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The Many (or Any) uses of the Mighty Lord Krannon


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I would have no issues with putting him on a bike, because that could easily be explained, although I personally still wouldn't do it because Krannon doesn't have a bike.  A Mark though just (IMO again) spits on the fluff.

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A bike is a thing you could get on and off of. See also jump packs, and fielding the same character with a bolt pistol one day and a plasma pistol the next.


A god marking you as His own is a bit less changeable.


Non-characters can throw marks away like tissue paper.

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A bike is a thing you could get on and off of. See also jump packs, and fielding the same character with a bolt pistol one day and a plasma pistol the next.


A god marking you as His own is a bit less changeable.


Non-characters can throw marks away like tissue paper.


No, they can't.


A god's icon will draw His eye to the squad for a time, letting the unit count as having the Mark for as long as the icon is on the table. But without the icon, His gaze moves on to His actual chosen. Once a champion actually is marked himself, it's there for good.

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You know what... I've given it some thought, and I take it back.  I understand the reasoning behind "counts as" marks and the similar things, and I'm okay with it.  What changed my mind?  Well, I like to create my own characters and not use special characters (or premade characters like Kranon) outside of special games, that way I can build my own fluff around my army even if it's part of a larger force.  But looking at the wargear list, I have to use a "counts as" if I want to take let's say Daemonheart, because fluffwise there's only one and Kranon has it and I doubt he'd give it to somebody else (and it's likely fused to him or something).  So because of that, if I can excuse counts-as for a specific thing, i can stretch it to include other things as well.  

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A bike is a thing you could get on and off of. See also jump packs, and fielding the same character with a bolt pistol one day and a plasma pistol the next.


A god marking you as His own is a bit less changeable.


Non-characters can throw marks away like tissue paper.


No, they can't.


A god's icon will draw His eye to the squad for a time, letting the unit count as having the Mark for as long as the icon is on the table. But without the icon, His gaze moves on to His actual chosen. Once a champion actually is marked himself, it's there for good.


I meant in terms of player modelling, not while in-battle.

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