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What match up are you playing this weekend?


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I never see conversations like this in our board, and I'm not sure if they are appropriate or not.  Thought I'd stick my neck out and see if this generates any conversation.


So with that said, I've scheduled a 2,000 point match up verses Necrons at the LGS for tomorrow night.  My opponent just got a monolith that he's gonna try out, and I've just finished painting my Godhammer Landraider, so it finally gets to see the field as well.  I'm really pumped to put it out there and see what happens.  The winner of our match up is taking on an Eldar opponent afterwards.


I also intend to build and prime and base coat a Baal Predator.  I'm pretty excited about that.


Good weekend everyone!

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I've been in an escalation league, and they are behind so I am either playing against another son of Sanguinius or imperial guard.


At the top of the league right now it is a tau player and then the three of us. The meta is a little odd in the area, and most of the players are new. However, it is nice that Blood Angels are representing well.

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My local GW is just beginning an in-house campaign/escalation. Imperial forces are dropping in to help liberate/protect a forge world. The Flesh Tearers 4th Company will make planetfall and hopefully keep allied collateral damage to a minimum. I believe I may face the Archenemy tomorrow.
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My gaming group are playing a slightly altered planetary empires campaign. I'm playing an Raven Guard on Monday. I am going all jump infantry (assault squads, death company, jump libby, mephiston). I do have coteaz with some missile devs on a quad gun defence line.


Then the fun bit I have 8 infiltrating (from a bastion roll) terminators for giggles (using my space hulk models).


Not competitive but will be great fun.

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I'm not :( Hope to squeeze in a bit of painting though.

Same here!

I'm off to forge world open day next weekend, so taking Mum out for mothers day a week early, means no dice action for a fortnight :-(


Last weekend was fun though; finally cracked open Al's 2 indestructo-raiders: Pre heresy Death guard in land raiders with ceramite armour and flare shields (?)


I sent in 2 fragiosos to rip em apart and vindis to blow up the termi contents. In the end the fragiosos drew Fire so the vindis could get side shots and then jump troops mopped up the termis with plenty melta, thunder hammers, oh and Baal in support!

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Played Nurgleth CSM/Daemons last night at 2k, went in very gung ho with my Fragioso's who failed miserably at RHINO's for first blood but we're helped out by some scouts with a ML. Game was going alright until third turn when I had my worst shooting phase EVER on record which turned the game but hi-hum was still a fun game.


Played the scouring and lost 11-5 :(

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Played against a Thousand Sons army. We played BAO scenario three; despite my inability to deny the witch all game the survivors of the assault squad, the two who didn't hallucinate themselves to death, were able to drag the relic to my lines so a tact squad could grab it. While my Captain and Death Company held the center long enough to prevent Ahriman from counter attacking and grabbing the relic. And I managed to contest one of his back field objectives. Giving me the primary and secondary. Great game overall.


We each had a Knight Errant to try them out. They were okay, I killed his in HtH and then immediately died to lascannons.

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@Crimson Devil sounds like fun!  I'll admit that if I were to play Chaos, I'd really want to play Thousand Suns (I love their story line). 


I didn't actually get to play this weekend, and I've never played a pick up game at a game store, so I spent the night painting instead.  I got a lot of great work done, but it is not what I had planned.


I'm glad this thread got some attention, and I enjoyed reading about people's plans!

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A little late but it still counts....played a really interesting game on the weekend vs. chaos (my first game of 6th).


My friend who is a WAAC player always wipes the floor with me, so badly I stopped playing/wanting to learn how to play for a year (end of 5th). After a lot of reading of the new rules (I am still a "new blood") and planning my tactics I decided to concede to his requests to play again.


He had a lot better attitude this time and the game was "friendlier." I got to try a lot of units I haven't tried before mainly the Fragioso, drop pods and Raven oh and MEPHISTON! In short, careful planning paid off and I schooled him so bad he looked embarrassed when the dust cleared and a third of my points or so was still sitting on the table. Hopeful that I gained a bit of respect that day from him and looking forward to more friendly games in the future.

