces it (namely the helmet) but in general I think it fits most of the army pretty well if you're trying to get that butchery on the table.

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just make up your own character with similar wargear and call him Kranon. 


Why would you do this? If you want to make up your own character, make up your own character. If you want to field Kranon, field Kranon.


Why would you go through the trouble of making up your own dude and then just slapping another character's name on him? Counts-as for special rules is one thing, but why would you just make Krannon or Cranon or Kranon2 of the Crimson Blotter or whatever?

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just make up your own character with similar wargear and call him Kranon. 


Why would you do this? If you want to make up your own character, make up your own character. If you want to field Kranon, field Kranon.


Why would you go through the trouble of making up your own dude and then just slapping another character's name on him? Counts-as for special rules is one thing, but why would you just make Krannon or Cranon or Kranon2 of the Crimson Blotter or whatever?



If you want him to still be Kranon, with the added benefits of Marks I guess?


Not everyone likes to gimp themselves strictly for fluff reasons. 

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I've personally always felt the Marks are specific in game and specifically represent a blessing granted by one of the gods to someone they've chosen to champion their cause; even if it doesn't involve actual worship, IMO you would need to do something that gets that god's attention and they would have to notice you and decide you're worthy of the boon - I've never viewed a mark as being something that just gets handed out like gold stars.  Anything else has always felt "off" to me because it seemed to be circumventing the fluff just for the mechanical benefit; for instance I've never liked how many Iron Warriors players would take Mark of Nurgle and call it "bionics" just so they could get the in-game benefit.  However, I've always been strict fluff and "spirit of the game" and don't like using game rules to essentially proxy something else, same as I would never field a special character and then call him something else without actually using that army (e.g. if I were to field Huron Blackheart, I would only do so if my entire army or a detachment was Red Corsairs; I wouldn't make up some fluff for another character who is exactly like Huron Blackheart stat-wise but not the Tyrant himself, and field him in another army.  Call me silly but that to me goes entirely against the spirit of the game)


So for me the "one true" way to play Crimson Slaughter is unmarked on your normal guys, but of course you could take cult troops that are some roving band of ne'er-do-wells who have thrown their lot in with the Crimson Slaughter for the carnage that's sure to come (and these should be painted in their own colors, not Crimson Slaughter colors)

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This is why I think Kranon should have had his own character entry, and his Wargear and artifacts only available to him.


Putting him on a bike, and marking him Nurgle, he is no longer Lord Kranon the Relentless...

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This is why I think Kranon should have had his own character entry, and his Wargear and artifacts only available to him.


Putting him on a bike, and marking him Nurgle, he is no longer Lord Kranon the Relentless...


However, by putting him on a Bike, you actually make him Relentless.


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