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How would i go about getting this finish?

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I want to get the same sort of finish they have on their reds on a flyer i'm painting. I'm assuming its an airbrush job but i don't know much about that. I was thinking i might be able to achieve something similar by sponging on a couple of silvery/white colours to get a mottled pattern and then usings several coats of clear red from tamiya. 



BCK is basically correct, though the dark parts of the pattern were airbrushed red over the silver, before the red varnish. 


The process is detailed in Forge World's Model Master Class Vol 2, which I own, so if you want, I can go into more detail. 

I remembered most of it. When it first came out, a friend of mine bought one of these beasts and asked me to build and paint it for him, and FW emailed him the recipe. Shortly after that, he gave up on the game.


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