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Tonight got a 2k game against one of our clubs ToS regulars, so it will be against his 'nids or White Scars. Either way it will be a fun game as it always is against him. I will be back to my usual 2k list of:-


Two Fragioso

Jump Priest with Axe

Tac's in the 3rd pod

Two full RAS

Two dakka Baal's

3 Attack Bikes


Looking forward too it :)

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Here is fine if you like, but if you start a new thread I'll definitely read it there as well.


My Eldar opponent this past Friday destroyed/exploded my brand new Land Raider in the 1st shot of the game (opponent had initiative).  I had just spent 3 weeks building / painting the land raider, and it explodes in the first shot of the first match where it appears.  He destroyed my Rhino in with his 3rd shooting unit.   I was demoralized :)

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brand new Land Raider

That's the unwritten rule - every new toy must die on the first turn!


My game was against his Scars and ended a closely fought draw 3-3 playing The Relic on turn 5, though I would have won had it gone on longer as I was in a strong position. My Raven performed like a boss, owning two Stormtalons and swathes of troops, had to sacrifice Meph against his Chapter Master to keep the Relic though (Meph was on 4w against the CM's 1w but he just wouldn't fail a save) the Furioso's were pants again but Baal's and bikes did well.


Very enjoyable game :)

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Tonight I've got a practice game against Necrons for an upcoming tournament. We're both testing our lists for the same event, so there's probably going to be devious tactics flying around from both sides of the tabletop. I'm likely to be the aggressor in this particular matchup, so it'll be nice to see how my list fares after back-to-back victories as a defensive force. Expect a batrep too :D

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I get to fight against my brother's new eldar list, which will be rough, and a black legion list which is getting closer to being competitive. He's a new player, but I have been helping him with target selection, positioning units, fields of fire and the like. A few more months and he will be dangerous, faster if he ever switches to a thousand sons list. And I am designing a necron list for a friend who is going to start getting into the hobby. Man were they nerfed last codex. At some point I am going to get time to repaint my army, just not any time soon apparently. I hate fielding an unpainted army. Heh, I walked into a GW store looking for some chaos black, blood red, boltgun metal, etc, guy looked at me like I was speaking Klingon.
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I'm really happy how many people have participated in this discussion!  I'm on a work trip this week (international IT consulting) ... and I just scheduled a match verses Dark Angels to occur in one week from now.  Gonna go up against a bunch of bikes, I can sense it.

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brand new Land Raider

That's the unwritten rule - every new toy must die on the first turn!

My game was against his Scars and ended a closely fought draw 3-3 playing The Relic on turn 5, though I would have won had it gone on longer as I was in a strong position. My Raven performed like a boss, owning two Stormtalons and swathes of troops, had to sacrifice Meph against his Chapter Master to keep the Relic though (Meph was on 4w against the CM's 1w but he just wouldn't fail a save) the Furioso's were pants again but Baal's and bikes did well.

Very enjoyable game :)

From what I remember you popped my Sicarian 1st turn first time I used it. A brutal loss but helped me learn a lot about blood angels when I was just starting back into it.

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brand new Land Raider

That's the unwritten rule - every new toy must die on the first turn!

My game was against his Scars and ended a closely fought draw 3-3 playing The Relic on turn 5, though I would have won had it gone on longer as I was in a strong position. My Raven performed like a boss, owning two Stormtalons and swathes of troops, had to sacrifice Meph against his Chapter Master to keep the Relic though (Meph was on 4w against the CM's 1w but he just wouldn't fail a save) the Furioso's were pants again but Baal's and bikes did well.

Very enjoyable game :)

From what I remember you popped my Sicarian 1st turn first time I used it. A brutal loss but helped me learn a lot about blood angels when I was just starting back into it.
Heh, it was only because I was jealous of it!! :D
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