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Chosenwing Brain-Fart

Trevak Dal

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The neat thing about chosen is of course the ability to take many special weapons and not have to be 10 man sized-though they are a bit overcosted.


Using the Black Legion supplement as a basis, a five man squad is going to cost 100 points base (adding the Vet tax).


Has anyone tried to run 5 man chosen squads with something like 2x Plasma 1 lascannon for 150 points with Huron as Warlord to inflitrate at least one squad


It's a lot more than say, Black Templars Crusader squads can cost...but we get 3 attacks base on these guys, and leadership 9 (...10?  Maybe, I think) + hatred Space Marines.  This unit is of course primarily designed for shooting-but when it comes to knuckling up, they can sell their lives dearly.


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I have a serious love of my 5 man Chosen squads. Though I tend to go with 2 units, each with either 5 Flamers, 5 Meltaguns or 5 Plasma Guns. I put them in Rhinos and they've never disappointed me.

They're one of those units that always seem to get under-estimated. Sure, they die like any other 5 Marines. But the damage they do (if they don't get killed early) is fantastic.

Dropping 5 with Plasma Guns in front of a Tactical squad usually results in between 5-8 casualties, the Marine player then decides - these have to either die or get locked in combat so they don't get to do that again next turn. So they charge, get over-watched, and then I point out that the Chosen have 2A basic, 2CCWs and Hatred (for 3A each with re-rolls to hit). Which usually means I get more attacks than the unit that charged me, with re-rolls to hit.

They're probably my favourite unit in the entire codex, not because they're overpowered or especially interesting rules wise. But they always seem to do something memorable, and the horrified look on my opponents face when they're unleashed is priceless.

I'm tempted by the idea of Huron leading a Black Legion Primary Detachment (for Chosen Troops), with a Crimson Slaughter Ally (for a unit with Preferred Enemy) and the Cypher Dataslate for 3 more units with infiltrate.

I doubt it would make me many friends at my local club though... msn-wink.gif

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This actually just motivated me to look through the Black Legion supplement and I am now contemplating running my Night Lords under those rules, yeah it's pricey but good lord I could be aggressive again with my Marine Squads, freaking 4 attacks on the charge? um yes please, and holy crap the Hand of Darkness is amazing! 

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I see the value in it, mostly because you can take the cheaper Autocannon instead of the more expensive lascannon. Paired with plasma guns, gives you a lot of S7 shots. 


Forms the basis of my mech list actually. :D

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Played with 5 man old style las/plas minimax. not efficient enough , without good ways to snipe stuff. Although the rare precision shots were fun .

How would you get precision shots? The basic dudes are not characters and the Champ can only be given stuff from the armoury (as I understood it).
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I tend to use the Black Legion as standard at the moment, running two, six man Chosen squads (sacred number of Slaanesh and all that) with the Mark of Slaanesh, VOTLW, kitted out with the maximum number of plasma guns and The Standard of Excess. Expensive, definitely, but they form a very, very solid core for my army. I've yet to be disappointed by their performance.

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Can you take abbaddon in a crimson slaughter list and have your preferred enemy chosen as troops. For plasma guns that would be epic

I think that upgrade is for only one unit of chosen man-it's an Artifact IIRC.

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Played with 5 man old style las/plas minimax. not efficient enough , without good ways to snipe stuff. Although the rare precision shots were fun .

How would you get precision shots? The basic dudes are not characters and the Champ can only be given stuff from the armoury (as I understood it).

Fue to the "up to four models" part of the options, the Champion can actually take one of those weapons listed, allowing you to take 4 special weapons for the remaining Chosen.


This means the 5 special weapon MSU Chosen that folks tend to take is perfectly legal.

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Btw there's always the Cypher option too.

Cypher doesn't grant infiltrate to the unit, and the Fallen Chosen are not scoring, but it's still fun to have them all infiltrate with ATSKNF, 10 men, 5 plasma guns and hit and run.
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Its a csm formation, so can be fielded alongside any other detachments or formations allowed to ally with csms. So guard could take the fallen formation, but woulf not then be allowed to ally with loyalist space marines, or include detachments of inquisition or imperial knights in the same army.
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Played with 5 man old style las/plas minimax. not efficient enough , without good ways to snipe stuff. Although the rare precision shots were fun .

How would you get precision shots? The basic dudes are not characters and the Champ can only be given stuff from the armoury (as I understood it).

Fue to the "up to four models" part of the options, the Champion can actually take one of those weapons listed, allowing you to take 4 special weapons for the remaining Chosen.

This means the 5 special weapon MSU Chosen that folks tend to take is perfectly legal.

Doh! Missed that, I just assumed it said "Up to four Chosen may take..." That's pretty kewl. smile.png
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Played with 5 man old style las/plas minimax. not efficient enough , without good ways to snipe stuff. Although the rare precision shots were fun .

How would you get precision shots? The basic dudes are not characters and the Champ can only be given stuff from the armoury (as I understood it).

Fue to the "up to four models" part of the options, the Champion can actually take one of those weapons listed, allowing you to take 4 special weapons for the remaining Chosen.

This means the 5 special weapon MSU Chosen that folks tend to take is perfectly legal.

Doh! Missed that, I just assumed it said "Up to four Chosen may take..." That's pretty kewl. smile.png

Mmmmhmmmm. Makes for some yummy plasma/melta sniping. ;)

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My only issue is that at the moment, in order for me to run a 5 x plas chosen squad I would need to buy 5 DV boxes or use regular marines and "fancy" them up to look like chosen. Really annoying that we wont be seeing any multi-kit chosen any time soon...

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Not necessarily. For a long time chosen haven't looked very different at all from regular marines. Most people I have seen just run typical CSM models with maybe some minor additions.

The "heavily possessed/mutated" look fits more with the new Crimson Slaughter fluff but doesn't really suit all chosen.

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Not necessarily. For a long time chosen haven't looked very different at all from regular marines. Most people I have seen just run typical CSM models with maybe some minor additions.

The "heavily possessed/mutated" look fits more with the new Crimson Slaughter fluff but doesn't really suit all chosen.

True, then again loyalists have Tactical kits as well as Sternguard. And also the Chosen from the DV boxes, even though they might be CS specific, do look like theyre a step above regular CSM. Might have to jump onto Ebay and buy a few sprues I guess..

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I'm going to try something like this, round about 1000 points or so:

Black Legion Supplement


ML3 Sorcerer, Familiar, Sigil of Corruption Vets.


5 chosen Champion (B/BP/CCW meltabomb) Plasma Gun x1, Missile Launcher x 3


5 Chosen Champion (B/BP/CCW Meltabomb) Plasma Gun x1, Lascannon


5 Chosen Champion (CombiMelta, BP, lightning claw) 2x Meltagun, power weapon x2


6 full troops-hitting at multiple directions at once.  Two assaulty-ier units, and 4 campy shooting units.

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