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Help me decide on a Warband!


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Fellow servants of the Dark Gods, I need your unholy assistance.


I'm torn between a band of corrupted Avenging Sons:





A Khornate band of Iron Warriors, Iron Slaughter:


http://i62.tinypic.com/dxmwdx.png < Chaos Marine        Khorne Beserker > http://i59.tinypic.com/2saxiys.png




Or a mixed warband of fallen loyalist chapters, mostly First founding, who retain their original colouration.




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That's part of the decision I'm trying to make, but at this stage it's more of an aesthetic thing. I'm putting rules behind colour scheme at this point teehee.gif

Although renegade does sound enticing... not being tied to a particular deity pirate.gif

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I'm liking the mixed Renegades. Do a search for a project log called 'The Pantokrators Fallen Men', it's an awesome take on the idea. I saw it on Warseer years ago, no idea if the guy ever posted it here.



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