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What match up are you playing this weekend?


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I ended up playing against Dark Angels instead of Necrons ... and victory was mine, brothers!  It was an 1850 point match, and I won pretty resolutely ... which is a first for me for any match above 1250 points.  To be honest, my win record has been pretty low in 6th edition, and it feels good to break out of that slump.  I changed my tactics fairly drastically to do so.  I put a Baal Predator on the field which stole a lot of attention in the 1st round, allowing my Death Company to get into assault range and really do some damage.


I rarely play with Death Company.  I got a Land Raider about a month ago, though, and I was able deliver them untouched into close combat this match which proved to be unfortunate for my opponent.


I'll be honest in that I learned quite a bit about our army, and - combined with victory - that felt very good.



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