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Chosenwing Brain-Fart

Trevak Dal

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I'm going to try something like this, round about 1000 points or so:


Black Legion Supplement


ML3 Sorcerer, Familiar, Sigil of Corruption Vets.


5 chosen Champion (B/BP/CCW meltabomb) Plasma Gun x1, Missile Launcher x 3


5 Chosen Champion (B/BP/CCW Meltabomb) Plasma Gun x1, Lascannon


5 Chosen Champion (CombiMelta, BP, lightning claw) 2x Meltagun, power weapon x2


6 full troops-hitting at multiple directions at once.  Two assaulty-ier units, and 4 campy shooting units.


Im assuming you're going to roll heavy on Biomancy to get Endurance? Otherwise those Chosen won't be moving up the board too fast or be stuck without shooting their heavies..



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I'm going to try something like this, round about 1000 points or so:

Black Legion Supplement

ML3 Sorcerer, Familiar, Sigil of Corruption Vets.

3 units of 5 Chosen with Champion (B/BP/CCW meltabomb) Plasma Gun x1, Missile Launcher x 1

1 unit of 5 Chosen with Champion (B/BP/CCW Meltabomb) Plasma Gun x1, Lascannon

2 units of 5 Chosen with Champion (CombiMelta, BP, lightning claw) 2x Meltagun, power weapon

6 full troops-hitting at multiple directions at once.  Two assaulty-ier units, and 4 campy shooting units.


I assume that's what you mean?  (the missile launchers x3 bit confused me for a second).


This list could be interesting, however I personally would focus on special weapons and use Rhinos.


Something like:


Chaos Lord with the Burning Brand and VotLW - 100pts

2 units of 5 Chosen with 5 Meltaguns and VotLW in a Rhinos - 2x185 = 370pts

2 units of 5 Chosen with 5 Flamers and VotLW in Rhinos - 2x160 = 320pts

1 unit of 5 Chosen with 5 Plasma Guns and VotLW in a Rhino - 210pts

= 1000pts exactly.


Essentially would work like mounted infantry.  Could be quite fun, although how good it would be against some 1000pt armies I couldn't say.

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Damien: you'd need a black legion HQ, and a parent book troop choice to fill the slot requirements for the allied brand lord, as you can't take the brand on an HQ from a Black Legion supplement detachment (they have a different artifact list, and cannot take parent book artifacts).

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could be useful, but that's a good bit more expensive than either a shiverlord or a warpsmith, and would not have the melee ability of either.  In fact, after shooting the eye, such a character wouldn't have much utility at all.  In such a small points game, the eye can have a huge impact, but it's extremely situational for its cost (there has to be a vehicle worth shooting it at, and that's unlikely in this format), and even then it's very hit or miss (depending on, you know, whether it hits or misses).  Honestly, it's a 30-odd point option with a 70-odd point price tag, and you just can't get away with that kind of inefficiency in a small points game, especially when you're building your list off of 25 to 35 point dudes with the durability of 13 point dudes to begin with.

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Tbh this thread has really made me think differently about chosen. Maybe a small plasma/melta toting squad in a rhino is now gonna be my go-to troops choice...


They can keep up with the mauler/land raider rush and pump out some serious squad-devastating anti meq whilst also try and score.


Have to try it.

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It's worth trying out, but it does run into issues with being a hefty sum of points for a unit that doesn't take much firepower to bring down.  Against other small, elite armies  chosen spam can do pretty well, but against most forces they get overwhelmed and gunned down a bit too easily.  Usually I prefer to run a single larger chosen retinue for aesthetics and the ability to field a pair of specials and fit a character while still riding a transport, or a couple msu triple special weapon squads (especially with huron for infiltrate), or a couple msu single heavy squads.  Or maybe a single mid size special weapon spam unit with cypher as part of the fallen formation, which nets them infiltrate, hit & run, shroud, and ATSKNF.  I don't like multiple fallen squads - infiltrate is nice for chosen, but without hit & run and shroud non-scoring chosen just don't quite cut it for me, though I may try out CS chosen with preferred enemy, either as special spam (in which case I would go for the full 5.5 specials) or as a character escort.


But that's just my preference.


All in all, I wouldn't call chosen good from my experiences with them.  But neither would I call them bad - at least, not so much so that they become frustrating to play and start leeching the fun out of the game, as have possessed and large deep striking terminator retinues when I tried to field them.

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Tbh this thread has really made me think differently about chosen. Maybe a small plasma/melta toting squad in a rhino is now gonna be my go-to troops choice...


They can keep up with the mauler/land raider rush and pump out some serious squad-devastating anti meq whilst also try and score.


Have to try it.


Before you go rushing off and making a Plasma squad, think about this.


Chosen pay for extra attacks and their BP/CCW, but when you fire a rapid fire weapon, like the plasma gun, you cannot assault. For 25 less points you can get 5 Havocs with 4 Plasma Guns and a Combi-plasma on the Champion.  That's slightly less firepower without spending the points on extra combat capability that you likely wont need.


For my chosen, I prefer to take them in squads of 5 with flamers or meltas, that way I can still shoot and assault, plus 5 khorne chosen with flamers is just awesome to watch on the field.

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